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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. I've been doing okay. How about you?

  2. You have an interesting username. :) Yeah...getting new members is really tough right now...XD
  3. Haven't talked to you personally, but you seem pretty cool.
  4. Yeah, that limit always get me. XD

    But anyway, I still have yet to do any drafts here. I have to jump in on one sooner or later. May be a good experience for me to improve more.

  5. Hm, I see. The only problem I usually have with Lyn is that she's way too fragile, as to be expected for a myrmidon-like character. I'm afraid of placing her by any lance users or mages...But that's just personal experience from a casual player like me. Wil...eh, I've never used him too much, minus first playthrough. If only he had a higher growth rate in speed like Rebecca, I...

  6. I've been doing fine. Been trying to wrap up my FE7 recorded playthrough and all that.

  7. Interesting. I must keep an eye on this.
  8. Nah. It's going on two years since I've been out of HS, but I remember it all as clear as day, lol. As for Mega Man, yeah...I've just been playing the Classic and X series for nostalgia and all. Those have been with me since I was little. Grew up with MM. XD

  9. Hi, Hazuki! Been a while since we spoke.

  10. Whoa. That must have been quite the ordeal, man...I remember when I was still in school (Around 10th Grade, I believe), I failed two classes. That wasn't fun at all...but I still managed to graduate on time when 12th rolled around because I was pretty much forced to get more serious. I got lucky, lol. But I'm doing fine. Kicking back and playing some Mega Man games.

  11. Added ya. My new AIM's on my profile too.

  12. Huh...seems like my old account was cancelled. o.O I have to make another, but my browser is giving me problems at the moment. I'll let ya know when everything's straight.

  13. Didn't know you had AIM. I'm finally going to start using mine again. Mind if I add ya? :)

  14. Sup! Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  15. Let's see here. A big list here: This is a rather old reason for this thread, but I also dislike sports...watching them on TV anyway. I enjoy 'playing' basketball at least...I was even on the High School team in freshmen year, but quit midway because playing for a long time gets boring. But watching them...everyone I know...even my FAMILY thinks something's wrong with me there. When someone tries to talk to me about sports, I don't even understand half of the bull they are talking about. I'll admit that I'm not the social type. Even when I was still in school (May of this year will mark my second year out of HS ^.^ ), people would get annoyed when I would sit in class or on breaks and stay to myself, being quiet and not talking. I can not even TELL you how many times I got the question "Why are you so quiet?"...>_> ....people (And friends) used to think I was a ninja or something by how quiet I was or how I would end up behind them undetected for minutes. Don't see why people like to talk a lot...I mean, I had quite a few friends in High School, but that was the only time I actually socialized....and people look at me crazy when I don't want to go out to parties. Being around crowds of people and drinking 'til you are literally retarded is not my thing. I dislike alcohol anyway. I like the Archers of ANY of the FE games. I say that because most people hate the GBA Archers. I don't really care for tiers or growths in FE either. I just play...and go along with the people I like (Perfect example: My FE7 playthrough I'm doing on YouTube. Link to channel's in the siggy), as I get along just fine with that. But I do listen to others when they give their unbiased opinions. I like Ike. Cool and is my favorite swordsman next to Vergil from Devil May Cry. (I just wanted to say that, honestly XD ) I like music, but generally dislike talking about it. Period. Some people have many problems with my favorites, so I chose to either not talk about it or lie and say I hate music just to shut them up. I can't stand FPS like Halo or Call of Duty. I may like any type of game genre...but I wouldn't touch those. They are just boring and uninteresting. The only thing I can tolerate is the Metroid Prime series. I like Sonic '06. Seriously. I've seen an increased general dislike for the Mega Man Franchise over the years...I still love it. I grew up with Mega Man since I was four years old. I can NEVER forget the first time I played Mega Man X4.
  16. I know. It's just the simple fact that he's a Lion is the main reason why I stated he 'may' be of royalty
  17. Well, judging from the fact that Laguz commonly choose their leaders (And probably other Royalty) by strength, then I'd assume that they are of royalty. It would make sense for their style. That and in battles with them being "Other", the only Lion you do see is Skrimir. And Giffica being considered Caineghis' shadow, he may count as royalty as well (Not too sure on that). So that may seem to be one of the more logical ways of thinking on the lions. That's just me though.
  18. Meh...nothing much to say here.

  19. Ah, that's good. And I've been doing well myself. Been even more occupied with things this year though.

  20. Lol. Well, my times online are random. But most of the time, around here like the afternoon, but only stay around an hour or so. Probably getting caught up in reading a few topics here and there.
  21. I haven't been around this place too much lately. Just wondering how you are coming along these days. =)

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