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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. Being a HUGE Tales Series fan, I'd definitely recommend getting Symphonia if you can get your hands on it. The game is nice and long and the battle system is truly unique. The game also has amazing replay value (So do the others). So yeah, I think you'll really enjoy it. I would say more on it, but it'll end up being a large wall o' text in this post. XD I'd also recommend Tales of the Abyss for the PS2 to you, which that one is my favorite. Just in case if you get the game and beat it and desire more from the series.
  2. Lol, I was just surprised that you were registered here is all. Goes to show how little I pay attention... >_>

  3. Hey! Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay.
  4. No wonder your name and forum avatar looked so familiar...I know you from YouTube. XD (You are one of the users I'm subscribed to)

  5. Even though I like Mia more, I tend to use FE10 Lucia too much...despite knowing her short availability compared to the other Trueblades besides Stefan and low strength and defense growths (not using her on my current Hard Mode file of FE10 though because I know better...XD ). Eliwood's not all that bad, but he's not all that good either...but I still use him. It's mainly a habit of mines to take good care of the Lord units, is all.
  6. That's great! Good thing you have someone there who can help better than I can. Here's to hoping you remain virus-free for a long while!

  7. Yep, yep. As long as all the thing you need are fine. Glad I could help. =)

  8. No prob. And that may actually work best. A flash drive works really well for important files. Returning to factory condition may be your only option if System Restore still isn't available for you.

  9. I like your name. Kind of reminds me of my own for obvious reasons. XD

  10. Doing pretty awesome here myself, thanks. =) Just doing some fun gaming time over here.

  11. How are thing going on your end? :)

  12. Happy Birthday, Hazuki!

  13. Hi there! It's great to see more Rebecca fans. Other than Raven, she's my fave in FE7 too! Have a nice time here. You'll love it.
  14. Thank you. And I like Elincia too. I was able to bring her to Endgame in my last playthrough. I'm usually so unlucky in the Magic stat with her though. =(

  15. I guess it's just me being paranoid after distrusting a certain online community recently, but it's cool. I know things will go great here. :) As for my favorite character? It has always been Ike; battle and personality-wise. He's just like me almost...except physical description. XD

  16. Pretty great, thanks. Still trying to get more comfortable and active here, which is going along quite nicely. I still feel like a total stranger for some odd reason... XD

  17. Hey there. How's it going?

  18. Aw, get well soon, friend! :)

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