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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. I usually enjoy videos more than descriptions.
  2. Yeah, just keep your brother close and support him. He'll be fine. If anything, when he does get a reality check and thinks about how you kept faith in him the entire time, he'll be more open towards you in the future. As Helios said, it's a rough start, but you have to keep the effort flowing. LOL. I'm a terrible Christian. I could care less about that.
  3. ...Enough about fapping. More seriously, you've seen to miss my point just a tad, Nestling. I said that if you still are afraid of leaving him alone, try talking to him one-on-one at his convenience and make him comfortable with talking with you. Catch him while he's literally doing nothing. Maybe before he's heading to sleep when it's not a school night, or if he seems like he's in a good mood while not playing LoL. I still feel as though you are trying to make him change his lifestyle for your own desire. As cruel as that sounds, that's just the way I see it. If he doesn't want to change, it's his decision. We all have the will to do what we want with our life. It's true that his life can lead to a rather distant one and laziness, but that's just mere assumptions. You don't have his feelings. No one does. It's true that humans have the same feelings and emotions that they can relate to one another, but they express them differently. People may say they want to do a certain thing in the future they will enjoy, but that can change as easy as five seconds (exaggeration intended). Remember, he's still in school. he hasn't completely grown up yet. He may have experienced life, but he hasn't experienced most of it yet because technically, he's still a kid. It takes time...I should know, because I had an addiction to an online game. But over time, I grew out of it. I don't even spend my entire day on online games...I don't even play them anymore. I was distant from my family in school. I was always locked up playing my games while only eating, bathing, and sleeping as other things. To be honest, I still spend a lot of time on them...but not as much. It's because once I finally gained my so called 'freedom' from school, I realized that I had too much time on my hands and I can be doing more productive things with it. I found a good paying part time job and I'm saving my money to get a car and hopefully going to college some day. I'm going step by step at my own pace to feel more comfortable about life and what lies ahead of me. And due to certain situations in my life, I've grown closer to my family members of my household because of that free time before I found a job. I find myself going out with them a lot more often. Even with that, I still have some good time on my hands to play video games and other things I like for a few hours or so (If I'm not exhausted from work). Once again, I told that little bit about myself because your brother is like me in a sense. You can't rush him into a successful life that he probably doesn't even want anymore. It'll make his life miserable because he was pushed into it. He probably has a different life goal in mind, but afraid of it being rejected if he discussed it with someone. With having that feeling of confusion and doubt, he's probably sought out for things to pass the time. His freedom of decision making would feel stripped from him if he was forced into something. Now, these are just mere examples of what he would feel, as I don't know him at all. But regardless, you just can't handle someone's situation the way you want to. It's not fair to them.I'll be quite blunt here...and I hate to put it this way, but it seems like I have no other choice because that's how my point will cross. All you are doing here is making paranoid assumptions of your brother's life without even trying to consult him about his inner feelings on the matter. Saying that your own family member is emotionless is cruel. He's most likely just bottling everything up. You are his brother, so make him feel comfortable about expressing his feelings to you. If you truly care for him, then don't discriminate about any new choices he has made about his life. There's nothing an individual can gain from gaming for the rest of their life, so he's bound to have something going on in his head that he can't sort out on his own. It's up to you, not just as a sibling, but as a friend to help him live the way he wants to.
  4. Haha, thanks man. Yeah, I just had to get more adjusted to the job. Everything's all cool now.

  5. I don't know if what I'll say is going to help you, but I'll say it anyway just to be on the safe side. Just in case you do get something out of it. I read your entire post, and in a sense, your brother is sort of like me. I was quiet in High School and I didn't like talking that much (Hell, I still don't), though I'm not a genius. Unlike most people, I didn't make such a big deal out of education after High School. I do have certain goals I want to achieve, but rushing into them isn't my style. If nothing happens to me during this long life, there is always time. I didn't participate in any sort of extracurricular activities in school, nor clubs. I want to create my own path to success at my own pace and own ways. Now, I have no idea if your brother thinks that way. But my point is that because we share some similarities, he may be hiding most of his feelings towards things openly and bottling himself up in the process because he may have felt that at some point, the path he was walking was starting to feel meaningless and he didn't want to take it anymore. And because of that, he may be confused if his way of thinking is right or wrong. Since he's the only one that knows what's going on in his head, the best thing you could just wait for him to come around. If you try to push things on him, he'll only become more distant. Patience is a key factor here. If you are afraid of leaving him alone, try your best to convey to him in a one-on-one serious talk that he can talk to you about anything that's on his mind about his future...or just anything in general. If he seems to not be interested, then wait for a better and more convenient opportunity to rise for him. If he seems like he's in a good mood and isn't really doing anything that would distract his mind, approach. There's also something else that I want to get off my back...but don't take it the wrong way. I've been raised under the same believes in religion as you have...though I have mixed feelings compared to other Christians that can't be made too public because where I live, you'll get some pretty mean looks coming your way if you have different feelings towards God or the religion itself. It's true that someone with his smarts have the potential to become someone very successful in the future. But he has the right to do whatever he desires with his talents without fear of rejection of his own goal. Even if he doesn't want to use them for anything at all. Not every human being follows the same lifestyle and methods, even if they are raised by the same standards or even in the same family. I won't get into any intricate details of my mixed beliefs, as I don't want to start a religious debate (I despise having those with a passion). But if you do manage to get some info out of your brother and he wants to follow a different path than one you think he can benefit more from, then allow him. There is no right or wrong in which you want to spend your life, as it's yours and no one else. But overall, I understand your concern for your brother...I have two of them, plus a sister (I'm the youngest though). All four of us have rather complicated lives and I myself can't stand the feeling of something bad happening to them, whether it be a similar situation like your brother or even life-threatening. One of my two brothers has changed so drastically from the person I knew back then...not the same situation as yours though. I don't want to spill my brother's (Or any of my siblings for that matter) business over the internet, but I'll just make his situation worse if I try to push anything on him. He's a stubborn one...way more stubborn than I am...and that's saying a lot right there. XD I know your brother is about to get out of school soon and college is just around the corner for him. But regardless, try to take it slow with him. Once he opens up more, you both will feel more secure.
  6. I punched a hole in my door. Never realized how strong my punches were until recently. Nothing else too interesting about me.
  7. You got me down perfectly! Your opinion is probably the most accurate I've seen so far. Even though I won't go into deep detail (Because I don't like sharing my business too much), I'm actually quite short tempered. Just that I'm actually good at keeping it unknown. I just hope that nothing in the future here will cause it to openly show. Though it's ironic because I don't like the water affinity/element that much! XD
  8. Mah boi. As others mentioned, he has quite a challenging start. But it isn't so bad. Given the load of fighters/bandits you fight in early game, he has WTA for a nice bit of early game to give him a nice boost start to keep up with the other Greil Mercenaries. With growth rates like that (Plus any band of your choice), RNG screwage is close to rare. Though he'll most likely still have problems dealing damage and taking it if he refuses to gain any strength/defense on the first few level ups. Mid-game, he still has his uses. Since this is HM, he won't jump to level 20 until around say...Chapter 14-16 ish if you are constantly putting him to work and trying to level everyone up equally to at least have a few promoted before he does. Given that he promotes just about 2-3 chapters after that, you basically won't have to wait too long to start placing him back in the front lines. From mid to late, he destroys the game. Literally. By promotion and on Chapter 18-19, he's already solid enough to be late game material after a couple of level ups. He receives some pretty sweet promotional gains (Mainly +3 gains in certain stats). He then breaks the game if you feed him an occult. Though against the Black Knight and Ashnard, it's a little unreliable that Aether is your only hope to dish out some good damage for the kill if you don't want to waste skills on Ike for those battles only, since those skills can go to better candidates who need them more desperately than he does. But that's only if you want Nasir (Not factoring him in my rating). :\ I have no hesitations on giving my favorite character a 10/10. Not because of bias, but he's most likely one of the best Beorc units to have on your team. Plus he's forced. Takes little effort to make him tough as a rock.
  9. megamanwiz (Should show up as Nicholas)
  10. It isn't important, but a little update here: So now it's officially been a month since I've been working there. Register stress has died down DRASTICALLY. I'm still generally uncomfortable with it, but not everyone likes their job. I still have the occasional "complicated" people, but that was shrugged off the moment I stepped behind the register on the first day. You're not really supposed to take customer disputes personal anyway. But besides that, I found out some interesting things during the duration of my time working there... Now, my manager told me that when I was first hired, I would 'rarely' work the cash register. But for some reason, I've been working it every day all of a sudden. But as time went by, I just said to myself "screw it". If I'm doing fine now, then no need to worry about what I'm doing in the first place. But then the other day, one of my co-workers (Asst. Manager) came up and had a conversation with me on my break...but she basically talked to me about if I was wondering why I'm working the register A LOT instead of what I was really hired for. Me, who had nothing to say in response at the time, just allowed her to keep talking. But she said that they put me on it every day I work mainly because they don't want to do it and they were waiting for someone to pin it on. My reaction: Just shrugged it off and just laughed as the convo went on and ended. [spoiler=My inside reaction] FUUUUUUUUUU--!! Hahaha, more seriously though, it was actually quite the motivation to just chill and just keep doing what I'm doing to better myself at the job. It makes me feel a lot better about my job because it showed me that I can do way better than my fellow employees when it comes to tasks they loathe. Even the manager. They actually aren't supposed to hand over other employees tasks/jobs that they themselves were specifically assigned to. But since I'm nothing but a simple Sales Associate, not much I can do but just go with the flow. So, this is pretty much a solved issue. A big thanks goes out to everyone who gave me advice. It was a great help.
  11. Hahaha, understandable. It's cool. Even though I post a lot more compared to months ago, I'm still a part of the shadows. XD
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyVY-8tt-Ng&feature=g-vrec&context=G2a9f33bRVAAAAAAAAAA Ahh, part of my childhood memories here...
  13. Haha, well I'd be willing to be friends with anyone here. But since I have to state specific names for this thread: Darros, Furetchen, Freohr Datia, a few of the mods, Luminescent Blade.
  14. ...Dude, you just contradicted yourself so badly. You and that guy in the video are the same if you really think that way. Yes, racists aren't the best people around, but you can't do anything about it. That guy's wishing death on the Japanese while you're doing the same to him because of what he believes. Come on, Crash. I expected a little better from you. I'm actually disappointed in your way of thinking... Regarding the video itself, that's just sad. Maybe he was simply raised to resent the Japanese? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. But...this is our world for you.
  15. Why not? I'd like to hear your opinion about me.
  16. Happy Birthday! Continue to dance all day!

  17. Man, and I thought I had really bad days... That was a close call. But I agree with Helios. That guy was an ass. At least you handled that well than most people would have. Good luck to ya with the future.
  18. Just as everyone else above said with the controller. :) Personally speaking, you can start off on any Mega Man game you want. My mind's all fuzzy on which of the series I started with first, because was around 4 at the time, lol. Though I'd say start retro first.
  19. I've beaten this game about 6 or more times, at least. Once I finish my HM run, that'll make 7. I would have picked the choice that I have used all characters, but I haven't used every single Laguz unit. Lethe and Mordecai were great in PoR, but I never had the motivation to use them in RD. Those two, along with Lyre and Kyza. Never even touched Fiona yet either.
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