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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I-It's a good thing! ...Oh. I just noticed that. Whoops. :V
  2. I suppose. It would be in awe though :V Can't...resist...charm...
  3. Yay, NTG is happy. :sparkles: Eh, do what you feel like. I know Aless would drop his jaw if Laylea did that to him. :V
  4. Oh, don't worry. I don't know. I was very on and off for awhile. I'd say do one again for lulz, but eh.
  5. Okay, I suppose. Odd reflexes then. I actually remember you did a charm dance once. But that all got wiped during that one time when Jyo forgot to make a backup or something.
  6. There's no need to be flustered. I remember when Bianchi was RPing as a very crazy Sylvia and did that charm dance thingy. 'Twas weird. And of course, the whole Arthur/Ishtar/Aless thing. Looking back, was really odd.
  7. Wut? I feel like I'm back in the glory days of the thread with this avatar. :V
  8. Indeed. Then again, it's been awhile... :sparkle:
  9. It will be donebwhen I get home. Which will be in like 10-15 minutes.
  10. More like I was never around when she was :X
  11. How goes it? Maybe I should switch to Aless for now when I get home. :3
  12. Like I said: At beck and call, NTG. :sparkle:
  13. I said hi on Vocaroo, NTG... <3

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