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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I meant in the FE4 thread. Obviously you've got amusement otherwise. :V I've got Sonic CD on Steam, but that's about it. And that was gifted to me. I kinda can't buy stuff on Steam. Even then, I think much of it wouldn't work. My computer's powerful enough, but the video card sucks ass.
  2. You had amusement. Like when Seph started shoving radishes down everyone's throats.
  3. I remember when Sirius liked chaos.
  4. Eee...vocaroo for Laylea!NTG. Good luck on the studying, NTG.
  5. I can do that, I believe, NTG. I just like keeping things concise is all. Also I think that's more than 10. :V
  6. Can't...resist...sparkly Laylea. @_@
  7. Oh, I know that. Lost forever and all that. Meh to that is all I gotta say.
  8. Long live Fia. The birthmother of this awesome abomination! :D
  9. It probably would. Appreciate the understanding.
  10. Be Laylea. Unfortunately, I have this thing about anonymity over the internet.
  11. I'll go against the norm and say she's not worst. Even at this moment. :|
  12. Oh that...now I remember. I've been away for way too long.
  13. ...There's a FE4 Thread archive? o_O
  14. Vincent is posting. I never thought I'd see the day. Just seeing the italics. THE ITALICS.
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