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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I chuck cream pies at those ones.
  2. It certainly beats Slash as Maria's theme. :\
  3. See this post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14905&view=findpost&p=1551873 PSP Maria is pathetic.
  4. No. PSP version dumbed Maria down to how she was in Rondo. And got rid of Guardian as her boss theme. :( Saturn: PSP:
  5. Luckily, I meant the Saturn version. Not the overdone PS1 version. No. *Chucks Paper Airplane*
  6. It is. A pity he himself is piss easy. More fitting for Saturn!Maria.
  7. OoE has Sorrow's Distortion. SORROW'S DISTORTION.
  8. In Richter mode, maybe. *Chucks a cream pie*
  9. I recently got Portrait of Ruin, that's why. Completed the set.
  10. Combination of busyness and forgetfulness. :\ An evolution would probably make it less annoying actually. Plus free EXP.
  11. Right. Man I miss the faster days.
  12. Good news. The chaos that can erupt from this.
  13. And that is when the cycle will repeat
  14. NTG no longer has Audino? I approve.
  15. Link's Awakening DX, eh? Not bad, not bad at all.
  16. I caught Kyurem. And I got to hear the battle theme for more than 5 seconds since Kyurem doesn't have the same catch rate as Reshiram/Zekrom. :P
  17. Throh's a defensive wall. And Storm Throw is awesome.
  18. I traded someone a Throh named Rawk to go along with Sawk. Rawk and Sawk. Red and Blue. You do the math. :U
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