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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Sure. Why not? It more than likely won't win but some competition is better than no competition. Provided other people submit entries that is.
  2. Yeah I got lazy with this one. Troubadour Vanessa.
  3. I was going to make him a mummy but somehow I ended up making him into a Frankenstein.
  4. Screw it. What's the worst that could happen?
  5. Swordmaster Narshen. I really hate his MJ glove.
  6. sorry for late reply. im stressed but tomorrow ends my worries :D

  7. I'm doing ok. And you?

  8. Looks like bows are going to be popular this week. Kent as an Archer/Sniper.
  9. I like fancy words what can I say? Anyway I've been spriting on and off for about a year or so. After entering a few of the spriting contests on Shrine of Seals and just recently entering in one here I've decided that I should probably make one of these sprite galleries. Here goes nothing I guess. Previous Contest Entries - Lets just get these out of the way... Rebecca, Nino, and Serra Not my exact entry ( I changed up the colors) Looking back it seems way too simple to me Nergal, Kaim, and Murdock I was not of fan of this set but it still turned out relatively ok Louise, Fir, and Eleanora (twas an open splice competition) Another entry that, looking back, is a bit too simple in my opinion Neimi, Brunya, and Ursula My personal favorite out of all my contest entries (so far) It's far from perfect but still... Sain, Jerme, Aion, Canas, and Hugh My entry in the reclassing competition. I accidentally forgot to save the original version and had to remake it. Turned out for the best though. I like this version alot more than the original one Misc. Sprites - Sprites I made in my free time *NEW* / There are two versions of this guy because I couldn't decide which one I liked better. Headband or no? My avi over at Shrine of Seals. He originally had Cameron's armor but I changed it to Zonta's armor. I'll probably change it again if I ever stop being lazy and that won't be any time soon. The angle of his head doesn't really sit right with me. My avi here. The shading on the shoulder pads seem off to me. Especially his right (our left) shoulder pad. What's not wrong with this sprite? I'll probably end up remaking her in the future. The picture in my brain and the picture that I ended up were two completely different things. Definitely one of my lazier sprites. Orson and the beta versions of Kyle and Forde. Another lazy one. Lyn, Farina, and a bit of Natalie for good measure. The pony tail looks a bit off now that I think about it. Third times the charm. Marisa, L'Arachel, and one of the random villagers. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too lazy. Rejects - This is where my unwanted sprites will come to die Believe it or not this was for a contest. We had to make a meme face. I can honestly say I have no love for this sprite. Bad neck shading is bad. High coat collar is high. Horrible contest entry is horrible. NEXT!! A very, very, very poorly done Zihark. Apologies to all Zihark fans out there. If I make any more sprites they'll probably end up here as well. Here being the thread in general and hopefully not the reject pile.
  10. I might not have made him into a Pegasus knight but an entry is an entry right? It's Sain as a mage/sage.
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