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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. I could use bulalo right now. And three cups of steaming white rice to go along with it. WYR play hide-and-dragonseek with Nowi or gamble with Joshua?
  2. Not into birbs lol. Slow day at the office, so I'm peppering you with these queries XD The two anime series I've mentioned deal heavily with philosophical themes, and are quasi-police procedurals themselves. " Operation Paperclip" was the name of a program that brought German scientists to America after the end of WWII. Apart from getting the US advancements in rocket science that ultimately helped man land on the moon, the program's seedy underbelly also delved into chemical and biological warfare, which was predicated by the threat of total war with the Soviets. The book by Annie Jacobsen really discusses the program in such expansive detail, more than I can posit myself in a single paragraph. In short, GET IT. It's interesting stuff. If you can travel back in time to a historical event and been given authority to make a change, which event would it be? Do you see yourself giving up meat? Which Fire Emblem character do you least identify with? Are you a mythology buff too? Favorite kind of pasta?
  3. Have you ever watched Ergo Proxy or Ghost in the Shell? Given that you're currently in Switzerland, you probably felt the need to pick up another language aside from English—French and German are but a few of the foreign languages you probably hear on a regular basis as you go about your day outside your lodging. Which language would you really want to learn, and why? Ever heard of Operation Paperclip? Most bizarre food item you've had so far in your Swiss sojourn? Strange experience involving a pizza?
  4. LOLWUT Favorite sandwich? Which is your preferred caffeine delivery system: coffee, tea, or cola? Coke or Pepsi? Thoughts on rootbeer? French fries: with skin or without?
  5. Too much tomatoes/onions/garlic/cheese/ground beef? Yeah, that happens to me too. In which case I get a beer. :P Ever seen a Ferrari with more than three coats of primer paint?
  6. People like the cut of her jib. Whatever happened to alpha-carotene?
  7. Nope, questions 2 and 3 are not related :P Aside from the OG GBA, what other classic game consoles/handhelds do you own? Ever traveled to a different country? Are you a history buff? Which country would you like most to visit, and why? Which musical instrument interests you enough to pick up, aside from the piano?
  8. The reason I brought up Blade Runner is because it's one of the inspirations of Psycho-Pass, along with 1984 and Minority Report. Lots of the shit Saiga and Makishima brought up are worth reading, too. Favorite way to cook eggs? How high is your pain tolerance (physical)? Are you into martial arts? Do you loathe pop music? Do you play a musical instrument?
  9. FE: Three Houses won't be released until early next year, so don't worry. And yeah, cheers!
  10. I would. So I can go on a killing spree with a soup spoon, a handkerchief and tube socks. Ever tried boiling envelopes for soup stock?
  11. Your Xenoblade AU fanfiction, provided it has dragons. WYR learn to cut sushi under a chef who swears worse than Gordon Ramsay or learn differential calculus under a teacher who's a slacker?
  12. Yellow. XD Aside from Psycho-Pass, what other anime series are you fond of? You a fan of Blade Runner? Do you drink? What was the last book you read? Still looking for that GBA adapter, aren't ya?
  13. Unicorn. I don't wanna fly. Which of these dead-end businesses would you rather engage in: a shoeshine stand at the beach, or a bookstore in a village full of illiterates?
  14. Has actually tasted banana split ice cream.
  15. You might wanna specify. There are lots of unhappy and touchy bois.
  16. Granted, Makishima Shogo is a tough act to follow, but I'd like to think that Kirito Kamui has his merits. True, the guys behind the series may have wanted to "go smaller," but it didn't feel that way; Kirito and the whole "WC?" premise served to make the plot progress, and we have Togane Sakuya and his machinations unraveling in the latter episodes.
  17. Just finished Psycho Pass 2 over the weekend. @(s)ad touch, aside from the concepts of group dynamics and a collective mind being more subtly introduced (by comparison, Season One wore its references on its shirt sleeves), I found the second show to be a little more straightforward than the first. Do you share the same impression?
  18. Make them have a tragic flaw. Do you add beer to your chili?
  19. All seasons of Sengoku Basara, Texhnolyze, and Lucky Star to wash down the gloom and doom from the second item XD And, Nino's FEH smile. Worth protecting.
  20. Elementary school teacher. Corrupting impressionable minds is more tempting than being an advocate of the Sweet Science. WYR teach Setsuna to dodge traps or Azama to be more religious?
  21. If you're toying around with the idea of a multi-merge Seth, Safeguard can make him a veritable wall, along with Close Defense and Guard.
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