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Posts posted by Novus

  1. On 7/1/2018 at 4:35 PM, Aera said:

    PoC/LGBT characters require world-building whereas the heterosexual/cisgender white character simply exists. As you said, the problem is rooted in using European people and culture as the standard. 


    This is why I think it’d be a nice idea to have a country/continent based on Asia (not Japan please), South America , or Africa. Places where white people will be the ones that require world building in order to not look out of place. Personally I’d love to see an Indian country (because I’m half Indian half English lol)

  2. 16 hours ago, Talcinel said:


    - For the love of god, I hope they don't make Byleth a major/main character. Just let him be another unit in the military. The teacher angle sounds great! Having Byleth guide/teach the Lords about battle for game play and stat/skill building reasons, but not having him/her making decisions for them would be the best case scenario



    This is pretty good! I’m hoping byleth ends up pointing their students in the right direction at least. Not outright making decisions for them. That’s not what a teacher does. They should just show edelgard and co. the right things to do by giving THEM options to choose from, that would be interesting. I can’t wait to see how they handle the role of a teacher now! 

  3. On 6/16/2018 at 6:12 AM, Kahvi said:


    Byleth - I still hope he isn't an avatar. The problem I have with most avatar characters is that they have a personality and backstory that distinctly isn't "me" but the game sure likes to act like that it is Really, most of the time the character isn't even anything I'd create as an oc. Regardless, FE has this weird problem where it feels that it's necessary for every other character to suck up to them because they seem to be afraid that someone might get upset if another character would call their precious little avatar a meanie. Even if some character doesn't like the avatar, they either change their mind or are portrayed as a bad guy. That kind of behaviour has the exact opposite effect for me. Now, the same problem does apply to most main lords but I feel like the it isn't quite as bad for them as it's for avatars.

    tl;dr If Byleth is indeed the avatar, I'm not going to like him.


    True I suppose. I personally do want him to be an avatar but not like robin and Corrin. I’m assuming you’re aware of what the summoner from heroes is like? They are entirely self insert and even from our world. Of course IS won’t make byleth be from here, but I’d like him to be like the summoner. Not in your face but still a little important. All I want from him being the avatar is customization and me being a part of things tbh??. But personality wise, I just want it to be easy to self insert.

  4. I’m seeing so many negative responses to the squad thing. This IS a war you know? Before it was just you and your rag tag group of buds going on a dragon adventure.  but this is beginning to look like a real war instead of like two football teams having a go at each other with everyone on one team wearing completely different stuff. There may not be as many characters but I’m sure there will be a few in each group. It’s better this way imo.

    as for the plot this is how I think it might go down:

    I’m hoping for a lot of internal and political  conflicts between the Church and the three houses. The Church may end up doing something to split the houses up and cause them to have battles amongst each other while they watch as the houses try to destroy each other. The other cause behind this might be the crests edelgard was talking about. She and our avatar might help the other houses realize what the Church is doing.

    the Church itself is definitely based on Western European Church. Look at its design when the avatar is running around. I personally hope the setting is like England. (Because I’m English lol) and I’m REALLY hoping we get more accents this time. It’s really not that hard like Lasnigo did it, even though it sounded obviously fake, he still did it! I’m sure it’s gonna be along the lines of British, French and German, though. I’m definitely looking forward to the internal conflict, and the whole game itself!

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