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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. I was making a joke, just like me asking refa to go read Fenrir's wall for me was a joke too Thought you could use some guidance
  2. Wait a sec...what is that? ENHANCE
  3. What'd you think of Fenrir's wall? I seriously haven't looked at it how about u do it for me
  4. Oh and why is Shinori there? He made me laugh when he said Nuxl was uninteresting LOL I'm biased to those who entertain me
  5. I am in that state of the game where I feel like I've said enough about Duskfall but if people aren't understanding I'll try to bring it to a science. I don't wanna write a paragraph about this, my thoughts aren't that complex when it comes to him. General things he does and the way he imposes on the thread bother me. Exhibit A: His interaction with Mitsuru. Mitsuru calls him out on behavior she seems unacceptable and Dusk retorts by saying it looks like OMGUS to him because he was first to call her out in his eyes. Conversation happens and he pops a vote on Mitsuru. You can call it petty but Dusk waited for the moment Mitsuru disengaged to do this and that didn't sit right with me. Exhibit B: Moving on from that last point, Dusk makes decisions very quickly I feel, not taking the time to let something sit with him rather calling it as he sees it. I can understand Nuxl's perspective how this is town, I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of 'this is meta' or whatever. Me personally? I don't have that crutch. His progression just doesn't seem natural, not sure if he's putting a lot of thought into what he's saying. I feel like with this type of behavior he would be taking more risks but instead he sticks to the ideal of cause-effect where the cause someone pushes him and the effect being he pushes back. See: He voted me after I didn't answer his q. Exh- Eh, I'm over this format. He could just be a very jumpy and reactionary player, am I wrong to ignore Nuxl and is my judgment too harsh? I'll give him credit in some places where his snap decisions look really genuine, like when I asked him why he kept spouting rhetroic and he responded 'cause it helps people understand me more.' Really tugged the heartstrings. Your thoughts?
  6. Wouldn't lynch today - Refa, Darth, Athena, Me!!! Would need to be convinced to lynch - Ichigo, Shinori, Nuxl No strong opinion - Mitsuru, hal, Marth (literally hasnt posted wtf) Concerned about - Fleet, Fenrir Would lynch - Duskfall
  7. (In case that didn't make sense, I'm asking you to post a readslist)
  8. We're playing a game of EiMM right now but instead of alias swapping we swap reads instead sound fair?
  9. Honestly no I haven't seen your progression which is kinda why I'm on you in the first place. Where is it now then?
  10. Do you really honestly think Mitsuru is still scum for like.. two posts Like, that moment has come and gone, I find it hard to believe you'd still be holding onto something so weak
  11. Things take time, I just don't believe in instantly revealing my hand. When I said "I don't know" (think this was a couple of pages back) my paragraph explained that I felt Dusk was more likely to be scum and you were more likely to be town, so I think you just misunderstood.
  12. Why do you need to remind people about mafia rhetoric all the time as if we're all inexperienced
  13. Isn't this just theorycrafting on your part and confirmation bias beacuse I didn't react in a way you expected?
  14. So, I'm just really confused right now honestly. Dusk, you start off with not liking Mitsuru based on the content of her first two posts. Words you said explictly were "OMGUS" or something along the lines. Fast forward to now and it's 11 pages in, I ask you 'whats your thoughts on things' maybe around the ~5 page mark, and you give me the most cop-out answer possible which is "I dunno too early to tell" which is funny because you were voting Mitsuru by this time. I kept a cursory glance to see if your interest in developing reads has happened but I haven't got that vibe and that brings me to even more confusion why people are townreading you. You commented to Nuxl that you agree scum is in your wagon, I say 'well of course if you're voting Mitsuru who you said was scum' and then you say 'In case I'm wrong' then vote me because I didn't answer your question?? Like.. run your thought process here for a minute. Are both me and Mitsuru scum? Did I suddenly take priority because I didn't answer your questions? Like yes, you post and I think you're trying to do something but I honestly don't think it's too revealing, which at this point I consider you a constant presence in the thread and would have plenty of other things to be concerned about instead of twiddling your thumbs and waiting for Mitsuru to post content.
  15. If you can show me where I said that I'll literally vote myself. I didn't think your questions were worth answering, I want you to do more besides make heavy-handed statements and retreat behind Nuxl anytime something bad happens for you lmao
  16. Why do you need to fight Dusk's battles for him
  17. If you're scumreading Mitsuru still then uhh why wouldnt you lol
  18. Kinda plays into what I said about Dusk honestly. I stick to what I said about him before earlier on (see: distraction scum/easy read as town). What do you see him as? I'm leaning on the side of easy read but figuring out Dusk first will help with that, hence still sticking to my vote. If I'm wrong I'll sheep you on Fenrir I GUESS
  19. In hindsight, the conversation about Refa/Mitsuru was being made out to be important than it actually was. Reading Nuxl/Dusk in this exchange there is an urgency in their posts, but as I played along I felt like I wasn't really getting anything out of either; Refa picked up a good point about Fenrir (I was thinking the same myself). When it comes to Nuxl/Dusk I find their behavior to be even more telling in a vacuum. I dunno if I mentioned it but I'm like sitting at variably confident and egotistically confident that if Dusk is scum he's riding the coattails of Nuxl because it's something he can comfortably rely on. Not building a case on this fact but in terms of his individual behavior I don't like certain things, such as how Dusk had to exemplify that he was a helper but his attitude and posts don't seem very helpful, more or less trying to get by. There's a lot of posturing to it and the vibe I got is that Dusk has a basic understanding of how a townie acts but like..I dunno if he's actually town. I think one thing I'll give him credit for is being self-aware but it's almost to a fault, and basically why I don't like him. Other small gripes include non-committal to my response despite voting Mitsuru prior to it and having numbers in his name maybe. As for Nuxl? I talked a decent bit about it and I think Dusk is the uhh more Interesting person here. It's funny, I initially didn't like Mitsuru and I was thinking 'wow Dusk's vote is pretty good' but then I feel like he hasn't taken the opportunity to expand that vote at all or why he's still on it lol
  20. Had a moment where I thought one of him/Dusk is scum but not both, unsure about your TR on Dusk, like your vote on fenrir but will talk more when it's not 3 am.
  21. Still townread him? I think Mitsuru/Nuxl interaction is something that is incredibly hard to be forced as partners.
  22. K well the whole reason you unvoted her is based on the fact she gave you a pass for scumreading her posts based on tone (and roleplaying), so I don't know why you're uh..saying you don't know. I'm not trying to get involved in circular logic but like you spent not even 3 posts before you decided what you did what a misunderstanding. So if you think that, why unvote? If I had a nitpick about I feel like you are often interjecting or sprinkling your thoughts in places where I don't feel it's necessary, but maybe Dusk could tell me more what that means
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