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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. Talk to me about your reads but try to do in the simplest way possible. Are up to this challenge?
  2. That's because none of the current wagons were in line with who I wanted to vote, I again talked about this where I said that I felt like my vote would be worthless on Bart despite my own decadence I handwaved it because it didn't interest me. I said this to Athena but how was I trying to avoid attention by proclaiming I wanted to CFD onto you and even signaled Via to follow me? I can't imagine my plan of not wanting to get attention worked because I've got plenty of it now.
  3. I appreciate that you agree but still am wondering where your head is at right now @Shinori
  4. See: Stubborn fuck but It's not like I would throw myself in front of Amy slot especially in light of the fact she and her replacement are not even here. I had it in my head earlier on Refa/Amy had one but not both.
  5. Occam's razor to me suggests at least one person on that Ichigo wagon. No way scum just outright ignores the potential to get towncred as Ichigo wasn't exactly the most revered person on D1. When it comes to the other two? It's a bit more messy, but I talked about my PoE so let's go from there. Curious what Jester says knowing that his argument about me sitting on marth is not even true lol
  6. The funniest scenario to me is what I talked about where the mods made an error and said I was still voting Marth when I unvoted him long ago, so in some way that Marth wagon could've had mislead scum thinking I was still voting him trying to insinuate behavior that wasn't even true in the first place (Cough Jester Cough)
  7. Talked about it with Athena on this page I believe but in terms of priority something like Bart > Jester > You > Shinori = Sully. It's a precarious situation but even if I'm wrong about Bart I wouldn't clear Sully but it's also hard to push cause yeah you get the point. Jester responded to me saying something along the lines of 'well I can't really say anything if you're scumreading for something Refa has done' which is not true and his catchup did not impress me nor do I feel like he took that feedback he gave to the thread to heart.
  8. Right now I truly and genuinely wanna kick back into gear on Bart but hey are you tired of hearing me saying this cause I'm tired of saying it. Other than that I think Sully/Shinori definitely needs more prodding and maybe Jordan too. In terms of how I feel about you? Still doubtful but I feel like I'm competing against the whole thread at some points. Jester also feels oddly unattainable which worries me (despite my own humility about it not being developed). I'm curious about what Claire was trying to talk about in regards to Athena as well.
  9. I disagree with the idea of something intentional being done, and that includes you. Yes, you offered a CFD but like I've seen do plenty of hairball shit in the heat of the moment, and it doesn't really fit with my perspective which is that scum didn't anticipate for Ichigo to get lynched necessarily and we just lucked out. I wish it were easier to call a townblock in that regard but I'm also kinda grateful there isn't cause it makes the PoE a bit less broad.
  10. Incriminating people based on their participation of EOD is always a crapshoot to me because mafia can be a chore, and there are a ton of other factors. I don't think RAD is necessarily towny nor scummy for his CFD suggestion, if anything I am more interested in the bigger picture.
  11. I just think they weren't here, or didn't see it coming, at least not in a way that could be seen if that makes sense. Bart wasn't really inclined to get off Ichigo and my memory is a bit fuzzy on the means but his wagon was starting to form and the pressure was starting to dissipate. I don't really feel like it was a conscious bus, I've seen wagons on scum happen and then fall off and then a mate just stays on there cause it might look good later on. However, that didn't happen. Scum didn't respond to the situation cause there was no need. I can say one thing with confidence and it's not that Ichigo's wagon was planned, but I do think someone was at the least involved. If we factor this in then you have a ton of people who tried their best to distance themselves from the situation, but then you have also have RAD who offered to CFD onto me which is uh interesting to say the least.
  12. The way you've been playing and what I do know of you wrt Anon I feel that's a bit contradictory. This is not anon so I don't wanna bring it up too hard but I've always had you on the backburner cause I felt like you were just trying to push enough content to get by. My claim that you responded to was not an isolated incident however and that was my general vibe. I'd say as a parallel my problem with Sully is that I read his posts and there is nothing to distinct him from town/scum because the way he speaks is so dramatic that I can't tell if he's actually serious or playing it up, and then with you you have these moments where you're worried about becoming too dramatic/emotional. It's a shitty and obvious question to ask but..what are you gonna do when I flip town? Who else are you looking at?
  13. I gave Jordan a handwave on D1 that didn't elaborate on for feeling like his posts were so careless that it couldn't possibly come from scum, but that sounds condescending in hindsight. I realize in some way I gave Amy the same pass but being in the predicament I am in it's different. I think that what could've happened is that Bart realized he was into trouble so maybe not intentionally Ichigo decided to take the fall because that early instance where everyone was on him and commenting could be counted off as happenstance and not something that was telling, and this is something I was trying to fight against. It's really hard to say 'I don't wanna talk about' because it's a lie and I definitely do but I digress. To answer you more clearly if my stubbornness happens to be right I'd say finding scum off the wagon for me rn would lie in Jester/RAD/Shinori/Sully because I remember have vague reasons for liking Shinori and he doesn't have a strong presence. In terms of how I'd rate it from varying confidence? Jester > RAD > Shinori > Claire = Jordan. If Bart isn't scum and I make an ass out of myself? I don't really feel much changes.
  14. More complicated than I want it to be. It was easier to write certain things off but I also am noticing the behavior some people alluded to where he lacks a certain conviction in his pushes. I think the trickier part of this is that you have Bart/Athena in this vacuum where he swears Bart towntold and I am left just sorta going 'ok' because I don't have that established meta or experience, so even in the moments I enjoyed his content/found him agreeable I am in contention. Is this arrogance on my part? It very well might be but I'd feel about my undoing just sticking to my guns and I've definitely been lynched for that as town
  15. You were teetering on Claire early on and I never felt like you established how you felt about them but never really got off that thought you had earlier, which was something I had a bit of a problem with cause it seemed like you were pushing your grievances onto others so nobody was focusing on you. If my greatest sin is garnering attention through taking risks that I apparently wasn't taking (like, think about this in your head people were on me about not doing anything and now they're on me because I did something lmfao) then by all means I'm guilty.
  16. You disagree with me but I'm pretty sure one was on Ichigo and then the other two were probably scumming it up elsewhere. I can't even fathom Via's replace and the way he replaced out to be scum motivated which is awesome cause he's essentially clear and even more awesome because you have 3 people who fit the bill. In my perspective it's important but not in the way this day is panning out.
  17. @RADicate can you spitball your thoughts about Me/Claire in relation to each other? I get the impression you think of us is scum but not both. Am I wrong?
  18. Because I made a positive comment about him and complimented his playstyle to some degree so he felt like he could pocket me even if a bit slightly? There's more scenarios than one you know. I fully admit my hesitance was based on that factor but not fully, another being obsessive with my own priority.
  19. I hold reservations about it but I dunno I'm not getting a clean slate on this game if I keep insisting there is more wrt Bart. I can tell you right now it's not me so not focusing on Ichigo's wagon I am assuming the suspects being talked about are Me/Rad/Claire and maybe Jester? Claire is right in that people pairing us up is a dangerous situation, because honestly we both treated Ichigo almost in the same way only that Ichigo really didn't seem to notice or care about Claire from what I remember. We both had him as null and I strictly remember her saying she had no comment, and we're both being voted right now and it's just...lol
  20. ..Wouldn't it be better if I were scum to just vote Ichigo despite my vocal statement of them both being null? I even said I was OK with either but I took a risk cause I believe in my ability to persuade or at least I would like to believe in it because nobody seems persuaded
  21. I think I am on opposing ends with this game, in no way is anyone besides maybe Via clear on that wagon, it did not seem something that just happened in favor of town. Why again is Bart town? Gotta be honest I stil am not getting shit with Sully so uh Sully wanna talk to me one-on-one because I read your posts as tonedeaf.
  22. - I didn't vote for a long period of time so im scummy - I handwaved ichigo/marth debacle and had no strong read on ichigo there wanted to lynch someone else so im scummy Is that about it? Help me help you if I'm missing somethjing
  23. This is literally not even true btw, I unvoted at page 9 after my wallpost go check it yourself. The mods just made an error and I finally had to correct them later on Other point is moot given you're the one making it
  24. The answer about Jester in terms of how I feel is..I don't know. My read is definitely weak, and if I were scum I would try to spin it way harder, but I don't have that luxury because I hate being wrong. That's the same for a lot of things and I realize there is also a disconnect between most people because I haven't been taking the time to interact with them, which is my fault. Not asking for forgiveness or pity or trying to AtE my ass off that's just part of my personality when it comes to how I perceive my actions
  25. Game's hard, sue me. I don't feel like wasting votes and I alluded to this a bit earlier. I can't say that I've been secretly trying to decipher the game and it's more like I remember 'oh yeah I gotta do something about this before they mislynch me.' I'd like to start here, but more importantly, I'd like to start what I said earlier about Bart hearing that he's supposedly clear, because I don't this wagon is completely pure. Via's replace out and tone is really really hard to fake so I give some credit there but the middle probably has at least one scum. I still feel decent about Athena in the back of my head but another problem of getting back into the game is reassessing my thoughts, but I still hold onto what I have or had said about Bart, though I'm not going to make it a constant reminder. So..let's start there? I'm willing to put myself in the hot seat because I like the attention and it motivates me to stop being a lazy ass
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