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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. I dont see how bart is clear I'll have more soon probably, in terms of Dunn I at least never townread himpl
  2. Me so make sure 2 vote
  3. Lol im not even voting the right slot oops ##Vote: @Jester's Gestures
  4. Don't lynch Me!!! Via Athena Amy slot Would be hesitant to lynch Jordan Shinori Indifferent Ichigo Marth Sully Could lynch RAD Claire Bart Lynch Refa slot
  5. Cause my gut has a high percentage of being right, also because I think if Refa flips scum it gives us some decent spew. I think Ichigo/Marth are both like 'yeah ok sure' but part of me feels like it's wasted.
  6. @Vi-astra sheep me imo ##Vote: @Kaif
  7. BTW @Fenrir Aesir I unvoted Marth a little while ago actually
  8. I am definitely ignoring him and to some extent I've ignored you because I like to prioritize instead of trying to get a scope of the whole game. Right now my priorities lie between Refa slot/Claire/Bart and maybe RAD, with preference being on Jester because I can already see people going "but he made a catchup post" and like yeah he did but that doesn't mean it was necessarily townie. I kinda feel like Refa didn't wanna effort as scum but that's just extensive reaching on my part and no basis, and then when it comes to Marth/Ichigo I honestly think either is fine so it's like no preference there. This day got way more boring to me once people started to dig their heels into each other and it became about picking sides but that's just me
  9. Jester's posts didn't wow me and my own worries of Refa have heightened, but I don't think this is a lynch I can fight for therefore I'm fine with compromising. Ichigo is still pretty null to me but I digress, I've been mulling things over.
  10. Alright yeah I can try What I meant by Amy/Refa and how they are different is that I feel like how I know Refa and how I've seen him play he is more self-aware, which isn't always synonymous to self-conscious because you can be aware of yourself but not be self-conscious cause the latter implies you're kinda insecure yeah? Amy's self-consciousness in this regard doesn't feel forced, seems very natural. I don't expect the same for Refa however because I feel like he is more in touch with himself, less awkward and even if he was I feel he'd be really good at faking it, and with Amy I do not feel that. I feel her awkwardness and how eager she was being earlier on when she was signaling others to talk to her was very genuine and perhaps attributed to nervousness cause I get the vibe in some way Amy wants to impress which I'm not knocking because usually people will listen to you better if you feel it got all together. Is this making more sense now? Refa doesn't need to try to have it all together, he's pretty good at looking like he's keeping his cool.
  11. Was skimming back, elaborate a bit more on this point?
  12. I have too many uncertainties, voting Bart would be like giving into my decadence but I don't think it's necessarily productive. I really want people to get back to me about Sully and even look at my wall cause I don't write them for self-accomplishment I write them cause I want to talk to others and get feedback
  13. Actually I'm liking your responses and feel they are helping me understand you better besides just making judgment from afar. I also think perhaps I am not being clear enough and trying to get information that you've already felt you've given so there's no point to this. I'm gonna be real with you and say that I'm going to drop my suspicions here because all I've done is talk about you and it's time to move on to bigger and better things. I still have caution but I'm not feeling as confident as before (between me and you it was never unbridled anyways). That being said, I'll get to my own opinion, which is basically that players like Athena/Claire/Refa particularly interest in terms of how they approached you, and if you're town I would bargain being wrong about Athena but not the other way around. I also noticed Athena giving a mild excuse for Refa which made me tilt my head but to say that is instantly associative would be stupid cause I like Athena right now and it'd just be me overextending if that makes sense. Claire is more independent to me and she came back with a certain ferocity and even outright saying 'I scumrread half of the playerlist right now' and lo and behold she actually did so uh wow? I agree with Shinori that You v Claire is interesting in that regard.
  14. He was town I was shitposting scumlord who wrote this giant wall and ran was like LOL SOUP IS TOWN NO WAY HE COULD WRITE THAT WALL and let me coast through a day and then other stuff happened it was great
  15. I dunno Bart I think you're like uh textbook scummy? Yknow, like if I didn't know you and you didn't have the notoriety you do I wouldn't question it but there's a certain stigma due to your constant being misread/mislynched. I know meta isn't always a tell but for your case I think it's important because of your history, so while you've answered what people have done how do you feel about why they did it? I just feel like you're answering but I'm not getting a solid yes/no on the implication of behavior based on who has or hasn't voted you.
  16. I dunno when I read Ichigo in X-site as scum I felt like he had prescient insight about things like small strokes of genius, but here he seems to be only responding to comments made about him exclusively Maybe you two clash because of ur big egos or somethin
  17. I've already admitted I've skimmed sully but I'm still not seeing why he's town because normally at least something would jump out at me and it doesn't.
  18. Haha well I feel like I got a decent idea of what's going on but there's missing things for me. I'm trying to not be a broken record about Bart/his situation but this was to me the most telling thing and still is, and everything else just seems like detours. I'm not trying to be condescending but maybe you're just not as interested in this as much as me and can't see what I'm doing? I often feel like the first thing that is stricken turns out to be important because scum have yet to establish presence, and it's very rare for a wagon like Bart's and all of the people talking about them to be something that was just Bart massively fucking up and his mates trying to get involved. I talked about this in the wall u didn't like which hurts my feelings and makes me cry but that's OK I shall soldi- pfftt who am I kidding we agree to disagree
  19. I find it funnier that the wagon has dissipated on you and people have become far more scattered than I assumed. Talk a bit more about how you feel about Athena? In terms of how I was reading the situation I talked about it in my wall wherein I said I liked Athena being cautious about those voting you and really I'm not seeing the two of you as scum together and in perfect world possibly you or him being one. Do you feel like scum would be more likely to commit to you or are they just trying to seem relevant by making sure all discussion stays on you?
  20. @Bartozio, I know you've talked about players and I've seen your readpost but how do you feel about your wagon formulating and also those who decided to get off of it? Is it telling to you in some way? If I haven't made it clear already I believe this is a great think to talk about and highly invite those to talk about it.
  21. I'm finding it ironic how I start to feel a little decent about Marth others come out of the woodwork (like Rad) and say they do have issue with him like cmon guys I was JUST voting him where were u when I needed u most...
  22. I'm not being pinged by Ichigo right now, if there's anything I could take away from his responses it's that he seems to play hardball and I've been privy to this myself in X-site. I'd say he's a little more aggressive than what I remember but not anything super telling. What's the votecount? I feel like perhaps the Bart wagon isn't nearly as big as I was thinking.
  23. Super hot take but I liked Shinori's first post and haven't been bothered by him ignoring the thread. I think if there's something I could be wrong about it'd be Athena but I'm not willing to take a risk I don't have to right now. Jordan plays a little similar to Athena but not similar enough where I'd say they are carbon copies.
  24. Bartozio - He's so popular I'm honestly jealous. All this attention he's getting must really get to his head. I recall what he said to me about him being a calculating person in general when I questioned his behavior and then glancing over what everyone else is saying about him and determining that this might be a crapshoot. I also recall what I said about him in My Hero wherein I described his posts as a blur and not remembering anything he said, feeling like he was just going through the motions. I think that perhaps Bart is someone who struggles with his own hubris, or maybe I am projecting because I get that same feeling while reading him. Does that mean he's scum again? I think even if he's scum he's done the best thing he can which is divert attention from his mates, so at this rate I wonder if Bart is more willing to stick his neck out as scum or as town, because there is some definite aggressive and come-at-me attitude that has gotten him in the hot seat in the first place. I wouldn't mind him being the lynch due to my own bias and I lean scum on him right now. Refa - He gives me good impressions at the surface but as I said before I had a minor problem with his amy read, as it was notably weak in terms of his logic. I'd like to think Refa excels in his logic so I'm kinda just waiting to be wrong about this feeling instead of going at him cause I find his playstyle/behavior to match mine, so basically this is a roundabout way of saying null for now and needs more. Athena - In my first game w/ Athena I scumread him because it often felt like Athena was a bit antsy, like he had a sense of urgency in his posts that didn't feel required. I don't sense that urgency, rather I feel like Athena has been a good source of sensibility. His posts aren't the most fleshed out but I commented on how I enjoyed especially in the context of when they were made, so I feel pretty good about this read for now. Amy - One of my strongest townreads to be honest. I think Refa/Amy offer an interesting parallel where I find both to be self-assured on how they play but Refa would be uh self-aware? This is something I feel Amy lacks, which is a good thing because that means Amy is just posting because she wants to and not because of a requirement. Her comments on Claire and wanting people to interact with her can be fabricated yes but I don't feel that way because they didn't seem deliberate. I find it funny how she says she's self-conscious which honestly shows but the flaws that Refa might have rightfully picked up on don't seem like they're something Amy overlooked intentionally rather in her excitement/eagerness didn't think about it because just getting it out there was far more important. RAD - IDK, no super strong impressions. I haven't gotten a grasp enough on how he plays as town in NOC therefore if I'm determining his alignment on intuition there is a lot to be desired. It seemed like he agreed with Bart but chose to take an approach where he wasn't nearly as involved as the others, but he's trying to be proactive and I refreshed the page and he's hashing shit out with him rn. I think the most interesting thing is probably his Claire comments but Claire isn't here to attribute to this so I'm not looking intensely at this slot. If anyone wants to comment or give thoughts on rad wrt his meta (Jordan alluded to this) feel free to do so. Marth - I talked about him in his previous post and I don't have much else to say in that matter, I'm not going to say he's super duper brownie townie but if he's fooling me he's doing a decent job at it, and really I don't see a wagon happening on him cause it seemed like people were mostly handwaving it (like Refa) despite not liking the post I didn't. Everyone else I don't have too much to say. Via is probably town so that's a sheep read and then I haven't read Ichigo's posts and Shinori hasn't given enough to determine how I feel about him. Would like to see more from Refa/Claire/Shinori/Jodran and then I need to actually glance over Ichigo's posts because I haven't done so. I also sorta skimmed Sully because I'm not worried about him so I'll get around to it later. I think Bart is a good lynch, RAD would be super spicy, and then Refa if he did something amazingly scummy but I doubt he will.
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