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Posts posted by Misericordia

  1. Alright so I'm extremely happy this got rebooted and I didn't know it got rebooted until about 10m ago, which makes me extremely happy because I ADORED the first version. A little clarification though, how far does the current version go, and how much is left to work on? I don't wanna get super invested just to beat what's out in 2 days and be desperate for it to be finished.

  2. On 8/21/2018 at 4:19 AM, TheMaskedRaider said:

    Patcha  clean rom then take your old save and move it into the same folder as the new rom with the same name.

    I'll do that later after people have had a chance to play. But I do have a chart with age height and weight and in join order.

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    I honestly have no godly idea on how to react to my General Aceline now. A 95 pound, 4'7 person wielding a silver lance and doing 30-40 damage is terrifying

    Also am I the only one that thought the Roswell arc was remarkably anti-climactic? I freakin love the hack, but that one specific chapter was kinda just like, oh. I honestly expected Hiathe to come down and smite him since the chick in one of the houses mentions it, but that's just me.

  3. On 7/14/2018 at 10:13 PM, TheMaskedRaider said:

    Minor delay cause of unexpected housing issues. Will still happen this weekend but tonight is more than likely not going to be it.

    That's fine! So far even without text the last couple chapters are amazing! For those that said Algimas was slow growing, just wait for the last 3 chapters, let me tell you, he's RIDICULOUS.

    Also how high is the tacticians spd growth?? Mine hasn't hit it in 6 levels, and I have to be extremely careful because she's going into end game with 17 Speed, against falconknights and swordsmasters with 23-26 speed

  4. 3 hours ago, TheMaskedRaider said:

    Did you use the link I put in the announcement post.
    If not that is the patch you should use. If so that is very odd cause I tested a save past 18 on that patch and it for sure goes past it.

    Yeah. I tried several times but it kept getting to 18 then switching over to 18x of FE7. Kinda upset about having to erase both my completed saves, but I deleted the FE7 rom I had and the patch and redownloaded both and started from scratch. Sucks so far though since I'm being RNG screwed on Martel and Kurtis, but we'll see.

  5. 4 hours ago, TheMaskedRaider said:

    Some issues popped up in working on the epilogue and end credits stuff but I said I'd release it this past weekend.
    So here is a patch.

    Gameplaywise? This one is essentially the done deal, goes all the way to the final chapter and only the last two chapters are not completely finished dialogue wise.

    Other than that it's ready to go minus some tweaks we might make depending on internal testing and external feedback on the final chapters.

    I aim to have the final chapter and epilogue scenes done by saturday night so if you want to  wait on playing those last two chapters you can, if not go ahead and playthrough.

    supports of course are a work in progress and I will be releasing a patch that unlocks the support viewer when I get those done, though for this weekend patch Algimas supports WILL be in fully.

    YES! I just restarted mine bc I messed up chapter 15 and didn't get 15x. Speaking of someone mentioned back about a guide of secret characters, and so far I've only gotten one, are there actually multiple secret characters??

  6. On 6/23/2018 at 2:41 PM, Misericordia said:

    Rough estimate of when the final chapter will be done? I don't wanna start it yet if I gotta wait a couple weeks for the endgame, looks amazing so far! <3

    Ok so I started it anyways, I see on some of the screenshots it says Chap 24, Chap 25, does the current patch go that far? If so mine went to chapter 18x, then glitched into the original FE 

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