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Blues LeSharpe

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About Blues LeSharpe

  • Birthday 04/07/1986

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  • Interests
    I like medieval fantasy (obviously), pirates, and science fiction. I enjoy drawing and a wide variety of video games, music, and animals.
  • Location
    Georgia, USA

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. I agree that legendary weapons should have infinite durability. When playing through Blazing Sword the first time I recognized that the story was building up to me collecting the legendary weapons and I naturally assumed they would be indestructible. I figured that, along with some advantage over a specific enemy, would be their main reasons to exist. I can understand some of the named weapons having limited durability but the ones that are legendary national treasures that have survived centuries shouldn't have the same weakness. I get that it's for balance, but as you said, if they're received near the end of the game there's especially no reason for it. Now that I think about it, if balance is the issue a new mechanic similar to the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might work. Legendary weapons could be strong and unbreakable, but their effectiveness could go on a cooldown at some point to prevent them from being overused. On the other hand, there could also be a certain condition that needs to be met to utilize the weapon's full potential. I'm not wild about durability going away completely, but I think this would be a nice way to balance things.
  2. Hi, I've been consulting this site for Fire Emblem info for a long time and I've played every game released in the US. Like those above I tend to lurk around discussions here and there online. I figured now was as good of a time as any to try to change that and be a bit more social and maybe eventually get some new insight into various subjects. I'm fairly used to how forums work, though it has been a long time since I really participated in one. My first forum was the late Nintendo NSider Forums and after that I started my own that maintained a small but fairly close group of friends. It's been pretty dead for a while as well, though I still keep in touch with some of them at least. Fire Emblem has been a pretty big inspiration of mine. While I prefer drawing anthropomorphic animals (I'm not a furry before anyone gets the wrong idea), the structure of the web comic I'm looking to start in the near future was founded upon the basic structure of Fire Emblem's method of storytelling. I love pirates and science fiction, but medieval fantasy is my favorite setting of all. I love swords, though I also appreciate a wide variety of medieval weaponry and elemental magic in particular. That should be more than sufficient as an introduction. I look forward to discussing one of my favorite video game franchises with everyone here!
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