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Ambiance of the Wind

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Posts posted by Ambiance of the Wind

  1. On 2/28/2020 at 9:38 PM, david.nguyen said:

    I just finished this game and it was really great! Not on my top 3 FE games but really close. I would really like to thank Aethin and his coworker for the great translations of Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga. If I have to nitpick I would say there remain some untranslated dialogue (only a few lines here and there) but it is really minor. Overall this is a quality translation!

    I hope more people will give it a try! Be warned of the game difficulty though, for my part I played with cheats and it was a cakewalk.

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    When Zephyrius and Arcturus appear as enemies, you can't beat them! With cheats you can potentially be strong enough to beat them but they dodge all fatal attacks!

    Defeating Chaos in the last chapter was easy with cheats but I wonder how the hell can you defeat him normally!? (Guess a trained Faye with Vritra using Astra is your best bet.)


    I can't even use cheats because it's so complicated to apply them in the emulator lol

  2. I found Makalov to be a fascinating character. I never considered him to be a bad character by any means. I actually like his unlikable nature and being a butt most of the time. And it's a shame that the Tellius games didn't really do all that much with his character. Heck, he doesn't even have a support with Marcia for some reason (probably the first siblings in FE that doesn't have a support convo with each other). 

    My favorite support for Makalov would definitely be:


    Astrid. Mainly because of how different of a tone it can be. Having Marcia died and got that support convo made Makalov more of a grey area type of character for me. He actually is willing to visit Marcia's grave to give her flowers which makes him not a total douche. And his death quote is pretty sad when you think about it.

    While I admit RD didn't change him all that much, POR made me appreciate Makalov a lot.

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