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Posts posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I have to renominate best/worse couple? Even though I nominated it like... half a year ago? XD

    Best: FE10 Ike, I haven't played or watched FE1-5 (except 2, I played a bit) and he is just like... AMAZING!!! He was also good in PoR though.

    Worst: (not voting) Like last time, I WON'T CHOOSE ROY!!!! awesome: He deserves better. So I'll choose... ummm... No idea. XD I won't vote for worst. Just to save time for you I'll just mention I ain't voting at the beginning.

  2. Well one of the swords will save Killer Bee I think. Why would he make a cliff hanger if he just simply loses his legs? O.o Or somebody else will come to his rescue (I'm guessing that won't happen yet).

  3. Is it just me or has this already been done...? Like before the time warp thing. Maybe it's just me.

    @psychout50 There has already been best/worst rape attempt if that's what you meant. XD Or do you mean couples between the people in the army?

    Best: I'll say FE9 ch. 15 (not sure about chapter number). Just to be different from everybody else. XD FE8 comes in close second though.

    Worst: FE6... Fog of War, desert, strong enemies (mostly flying/mages with range tomes units), you have to protect 2 horrible units AND finish it in a specific number of chapters? WTF?!

  4. Haven't posted here in a while. XD

    These last few chapters were awesome... I'll probably watch them when they come out in the anime (sadly it'll take a long time). I never bothered trying to predict who'd win but now that I think about it... I'm guessing it'll be even for a while then people will come and stop Kisame or force him to retreat. It sounds dumb but I don't think they'd end the hunt so quickly (I hope not XD).

  5. Hmmmm... Wait... how was Florina in the top 3 worst? O.o

    Best: I don't really like defense chapters so I'll just say FE9 chapter 8 (the one with Ilyana) it's challenging and a good source of exp. for units.

    Worst: I agree with others, chapter 15 Hector mode was rather lame. It's not only the boss it's also the enemies in general, chests that are rather far IIRC and stuff.

  6. He plans on taking hostages and using the Bijuu to control them. So it's an army of 12.

    Hmmm... 12 vs the Ninja World... If Tobi = 4 Hokages then this'll be pretty interesting. XD Declaring war against the world just sounds weird. O.o But if Luffy could do it, so could Tobi.

  7. A game that ISN'T A REMAKE.

    FE2: Villager class was nice.

    FE4: I haven't played but I hear there are a lot of cool classes.

    FE6: The abundance of units.

    FE7: Difficulty of this game was good and multiple endings was nice.

    FE8: The trainee classes and the branch promotion.

    FE9: Support system, no FoWs except on hard mode, an interesting personality for every unit and promotion.

    FE10: A minimum of 1 stat per level up.

    Obviously I don't want ALL OF THIS at the same time though. XD It'd be too much but most of this are things I like.

  8. WHAT THE FUCK?! HE JUST KILLED HER?! That means it's like a bunch of captains and vezeroids V.S. Tousen, Gin and Aizen... Yet the latter will still probably beat them. T.T

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