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Posts posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I don't think anyone cares but I'm not posting my picture because it's possible that... I don't know... Some assassin on this forum decides to kill me for fun. Though if you actually do want to kill me I will give you a hint. I'm a human.

  2. You shouldn't dismiss FE 2 because it sounds weird. I'm playing FE 2 (Gaiden) right now, and it is an excellent game. It is a bit different to the recent (6-10) FEs (although it has some striking simularities to FE 8: Sacred Stones) yes, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable (infact I'm playing both 2 and 6 right now, and I'm enjoying FE 2 more). You should really give the game a chance - you might be pleasantly suprised about how much you enjoy it (like me). Also you really shouldn't dismiss FE 1-3 because you don't like a single character (although I suggest waiting for FE DS), nor should you dismiss FE 5 because it is hard (you scared of a little challenge ;). Although I haven't played FE 1, 3 and 5 (therefore can't give my own personal opinion like I did with FE 2) (although I want to play them, and plan to) I still suggest you give them a chance.

    Well I wouldn't mind playing any of them really. It's just that FE5 is said to be imposibble to beat without losing a character(I ALWAYS restart when I lose a character). I guess I could try FE2 but I don't know where I could get a translated version. Yeah I'm going to try out FE11 eventually but FE4 sounds more appealing than FE1-3.

  3. I'm pretty sure that Lyn was created in FE7. As in Lyn didn't even exist while they were making FE6. But if you want to follow the storyline when your playing FE7 than have her marry Rath or Kent (I think) because those are the only endings that make Lyn put Caelin in the protection of Ostia.

  4. Yeah it was Soren's it's mentioned in one of her supports. And it's fun to think about these things. The food eating contest would go like this.

    It begins in 3 2 1 GO!!! Everyone is about to start eating but you see Ilyana using her magic to anyone who tries to eats "her" food. A mysterious someone throws food at her than someone else throws than it turns into a food fight. The judges run away. 10 minutes later the judges come back and everyone is still throwing food at each other except (insert random character here) is eating food peacefully in a corner and he/she wins. :lol:

  5. ok here i am. I am that brother that thought Janaff was a girl. Hey, I never read the story and i only got glimpses of Janaff and the name kinda striked "female" at first, prolly cuz of jennifer or jenny. But now that I look at Janaff, I can tell he is a guy. Hey I can make a mistake, can't i? And there was a person who thought Thany from FE6 was a guy, so I'm not that bad

    XD I also thought that Janaff was a girl. I only saw a picture for a few seconds. Yeah... I only knew that he was a male when I read about FE9.

  6. I would totally be a troubador/Valkyrie with Swords, staves, and fire magic. And we're actually doing this in ROM hacking

    Wow your right... it's practically the same idea... Except his is better :(. Well could you be a bit more precise? (name, personality, anything?) and this goes to ZSN to.

  7. Don't you hate that this is I think the only FE where you can never get ALL the characters in the end? So which ones do you usually get? I got Karel and Wallace :( on my first ever playthrough (on my first PT I sucked ALOT) but now I always get Karel and Geitz.

  8. I'm surprised that I haven't already seen a topic like this. If there was a new FE game who would you be? Enter class, (You could make up a class if you want) importance in the game, death quote and name(stats and personality are optional).

    Max. of 3 lords and I suggest that someone makes a Jeigan and someone could also be the last unit you obtain (Like FE6 Karel or Athos for example).

    I would like to have a dragon as a stead and have a sword and a bow. And when I promote i get 30% critical bonus :P. I would be someone who is in the army with the first main lord. My name would be... I don't really care. I would be one of those kids who are friends with the main lord. My death quote would be...

    Me: "I never knew blood could come out so fast... Out of all the things to say... Take care "_____" (If I have A support with somebody or it's just the lord's name)

    Person who I have A support with or lord: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Me :Goodbye "says half of there name and or half of the lord's name" "

    The FE team: Sir Canas the Tactitian, Kintenbo the Bandit, ZSN the Dragon Axe Mage, Fox the Troubadour and A.J. the Dragon Sword Archer.

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