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Posts posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Think of words which end in '-GRY.' Angry and hungry are two of them. There are but three words in the Common Tongue... what is the third word? The word is something that one uses every day. If thou hast listened carefully, I have already told thee what it is.

    If anyone gets this I will be truly impressed.

    Is it just "gry"?

    To anyone wanting an answer to this, it's been answered on page 2.

  2. Why does a general in Fe the sacred stones get hurt to some attacks and then when great shield activates they don't get hurt.

    This goes for most skills in all of FE (the fact that they don't make sense). XD I guess the name implies that the shining flash is a great shield or something... Or that he HAS an additional shield.

  3. Pain and Agony are in FE10, they're laguz for some odd reason.

    They just like doing that a lot.

    Are you implying that Dorcas married Ward's sister who has magical powers that counter aging? O.o Or that Dorcas is Ward's dad...?

  4. Karel is much better. Even though I never got Karla, by the sound of it, she is mediocre, is hard to recruit and is only there for like... 2-3 chapters. Wallace is probably worse than Karla though.

  5. I saw the trailer, looks like a movie filled with special effects and that doesn't have much of a plot or a happy ending. XD

    1. Interesting, but people just love to find reasons to explain the end of the world.

    2. They probably never thought of that. But it's a prophecy made my Christians or something so that would mean they meant midnight in where ever they wrote it.

    3. Because Christians said so.

    I've heard other stories like that will be the start of human evolution and everything will change. I'll probably believe it when I look further into that. For now, I don't think there were any immense tragedies or miracles on Earth so I don't see much of a reason why it'd suddenly be true. Yes, I find people are over reacting.

    Let's bet! If we all survive, I get 1 million dollars, but if we all die I'll pay 2 million!

    It was made by Mayans, not Christians.

    I thought they both made that prediction. O.o I remember hearing that that day was also the Apocalypse or something...

  6. I saw the trailer, looks like a movie filled with special effects and that doesn't have much of a plot or a happy ending. XD

    1. Interesting, but people just love to find reasons to explain the end of the world.

    2. They probably never thought of that. But it's a prophecy made my Christians or something so that would mean they meant midnight in where ever they wrote it.

    3. Because Christians said so.

    I've heard other stories like that will be the start of human evolution and everything will change. I'll probably believe it when I look further into that. For now, I don't think there were any immense tragedies or miracles on Earth so I don't see much of a reason why it'd suddenly be true. Yes, I find people are over reacting.

    Let's bet! If we all survive, I get 1 million dollars, but if we all die I'll pay 2 million!

  7. I guess Meg is about 13-16. Either that or she looks very young for her age. Zihark looks like he is in his mid 20s or something. I'm guessing Brom's standards of "close to your age" is like 10-20 years apart which I guess was normal at the time. A lot of Dawn Brigade members look/are really young, I find it weird.

  8. Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

    When there's a war in the real world do people say that?

    I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids.

  9. Who says they have to be sisters to be in the trio? Tana isn't Vanessa and Syrene's sister, but then again, I answered my own question whe telling to myself "They're from the same country, though".

    Maybe Tana is their long lost sister and got blue hair from the other parent.

    FE7, Fiora, Florina and Farina are all very good, never tried FE3 and don't think I will anytime soon.

  10. I am ambidextrous, though I'm losing a lot of left-handedness as time goes on.

    So I suppose I would not fall in this category.

    Cool! It'd be a shame to lose your "left-handedness".

    I'm right handed. Someone once said that guys are more commonly left handed than girls. I think it's bullshit but let's see if it's true.

  11. What I did was that I left Guy to go North, Lyn on the higher blockade thing (she dodges all of the pirates' attacks) and Oswin on the lower one. To fight the the paladin, like you said, he rushed to Oswin. My Oswin could've doubled with a steel lance (or Iron not sure, just use the weapon that does the higher damage) and Erk was behind attacking the boss with Thunder. Next turn Oswin killed him. Just try to kill the magic users, they're do a lot of damage against Oswin. The rest was easy. Don't forget to keep your units healed.

  12. There are quite a few I know.

    FE6: Lilina and Lilina

    FE7: Lyn, Florina (she sucks earlygame), Nino. Guy's a bit overrated too.

    FE8: Moulder, Vanessa, and the trainees.

    FE9: Mist

    FE10: Mist, Aran, Mordecai

    Ummmm... Lilina takes 2 places? O.o Is she THAT overrated?

    I think Lilina, FE9 Mist, bards, dancers, herons and FE10 Volke are pretty overrated. There are lots in the series though.

  13. Well the point is, in FE6, he doesn't even NEED to be deployed, so he is just as useful as FE7 Merlinus, if not more since he doesn't need somebody to stand there protecting him. But yes stat-wise FE7 Merlinus is much better and even though he will keep dodging attacks, it doesn't mean he is immortal since RNG is just that way. XD Another thing is that FE7 Merlinus could give you access to your items in the middle of a battle.

  14. Or you can follow this foolproof guide, but use any image editing program. I personally use PAINT.NET. Free to download - just Google it.

    Really? I didn't think anybody would use that to. XD

    As other people said, take a picture, take a part of it out, copy it, make a new page, paste the image, add your name and make sure it's EXACTLY 100x50 pixels. It usually says if it is.

  15. Why do criticals do so much more damage?

    How do people survive millions of axes in their heads?

    How come units could only use specific weapons even if their lives are at stake?

    How are units as big as mountains yet they are also as big as thrones? O.o

    How do you rescue somebody who is mounted?

    How does supports increase stats?

    Why are boots so rare?

    Yeah... that's all for now.

    Just to add a few more:

    How is it that a group of rather young people completly destroy armies that are like 3 times bigger than there's?

    Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

    I don't get reinforcements sometimes, they come out of the most random spots... Sometimes it makes sense but other times, I wonder how they got there.

  16. how come no one's listing FE as their favorite?? you traitors!!1!

    This is in the "other games" section so we have the right to betray the games. XD

    I'll have to say Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Halo 3. Awesome games.

  17. That'd be interesting.

    (In character endings) Merlinus: died on chapters 15, 18, 20, 26 and 27.

    (In rankings) Survival: 1 star.

    He was slightly better in the FE6 (not even needing to be there to help out), still good and VERY helpful in this game though.

  18. Cash in the free stuff and never look at the game again.

    Just to spite people of course.

    I like the idea but it'd be too obvious that I did it after you suggested it XD

    Not that kind of person.

    I played atlantica for a while. I got to like, level 80 something.

    Does that mean you'll take it anyways? I really don't need it.

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