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Posts posted by noremaC

  1. Nevermind. I cant play tonight because I left my wiimote at a friend's house. THis is why the wii sucks. "Oh no wiimote? well you CANT.PLAY.ANYTHING. NOT EVEN GAMES THAT USE THE FUCKING GC CONTROLLER"

    Okay, so we'll do it whenever you get your wiimote back.

  2. I'll be in vacations hopefully with a DS

    Though i'll move to houston, Texas in mid july atleast its speculated

    Poor you, I HATE living near Houston, the only reason I ever choose to go there is to watch the Astros get destroyed.

    As for me I am planning on fixing my recently screwed up life and trying to get it back to the way it was 3 months ago, funny seeing how the forest went back 3 months......

  3. I was once asked "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" In response, I said, "According to the dictionary, clapping is the striking of two objects together, so what you speak of contradicts itself and makes no sense. Unless of course you're this kid in my sister's grade who can clap his hand by whacking his fingers against his palm... weird."

    A silly question deserves a silly answer.

    I can do that also, a lot of people can.

  4. Does anybody have 3 red shards I can trade for. I have like 5 of everything you can find under ground (electric/water/sun/leaf/fire stones, some plates, heart pieces etc) to trade and i have a few other things, i am just tired of searching underground for the shards, it is killing me.

  5. People like it because for doubles it hits both enemies, is one of the only rock moves many pokemon can learn and PP really doesn't matter when most pokemon will be dead withing 2-5 turns anyways, and it is not like you don't have 3 others moves available to you.

  6. That reminds me. One of my older brothers had a blanket. It was apparently orange when it was new, but it was a lovely shade of diarrhea brown when I last saw it. He used to lay down with it and suck his thumb, something that he did well into his twenties. I don't think he has it anymore.

    He sucked his thumb until he was in his twenties O_o

  7. I'm assuming this is for doubles?

    Try to add a dragon or fast Special Sweeper.

    Also, why only three pokemon?

    He asked what others he should use.

    ...i think...

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