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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. My friend clogged both of the toilets in my house.................within 5 minutes (1 clogged so he went to the other rather than fix it and clogged that one as well.) But i rarely clog the toilet myself.
  2. i was wondering this as well but i did not want to double post. When is this thing gonna stat anyways? I need to know not because lack of patience but i want to know if i will have time to finish training 2 of my new pokemons.
  3. Seeing how including this there are 3 topics about Obama you are 1/3 of the talk about obama
  4. Idk, but apparently my name is John from mornroe.
  5. Yeah, it was the judge who messed up, his speech was good though. That Franklin lady or whatever (wasn't rally paying much attention in the beginning) butchered/fucked up the anthem imo. I am sure Obama will do a good job. Even though I am conserative
  6. non-spicy Italian, i.e. pizza, meatball and marinara, spaghetti etc.
  7. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...amp;event_id=18
  8. far from the forest, though a new one in general should be made to get rid of spam...
  9. I think there are 1-2 others that i have seen.
  10. Yep, you can spit things back out if you do no want to get the ability.
  11. They are full of win. But the girl doesn't wear a shirt
  12. The fact that my dad is a narcotics (drug) cop and we have 2 trained drug sniffing dogs in our backyard.
  13. *puts a shock collar on Patrick's [censored]* *presses the button* Calm down!
  14. It does, not the killing though, the endless appeals and using the court makes it more.
  15. If the legal system forced everybody to start walking everywhere would that not prevent car accidents?
  16. I know, that is exactly what I said. HE said car wrecks have nothing to do with giving the wrong person the DP and that it was a shitty comparison, and I stated it is the same thing.
  17. Well, then if manslaughter is accidentally killing somebody, would giving DP to the wrong person be an accident, thus it being manslaughter, which according to you is not murder, so there for a car wreck is the same thing as DP mishaps.
  18. Not true, we could make everybody drive 5mph were, even if hit, would not hurt them. We could ban alcoholic beverages period, removing a good portion of wrecks, the list is endless.
  19. Millions/thousands of innocent people die in car accidents every year, does that mean cars should no longer be used?
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