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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. I see no point unless you ar being questioned, then you probably will.
  2. It? I am a It???????????????????????? *murders doom's friend's lapras in its sleep*
  3. His lapras killed my entire team.....
  4. Why does TLS have a half eaten hamburger?
  5. ...You just HAD to bring that up :(
  6. Well first of all get rid of darkrai, he is uber and not allowed, then state the EVs and natures of the pokemon, maybe even IVs. Then I can tell you what some over pokemon you could use for your team. And for garchomp if you do choose to use him make sure you have a 7th pokemon you can use because many people do not like him being used because he is uber as well, but some still allow him.
  7. noremaC


    Stopped using it when i was like 9 or so.......I think I might have lit it on fire or something...
  8. Well my dad is a cop so I think he would murder me, he dead all the memory on my computer just because i downloaded roms, he is strict as hell.
  9. But...but....I hate brown.......I like red and blue :(
  10. So y'all burned oguma's underwear and all of my shirts?
  11. Rorschach hands down, the Joker was just a good job on the actor behalf, the character of Rorschach is much better, and acting is almost as good. Also you actually get to see Rorschach's face unlike the joker.
  12. Welcome back. Also you missed a lot of things. TLS's ban, D-Hero's ban, new rules and a few other things i cannot think of off the top of my head.
  13. those are the teams from your DSes correct?
  14. Funny who the last two pokemon ended up being....
  15. Yeah, i think there are 5-6 known ones, who knows how many register and run.
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