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Posts posted by Lormpa

  1. Chapter 1-2 5/13

    Edward went to the right to take on the enemies who got him in Wrath range which let him take them out along with the Fighter on the right of the map provided he dodged and got lucky enough with Wrath. Nolan went up the ledge followed by Micaiah and finally Laura along with Leonardo staying out of range from the enemies. When Sothe arrived he moved to the right to go pick up the Energy Drop. The enemies in the top left were baited with Nolan on Turn 3 and after Turn 4 EP they were all wiped out clearing a path for Laura who then got shoved a few
    spaces on Turn 5 to let her Arrive.

    Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wpn Rank
    Micaiah 3.95 16 3 9 9 7 12 3 5 D
    Edward 7.1 21 9 0 14 14 9 5 1 C
    Sothe 1.12 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 B

    Chapter 1-3 5/18

    Sothe took out the Fighter on the right of the map, Edward followed behind him and took the Energy Drop so he could use it. Micaiah and Ilyana also followed behind. The yellow units moved to the left to tank the enemies. The next turn Sothe opened the door and Edward killed the enemy behind it. On the EP Edward got attacked by the Myrmidon and Archer which dropped him into Wrath range. The same enemies got taken out by Edward and Sothe on Turn 3. Ilyana shoved Micaiah to get a bit closer to the Escape tile. Turn 3 EP the Hand Axe Fighter attacked Sothe and that Fighter got taken out by Edward with a Wrath crit allowing Micaiah and Sothe to move on ahead. Micaiah had to dodge a few hits but luckily the hitrates on the enemies weren't too high. On Turn 5, Sothe killed the Knight one tile above the Escape tile with a Kard crit and the Archer standing on the Escape tile was taken out with Edward who got shoved by Ilyana to reach him. Micaiah then escaped. Probably should have tried to recruit Aran just for the extra stuff I could get, but I doubt it will make much difference anyways.

    Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wpn Rank
    Micaiah 4.2 16 3 10 9 8 13 4 6 D
    Edward 7.97 21 11 0 14 14 9 5 1 C
    Sothe 1.26 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 B
    Ilyana 12 22 6 12 12 13 6 3 9 C

    Chapter 1-4 4/22

    At the base I sold a bunch of stuff, pretty much everything except weapons my units could use, some vulneraries, and good skills. As for the shopping I bought the Beast Killer and forged some weapons, those being a +5 Mt Light tome and a +5 Mt Thunder tome which I will need on this chapter to break a wall on turn 1 and will potentially be useful on later maps.

    Immediately Micaiah and Ilyana take out the wall which allows Edward to go through and lure in the boss at the top left which will let my units take him out before he transforms. Sothe went south, then east, and finally north as this allowed him to take out a lot of enemies as well as pick up the Master Seal (Turn 2) along with the Seraph Robe (Turn 4). Ilyana needed to crit the boss once which wasn't too unlikely due to her magic type getting a crit boost compared to other magic types. Once the boss died Edward attacked the next enemy and Micaiah finished
    that enemy off. On the EP Edward got attacked by a Tiger who was weak enough to be killed on the next turn allowing Edward and Micaiah to proceed to the left so they could kill an enemy as well as pick up some goodies in the form of 3000 gold and Beastfoe. Ilyana went down as she needed to kill an untransformed enemy on the right to let Sothe through and pick up the Angelic Robe.

    Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wpn Rank
    Micaiah 4.71 16 3 10 9 8 13 4 6 D
    Edward 9.38 21 13 0 16 16 11 6 2 C
    Sothe 2.59 35 18 4 21 21 16 14 9 A
    Ilyana 12.89 22 6 12 12 13 6 3 9 C
  2. Chapter 1-P 4/4

    Standard stuff, Micaiah crit the first bandit and then Edward went on ahead. They pretty much just took down stuff together with Edward getting in Wrath range and then luring the boss close enough for Micaiah to kill on Turn 4.

    Chapter 1-1 4/8

    Free Nolan was nice here, as his bulk let him take the frontlines and the Hand Axe helped to chip at enemies which let either Micaiah or Edward finish off for EXP. The boss was killed with Nolan's Hand Axe followed by Eddy's Wrath Crit which allowed Micaiah to escape.

    Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wpn Rank
    Micaiah 3.02 16 3 9 9 7 12 3 5 D
    Edward 6.3 21 8 0 13 14 9 5 0 D
  3. Renning.

    And does that conclude the drafting? We all have 8 units drafted and there are not enough units to go around again, so the rest of the units go unused. Or maybe there is something I am missing here.

  4. For the most useless unit in TRS, it's definitely between Rina and Hagar, personally I think Hagar is worse. Hagar's only use is pretty much if you really want to use Stonehoist whereas Lina can open doors at the bare minimum I guess and if you do give her some mastery potions for the levin sword she can be okay I guess? There's really no purpose to using either one but if one of them was gonna be used Lina would probably be the better one. 3 movement is just so bad.

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