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Posts posted by brawlingwolf

  1. I'll weigh in on the whole "My Unit" thing when I actually have more information to base it off of.

    What I'm more focused on is the whole "two dragons" thing. Essentially, to me, it sounds the same as Naga and Medeus. So, unless Awakening has some connection to Akaneia, I may scream and swear off FE. Which I really don't want to do.

  2. Okay...

    Yes, I've played Sword of Seals and I still enjoyed Blazing Sword, whether it was necessary for the storyline or not.

    Elibe and Archanea are my two favorite continents of the series, and I would like to see another game centered on the previous. However, I think it'd be better if it told the story of The Scouring instead of some new conflict. Adding dragons, short of Fa and maybe Idenn, would be nearly impossible in general terms unless Idenn managed to get her soul destroyed... again. And that would be rather desperate, if you ask me.

    As for the title itself, it's possible it's a pending title. Not that I really believe this is going to happen... But either way, what other weapons could there be other than the Eight Legendary Weapons? Yes, they introduce a few in Blazing Sword, but I highly doubt this rumored game is bringing those back, save maybe the Sol Katti. Maybe. Really big maybe. As for the Lance... I've got nothing.

    I'm getting a little tired of remakes, but I wonder what else IS could do with the series. I mean, how do you beat taking out a goddess? And we've seen enough conflicts revolving around Manaketes. I mean, yes, it's a FE staple, but the whole "Kingdom A invades Nation B in war, lord C meets allies D,E,F, and so on, lord C meets dragon G, big enemy H appears, lord C acquires legendary weapon I, lord C battles big enemy H and probably marries ally D, E, or F."

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