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Everything posted by Ursali

  1. Xalrei grumbled and groaned as the cruel light of day roused her from her dreams. True to Nessraya's promise there had been nary a nightmare throughout the night, allowing her a peaceful night's rest. Her exhaustion from yesterday gone, but still in a weird state of groggy yet refreshed, she yawned and rubbed her eyes; though, had no intention of actually getting up just yet. The pleasant warmth of the succubus on her back wasn't exactly motivating her to get out of bed. When her mind did fully wake up, and she realized her state of dress, her face turned a bright scarlet; she couldn't help but recall what else had happened before she had fallen asleep. However, embarrassed as she was, if Nessraya wanted to stay like this a bit longer the least Xalrei could do was swallow her embarrassment until then.
  2. "Yeah, they sure do." There was a sudden softness in her voice as she agreed with Nessraya, staring beyond the darkness outside her tent. She knew the woman was right, that treating herself the way she was would only get herself killed. That would ruin her friends' sacrifices, make them meaningless. But all the same, she couldn't stand idly by with the weight of that on her shoulders; she'd be crushed. Her life wasn't her own anymore, that's why she had to prove she wasn't just one big mistake. That's why she had tagged along with the Hero. For a chance at redemption. Or was it vengeance? She couldn't tell. Xalrei barely heard Gabriela's snark, only fast enough to give her an angry growl before the siren was gone. As for Nessraya, she wasn't necessarily against her offer. Thanks to Gabriela's comment she was awake enough to infer what the succubus wanted. An unwanted blush crept onto her face, showcasing her lack of... experience with the topic. "If you could promise me a dreamless sleep..." She shivered at the other woman's touch, yet as the tension left her tired body she instinctively began to relax, leaning back on the succubus behind her. "I wouldn't... mind."
  3. "I'll be fine." A lie said so easily she might even convince herself given enough time. "If this was all it took to do me in I wouldn't be much of a soldier, would I? I'll go to- Oi, give me some space." Despite her protests, she made no effort to remove the succubus, secretly grateful for her presence and the distraction it gave her. Would she admit that? Not on her life. Why did Nessraya have such a good read on her? Was it that obvious? She thought she'd been putting up a decent strong front. Maybe it had something to do with her being a succubus, she hadn't really interacted members of the race much. "Meh. You can stay if you want. I don't really caraaaahhhhh." The yawn caught her off-guard, flustering her.
  4. Xalrei jumped. Between her split attention and general tiredness she hadn't noticed Nessraya until the succubus' had laid against her. "Gah! Don't sneak up on people like that..." She was too tired to give anything more than an annoyed grumble, though. Why is she prying? I don't know her and she sure as Hel doesn't know me. Xalrei wasn't in the mood to talk, at least not to anyone present. The people she did want to talk to were all... "I'm taking the watch I said I would." Her response was cold, without a doubt trying to push Nessraya away. "Did you want something, or...?"
  5. After the tents had been taken care of, despite her already long and exhausting day, Xalrei had quickly busied herself with whatever she could think of to keep her mind off of sleep; she knew full well what was waiting for her in the realm of dreams. Hell, it had been creeping up on her while she was still awake, visions of the Templars haunting her whenever she closed her eyes. At first, her attempts to occupy herself taken the form of maintaining her equipment; however, with her energy waning as it was, there was no end to her mistakes. From nearly spearing herself to dropping what she was working on, she had done it all save severely injure herself. Wisely choosing to stop before something serious happened, her desperate avoidance of sleep now saw her sitting at the opening of her tent, staring out into the darkness. Although she could see well enough in the dark, in the interest of staying awake, her lantern was still lit. Half of her attention was on the darkness outside her tent, still attempting to take the watch she had volunteered for earlier while staying dry. The other half was focused on the chill of the night, debating if heading out into the rain proper to wake herself up was worth the inevitable cold she would catch.
  6. Marina seemed to have found the strength she needed to stand back up, at least for now. That was good. Hopefully, she would be able to hold onto it moving forward; it wouldn't do to have their leader crying on the ground after every fight for... whatever the reason had been this time. "I'd rather she not cry over more demons than she already has." Xalrei replied, sweeping the warning under the proverbial rug. "Eh, I've had worse... Probably. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and all that."
  7. Approaching the gathering of demons, plus Marina, Xalrei couldn't help but notice the commotion. What now? The resident hero was crying on the ground, Lavinia consoling her. Was she crying for the humans? But then why would the fallen angel be trying to help too? Whatever it was she'd missed it, aside from Marina's apologies, and she didn't want to throw her weight around any more than she already had; a hook from Marina would probably be enough to floor her as she was currently. Still, she just couldn't keep her mouth shut. "Oi, Hero. I don't know what's made you burst into tears, but quit it. We get that you're sorry, one look at you and it's obvious. And you're doing something about it. So hold your damn head high, it's a lot more than any other human can say." She was trying to glare at Marina, but it didn't feel right. Not compared to Agni. She settled for a more general scowl than anything else. "At least hold it higher than that pompous noble's for Hel's sake." She added under breath.
  8. "Feh. What a non-answer." She hadn't expected much out of the fox given her attitude, but it was still disappointing. Wait, if she knew did that mean they had been watched? When had that started? At the border? Sooner? Couldn't that spy have lead the Templars to them if they messed up? More importantly, why the fuck didn't they help, or at least warn, them? Before she could ask any of her burning questions her 'Asami' exploded, leaving the only place for her questions and building anger to go inward. "What a joke." Maybe she could find out for herself, assuming there was anything left of the leader after that display of magic she'd seen. Rounding the southern bend it was immediately clear that, even if there had been something like written orders, they were long gone based on the scorch marks by Nessraya. What a shit couple of days this had tuned out to be.
  9. "What the FUCK did you just call me?" While her tone had certainly been hostile before, it was bordering on outright murderous now. If Agni thought he'd get away with calling her a lizard... Xalrei matched his glare, unrestrained malice in her eyes. "Call me that again. I dare y-" She was interrupted by Agni's hook. Her head snapped to the side as his fist collided with her chin, but she otherwise remained unmoved, her claws had dug into the ground enough to keep her stable. Xalrei didn't think he'd had it in him; she would have almost been proud of him if she didn't want him dead at the moment. Spitting out some blood and wiping her mouth, she turned back to face him, revealing a menacing grin. "Don't feel too proud now. I just bit my tongue." Thrilled at the prospect of beating Agni to a pulp, she readied another punch only for Asami to intervene at the last second, her fist stopping in front of the meddler's face. Meddling fox... With Asami involved there wasn't much reason in continuing. She wasn't here to fight with her fellow demons. And even if she didn't care about that, Asami could, and probably would, just knock her out if she continued on. Then that little shit would just have more ammo. "Tch. Fine." Her fire thoroughly doused she began to walk off after the fox, or her double, or whatever it was. After a moment she realized there was something off about what Asami had told Agni. "Wait, how the hell do you know about that?"
  10. "Certainly braver than slaughtering cowering families. Tell me, what was it like to have an opponent that could fight back?" Xalrei snapped back, unable to completely brush off Agni's sizzling counter. "Yeah, almost killed taking hits for your scrawny ass. Without this dragon, you wouldn't have had any of your 'opportunities'." She rolled her eyes at Agni's self-praise, not deeming it worth correcting. If he was going to stroke his own ego it'd be all the funnier when it popped. He did not just go there. She could tolerate whatever prattle he wanted to say about her in the here and now, but about her as a soldier? What she'd bled for? What she'd cried for? The one thing that she could take pride in? She wasn't going to let a goddamn human get away with that. Especially not now, hardly a day after humans like him had taken that away from her. She grabbed Agni by the collar, turning him to face her. "Let me tell you the first thing I learned: Never turn your back to the enemy, bastard!" She accentuated the end of her sentence by smashing her scaled fist into Agni's noble face.
  11. Xalrei snorted in annoyance as she flicked the blood off her axe. While her performance had certainly given the human ammo, she wasn't going to just take it. Especially not from Agni. Looking at him, he didn't have a scratch on him. He had just been taking potshots the entire time while she was dealing with the Templar scum. A bit of a smirk formed as she moved in on one of the last humans, her reply decided. "Forgive me, Sir Quakesalot, for not being so afraid of the scary humans that I need to hide behind a dragon." 9,16 finish mercenary with lance.
  12. Consciousness slowly returned to the dragonewt. The pain wasn't as bad as before but it seemed that her claws had been burned worse than everywhere else, making it a bit uncomfortable to hold her weapon. Whatever, she'd power through like everything else. Though, when she realized just who it was helping her up her words of thanks died before she could say them. "St-Stow it. At least these scum deserved it." Xalrei axes the lance templar a few questions.
  13. Xalrei hadn't expected the templar with the lance to strike first, his lance slipping past her guard and piercing her side. Shit. More instinct than anything else she swung back at him, cracking and smashing his armor but unable to land a crippling blow. Before she had time to ready herself for the approaching templar she already felt the searing pain of his magic, consciouness fading to black as she muttered her frustrations to herself. "Damn humans still, can't fight fair..."
  14. "Oi, human, here's your first chance to make things right," Xalrei goaded Agni as she disengaged from the Templar Knight, repositioning herself onto cover as she deftly swapped out her lance for her axe. "Kill that scum while I patch myself up." Xalrei moves to 11,13, equips her iron axe, and uses her vulnerary.
  15. Xalrei rolled her eyes at the hero's insistence of peace. Even if Marina did talk down the Templar scum, she had no intention of letting any of them leave with their lives. Limbs already bristling with electricity, Xalrei leapt into the air, gliding over the trees and landing on the other side. She pointed her lance at the two knights on the other side, challenging them. "Come strike at me, murderers of the church! You'll find that you're no match for me in a fair fight!" Xalrei activates High Voltage and moves to 12,14.
  16. Xalrei grunted at Lavinia's admonishment. She knew the vampire was right, that she was just being cruel. Hell, for the most part, she saw promise in what she'd seen from Marina; however, ironically, that wasn't what she wanted to see from the hero. It'd be so much easier to hate her if Marina would just live up to her expectations like the other human was. Before she could think more on the subject, Asami raised the alarm. The church's men, here? As she scanned the perimeter she saw them and then recognized them, nearly flying into a rage at the sight of their great helms and armor adorned with eagle crests. The murders that ambushed and kill her comrades, her friends, were right in front of her, she was sure of it. "Haven't you bastards done enough...?" She snarled, her limbs already beginning to crackle with electricity as she readied her lance. Xalrei deploys at 16,14.
  17. "Don't mess up and I won't kill you. Simple as that." Xalrei called out, having overheard the conversation, not that she had really intended to listen in. She didn't plan to involve herself further than that, looking over to the fire and watching the shadows dance for a moment before returning to watch for movement. She didn't notice Agni approach the trio, but she definitely heard what he'd said. Only the church is to blame? What a joke. "You'd call her blameless? I suppose that would extend to you too, then?" She glared at the unrepentant human from her spot at the tree, crossing her arms. "If you were foolish enough to believe the lies that 'church' is spouting about us, then you're just as guilty as they are. Learn to take responsibility for your actions." Her tone was cold and dismissive, as though she was talking to an insignificant speck. As for the repentant human, she didn't know how to approach her. Marina seemed to have some grasp on what she'd done, some idea about what she needed to do. If Xalrei wasn't careful, she could extinguish the fires fueling her hatred. She grunted, offering an, admittedly weak, criticism of the hero. "Aren't you a bit too happy for an atoning sinner?"
  18. Amertarsu already had her maul in hand before she even entered the cave, not willing to take any chances. When Jack pulled out the lantern she was relieved, not because it meant she could see, but because it meant she didn't have to do it. "They probably just sit around and wait to be aggro'd. I doubt time went into making them have societies." She answered Jack as they spotted the diverging paths, letting out an annoyed sound. "Tch. Can't just have a straight path huh? Hopefully, it doesn't really matter what way we take; though, right's right as far as I'm concerned."
  19. As the sky darkened, both with clouds and as the day waned, Xalrei felt herself growing more and more restless for some reason she just couldn't explain. It had gone from a wary glance over her shoulder from time to time to sudden bursts of adrenaline whenever she saw something in the distance, immediately thinking it to be hostile. Often times it would just be something like a tree and she'd feel foolish, but the unease remained. As they came to a stop in was essentially an open plain with a few trees her anxiety only increased. Wait, right here? Where there's next to no cover? We'll be easy to spot. What if we're... "I'll volunteer for first watch." She announced suddenly as she dismounted the wagon, heading over to and leaning against the tree the horses had been tied to. She took a deep breath, letting out a heavy sigh after a few seconds. "I need to be better."
  20. "You'll have to earn my trust if you want it." Even with Marina smiling at her, and her having at least seen the error of her ways, Xalrei couldn't find it in herself to attempt to be civil with the human. "Don't mistake my intentions. I'm coming to watch you, to see if what you're saying has any truth to it. If this is just an attempt to get back to the Church..." she scowled, "Then we'll continue where we left off on the battlefield." Her piece said she stomped off to a corner, tail angrily swishing behind her, to cool down before her anger got the better of her. Thankfully, distractions appeared in the form of Asami, the kitsune from earlier, and a siren, an apparent swindler by the name of Gabriela. Agni was once again mistaken for Marina, Xalrei shaking her head at the foolishness of it. As for Marina's actual decision, she was relieved to hear that she wasn't going to be marching on Khach, at least not immediately. Right now that was the last place she wanted to be, especially as part of an invading force. It also gave her a small speck of hope that Marina would actually stick to her word and that she, at least partially, understood the consequences of her actions.
  21. "Once there's time, feel free to ask what you will." She sighed, loosening her claws and crossing her arms. "I don't want to get in the way of your plans for the Hero." Yikes, is it really that bad...?. Xalrei knew that the situation was bad, and she hadn't expected the Church to pull any punches, but she had been operating off of rumors and hearsay. To hear that the state of the country was this devastated from the Demon King's own general was eye-opening. All the more reason that these humans needed to set things right. But where did that leave her? Right now she was just a nobody, at worst a nobody deserter. She didn't want to go back, at least not like this. She'd come all this way to help, she'd be damned if she didn't at least try. "I want in with... Whatever it is you're going to be doing, hero." She tried to mask the contempt behind that word, but she couldn't manage to keep it completely locked away. "Whatever you're doing there'll probably be fighting and if there's one thing I have confidence in, it's my battle prowess."
  22. Did this human have no sense of self-preservation or did he just not realize what sort of danger he was in? Either way, his fate wasn't her concern. Rising to her feet as she was addressed, Xalrei bowed to the Demon King before turning to leave, matching her pace with Lavinia's. "I am Xalrei Id..." She paused, unsure if she should give her full name. She didn't want to damage her father's reputation because she had acted rashly. "Just Xalrei, a soldier of Khach, no rank to speak of. I heard the Hero was marching on Vaia and rushed here to lend my assistance; though, it seems that I wasn't needed..." Although her face remained stoic her claws balled into fists, recalling what had happened just a day prior because of her decision to rush ahead.
  23. As Xalrei was lead through the Demon King's castle she couldn't help but be amazed. It was much grander than the family manor back in Khach. Truthfully, she felt a little out of place, going to meet the Demon King and all. She was just a soldier, or she had been before she rushed off at least. She'd be lucky if she was just discharged when she went back. As the doors opened she gulped, trying to prepare herself to see the Demon King in all his glory... What? She didn't know what she'd been expecting, but it definitely wasn't the short-statured Medusa on the throne. Still, she could feel her power, taking a knee in reverence. Of course, the non-hero human just had to open his smart mouth to make light of the Demon King's appearance. The Demon King was probably young for a Medusa if she was still that short. Xalrei knew that pain too, being a young dragonewt herself. Still kneeled, she growled at Agni. "Show respect for the Demon King, human. She may be young, but she's even more powerful than her general."
  24. Sounds like an excuse to play more aliens Mark me down as interested/in.
  25. "Just... don't, do it again. Please..." She was nearly begging Tristan. If he had actually died, she didn't know what she would do, moving forward. Would she be strong enough to continue on as she was now? Or would she... She didn't want to think about it, and now certainly wasn't the time for it; she'd be the one disappearing if she didn't get her act together. The immediate threat might have been gone, but there was still a field full of enemies in front of her. "I- We will win. I'm sure of it." A warning from the Alymdis alerted her to Duane and his squad as they arrived. A pincer attack? They couldn't afford to let these enemies gain momentum while the rest of the enemies were bearing down on them. It was time to stop them in their tracks, starting with the lead model. Almydis to 4,6 Acid Shotgun Duane.
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