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Posts posted by riccochet

  1. Hi guys! This is one of my few videos in my channel now. I wanted to show the potency of Anna's prf weapon along with other skills. It's high investment, but it's worth it, and it improves her one rounding potential. Explanation in the video. I'll be showcasing this again in Arena once she becomes a bonus unit again (probably a month).

    Also, I appreciate subscribers. I'll be posting more videos on some true solo Infernal GHBs soon (and maybe Abyssal if possible), and showcase of some underused skills if there are any more.


  2. 54 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    So if the 10/10 banner is a halloween banner, meaning the second october main banner could be the farfetched heroes as there is no book 3 yet.

    Make it either Heroes for Hire, or Mentorship:

    Heroes for Hire: Holyn, Volke, Rennac, or anyone else you recruit at the cost of money.

    Mentorship: Those who are adept at their own skills and have a particular student: Pent, Saleh, Shinon come to mind.

  3. From New Mystery of the Emblem:

    Kris: Hero's Guard (Sword Infantry)

    Weapon: Reprisal Edge+ - 14 Mt Rng 1 - If foe initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat.

    Assist: Rally Up Speed+

    Special: Draconic Aura

    B Skill: Quick Riposte 3

    C: Defense Tactic 3

    Stats (level 1)

    HP: 17/18/19

    Atk: 7/8/9

    Spd: 8/9/10

    Def: 7/8/9

    Res: 4/5/6

    Stats (level 40)

    HP: 36/40/43

    Atk: 31/34/37

    Spd: 32/35/38

    Def: 26/30/33

    Res: 21/24/28

    Special Quote:

    "Look nowhere else, I am your opponent!”

    "I'll come at you with everything I've got!”

    "For Prince Marth!"

    "Prepare yourself."

    Status Page:

    "No matter what happens... I'll stand by your side."

  4. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:


    The first round of combat is fought against the red dragon in Story 2-12-3 Lunatic, who has 45/44/31/30/29, but might be under the effects of the blue knight's Drive Res 2 or Helbindi's Byleistr.

    Tiki deals 61 damage and takes 2. No idea about relative Spd stats because Tiki has Bold Fighter and the red dragon has Quick Riposte.

    Moonbow deals 8 additional damage, so the red dragon has between 27 and 29 Res, which means she isn't buffed.

    This means Tiki has 50 Atk with her weapon equipped and 34 Res (unknown if With Everyone! is active). 45 HP is plainly visible.


    The second round of combat is fought against Hardin in Story 2-5-4 Hard, who has 38/39/21/30/25, but might be under the effects of Spur Res 2 from the sword knight.

    Tiki deals 22 damage and takes 0. Tiki needs to be faster than 16 Spd to avoid being doubled by Hardin, which means... pretty much nothing.

    Moonbow deals 8 additional damage, so Hardin has between 27 and 29 Res, meaning Spur Res 2 from the sword knight is active, giving him 28 Res.

    This means Tiki has 50 Atk with her weapon equipped and a minimum of 39 Def (unknown if With Everyone! is active). 45 HP is again plainly visible.


    This puts her stats at

    • 45 HP
    • 34 Atk or 50 Atk with her weapon
    • at least 18 Spd
    • at least 34 Def if With Everyone! was active, at least 39 Def if not
    • 29 Res if With Everyone! was active, 34 Res if not

    She's an armored unit. So this should be higher

  5. I would appreciate the original DC sword units get a refine. (only accessible to non-legendary versions, if any)

    Ryoma - refined Raijinto grants his legendary version's Bushido as a special refine.

    Ike - refined Ragnell accelerates special trigger at default and grants him Guard 3 on special refine

    Xander - refined Siegfried grants his personal Chivalry - If number of allies within two spaces (excluding unit) >= number of foes within two spaces of target (excluding target), grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack (same as special fighter but with a different condition)

  6. 6 hours ago, Garlyle said:

    Garon, 43/33/22/33/32

    Breath of Blight
    Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. At the start of turn 4, deals 10 damage to foes within 3 spaces, and restores HP to unit = number of foes within 3 spaces × 5. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

    Distant Def 3
    Panic Ploy

    This is defineately going to be a painful GHB. Seriously, what is the perfect counter against him?poi

    Poison Dagger. Every dagger except Flora and HS!Xander can double him.

  7. 20 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:


    October 6th - Heroes with Ploys Skills: I don't have any idea to what units will appear... Atk Ploy, Spd Ploy, Def Ploy, Res Ploy, Panic Ploy... so many choices!


    If I remember correctly there is no unit in the current summoning pool who has Def Ploy. Only Arvis and Summer Gaius have it. So I'm feeling:

    Res Ploy - Sonya, Lute

    Spd Ploy - Deirdre

    Atk Ploy - Katarina, MorganF

    Panic Ploy - Luke, Zelgius

    So I'm seeing Lute, Katarina, and Sonya/Deirdre

  8. Lethality - Cooldown 4, exclusive to dagger units only. Instantly kills an enemy if amount of damage unit can deal >= 1. Does not trigger specials.

    So basically we have this probably potentially broken special that is only exclusive to daggers (assassins). It's high cooldown is a reference to how low the percentages are to trigger it in the original games. But it can only trigger if unit can naturally deal at least 1 damage to foe. "Does not trigger specials" meaning it doesn't trigger Holy Vestments, Aegis, Sacred Cowl, Miracle, and even Ice Mirror. May really sound broken though.

  9. On 02/09/2018 at 12:41 AM, Icelerate said:

    Can I add exclusive weapons for my boys Nolan, Edward and Leonardo? 



    I got some ideas:


    Tarvos (Nolan) - Grants Def+3. Steady Breath built-in.

    Caladbolg (Edward) - Grants HP+5. Grants bonus to Attack and Speed = 30% of damage dealt to unit (maximum of +6 to both stats).

    Lungasadh (Leonardo) - Grants Spd+3. Chill Spd built-in.

  10. 21 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I didn't believe the gender pattern would last anyway. It was silly.

    Anyway, on one hand, I'm glad Marth got the love he's been needing. But on the other, this is a missed opportunity to have Hrid join his sisters in the same banner that they're in together. So that's disappointing.

    Marth having a special called Fire Emblem is so awesome and fitting though. lol I'm pulling reds. I'd like Marfy and Sword Rein.

    Hrid doesn't match the Fire element. Hopefully he will be a Wind Hero with the Def bonus (because that's the only one missing left)

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