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Posts posted by Geenoble

  1. Depends on when you get lord and the route as well. Dimitri, Claude and Edelgard both want to get two mastery skills from intermediate classes at some point in the form of hit+20 and DB/DB and Darting Blow. From my experience, on Maddening, with the +2 bonus it takes around 5 levels to master an intermediate class. The only time I would ever use Lord on these two is if they master the two classes early and value Charm over extra movement for a specific map, such as Ch 9 for example. Otherwise in wouldn’t give it to them.

    However Lord is easily Edelgards best class in SS if you can get her there, since you don’t care about her skills or seeing combat, if she gets to level 10, which is pretty likely since you just train her in faith and she heal spams as a noble/monk for exp, she will eventually get there, where she can become a lord and give +3 damage. 

    So it’s No on three routes and Yes on one.

  2. While I do really like Fortress Knight, and think it's actually a good class in the context of Maddening, my reasons for liking it aren't because of Pavise. Pavise as a skill has always been pretty eh. It's one of those Skill that is insanely annoying on the enemy, but too luck based to work well for your units. Fe4 generals suck for this reason. Both ways.

    In Three Houses it retains this function of being a pain in the butt the few times it does appear, but having almost no impact. It would be somewhat decent if you could get it in intermediate since it could make a good filler skill for chapters 6-12, but it being in Advanced means you most likely won't get it unless you're a decent way into the timeskip. In terms of the skill itself if you do get it. Not only does it face competition but i would only want to use it on a character with above 35 Dexterity anyway, so if i were to use it i would have Assassin Ignatz or something, and FK Ignatz would probably take less damage than an Assassin Ignatz that procced Pavise.


    No from me. They should have made Pavise the mastery of Armor Knight and given FK Wary Fighter as a Mastery, while changing QR to only be always double and you still get doubled in return.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    I don't know who TV Tropes is. Are they in the Maddening Mode Club?

    I had few issues recruiting all students. Sylvain I had to save scum to recruit since he sat at B support for two in-game months and his paralogue was running out of time. But, y'know, if my Byleth were female it'd be a non issue for that particular student. In SS, you don't need to train Byleth in C Heavy Armor and Brawling for Ferdinand and Caspar, since they're already recruited, that's a big difference compared to two other routes. You get tons of gifts without even trying from gardening, and I stuck to just buying the 100G gifts each month, as well as only the 300 and 500 options that are liked by students I haven't recruited yet. After chapter 9's fishing day, money's not a concern, so I could have splurged on even more than that. Planning out how to recruit students, and whether they needed support points, added a lot to my play time, but it was kind of fun to strategize. Ingrid just takes 5 (or 4) faculty trainings, Ignatz and Hilda just ask for ranks and stats Byleth should be getting naturally. I'll admit I took advantage of excessive grinding to get Byleth's lances to C rank in order to knock out Ashe and Leonie and save on gifts, but I also wasted a bunch of faculty training on swords trying to recruit Felix which was definitely the wrong way to go for him.

    TVtropes is a website, idk if anyone who moderates it has beaten Maddening mode.


    Unless you're doing a non be route and trying to get Caspar/Ferdinand, There isn't any real oppurtunity cost for trying to recruit everyone, since as you mentioned people like Hilda and Ignatz use Byleths natural skill pickups, and others you can just use the B support trick. I only don't recruit everyone since then the p-ts maps feel generic with no actual bosses.

    But in terms of recruiting All of Them, is there any need?

    You only need to recruit characters that you will use + paralouge characters.

    So in SS specifically you wold recruit Ingrid for luin, Sylvain, Mercedes, Felix, Ashe, Hilda, Lysithea, Leonie, Marianne, One of Ignatz/Rapheal, Anna, Lorenz, and maybe some others I've forgotten. Recruit both Ignatz and Raph if you're using one of them since they have a linked Atk.

    However this is just nitpicking necessarily since as i mentioned it doesn't really take much to recruit everyone. All it would do is save you some money on gifts.

    tl;dr you can recruit everyone with relative ease (inside of be) but there isn't any need too.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    since nobody cares about Mage!Bernadetta)

    Hey! Mage Bernadette is amazing in Ng+ normal mode.

    On a serious note relating Bernie, I'm curious as to why she's ranked above Flayn, Lysithea etc. You obviously mentioned her unreliable/difficult to activate prf and her atrocious base stats, and didn't even mention her bad proficiency spread. Encloser is really good but it only comes out at A rank bows, which will most likely be chapter 10-11 at minimum. I honestly think Vengence is better in this regard since it comes out earlier. The best Bernadetta build I've ever used was a Vengeance based Falcon K build, And even then despite his Flying Bane, Dedue would make a better Flier Vengeance build due to his higher hp and str meaning more overall damage. She is pretty good as a Sniper, but that's only because Sniper is really good. Caspar is really good in War Master, but obviously there are much better options for the class. Besides her combat arts she really has nothing going for her, especially in comparison to some of the units she is higher than. Hell i would say that Lorenz and some of the other mages may be better since their very large chip damage is around as soon as they hit B reason for most, whereas hers only comes out once she gets Sniper.

    Not saying she deserves to be in a lower tier specifically or anything since she does have good availability. But she should definitely be below Flayn and Lysithea imo.

  5. I mean if you're on hard difficulty Jill should be able to catch up on her own if you baby her a little bit. Marcia will need the bexp though. You could try a 50/50 split of 4 levels between each one. That way Mist will be closer to promotion and she requires less overall time, since you can get her around 2 levels per chapter probably if you're playing a bit slowly and healing a lot, while Marcia won't fall behind others. I mean the best healer in the game is probably soren, but that isn't because he can heal but rather he has insane combat and is an actual reliable dodge tank but it's good to have multiple units to rely on.

    If you're on Maniac then good luck trying to split the exp between the three of them since Jill will struggle there.

  6. In terms of the generic tank units no, Dedue and other units in FK will be doubled by mages and their res is pitiful anyway. 3 extra res will almost never help them and i would rather have a silver shield or seiros shield to boost up their prt even more to make them take less and less damage. QR does a better job against mages than these shields anyway..


    However to the overall question i would have to say yes. Often the units with the highest Resistance stats are mages. These units have basically nothing in their inventories apart from 1 or 2 staves and a vulnery. With this in mind there is no reason for the Shield to sit in the convoy over being potentially used in certain situations. These situations are when you may want to potentially Res Tank. You can lure in enemy mages with them, which are a bit harder to avoid tank since they ignore terrain. One of the things i did with this was drain an enemies meteor tome with it. I had a Linhardt with 32 Res as a Bishop, adding on his Battalion boosts he got 40,  I equipped him with the shield and he was able to take 6 damage from the hit. Of course situations like these are very situational, and the shield could easily be seen as Overkill since in the situation i mentioned and potentially others the shield wasn't needed and just made him take less damage. But considering mages don't have anything to fill their inventories unless they spam Frozen Lance/Hexblade, I don't really see why you shouldn't do it.

  7. I don’t know exactly what chapter you’re on but judging by the post i’ll assume chapter 10. Ike takes a bit of time before he snowballs. By chapter 18 he should be one rounding enemies with stronger weapons like steel swords. Ilyana is worse than Soren on EP (and in general), but she can make for a decent nuke on PP. Marcia has a very rough start but can become good with some investment, and by the sounds of your oscar it seems you got unlucky with his levels. I’ve had an oscar that didn’t get any Str in the first 7 levels before and it wasn’t fun. Mia kind of struggles killing anyway without crits or a really good forge since her strength is low, shes more there to dodge and weake.

    Don’t fret too much if your only good performers are Boyd, Soren and Titnaia, since it won’t take long until the game gives you another powerhouse and some Laguz, along with other good/ok units.

    As Eclipse mentioned you also have bonus exp, any unit can make good use out of this and it will give them early levels to get them rolling.

  8. On 2/16/2020 at 3:29 AM, Glennstavos said:

    Thales, since he lives underground.

    Considering that he's at the top of the heirarchy in Shambala i assume he lives in a tall tower, making him less deep in comparison to other characters. The deepest character would be the VW final boss since it seems he's under Shambala.

    On a serious note the 'deepest' character would probably be byleth Rhea, followed by El and Dimitri

    Deepest doesn't mean best however. My favorite character in this game is Dedue and he stays pretty surface level for who he is and what he does.

  9. 10 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Fort Merceus? Not what I think of when I think of warp skippable maps. Death Knight doesn't start leaving until turn 7, which is more than enough time to fight your way over to him without warp and while splitting up your army at the start. And I went for the rout anyway to get some levels. My units were 10-12 levels behind enemies in the final chapter, and that's with me doing the rout on every story chapter and paralogue in post-time skip. Auxiliiary battles don't help with this issue either, since those enemies don't catch up in levels and killing somebody two levels below you gives you (no joke) four points of experience when you need a thousand. Fort Merceus isn't hard to rout. The reinforcements were no threat, enemy density was always very low on every turn. Nobody is aggroed toward you before you bait them. The ballistae are also so far out of position that a single flier can calmly neutralize them without having to deal with bodyguards like in other maps. It's one of the easier post time skip maps for sure. Instead I'd point out Felix's paralogue. It's impossible without two charges of warp to send fliers at the boss for a turn 1 kill. Rodrigue dies on turn 1 unless you're very lucky, and any living green units count as alive for the objective, unlike the Remire Village chapter, so the map has every reason to warp skip.

    I only meant routing it was bad in that it's tedious and not fun, much like RD 4-3. Both of these maps aren't difficult when you have things like Haar or broken TH mechanics but they're very annoying. I just warp skip it because why waste my time with my least favourite map in the game. I guess that doesn't really add to warps selling points but you brought up its usefulness in other maps here anyway.

    10 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    25 strength and 20 speed at level 40

    Pretty sure you just got stat screwed sadly. It happens to even the best of units. He should have about 32 Str including modifiers if he goes into paladin. Toppled with Lance Faire, Battalion boosts ranging from +5 to +8 depending on what you have equipped, High Mt Lances and Death Blow he can easily one round all generic enemies apart from Warriors, Paladins and Armors. Hit rates might be bad on Assasins but he can equip something like Gonereil Valkyries or another battalion that boosts hit to fix that. I agree that they should be the divider between tiers, usually what i do in Tier lists, is if i have two units so insanely similar and want them to be a divider i would have one be at the bottom of the higher tier and another at the top of a lower tier. eg; Allen and Lance are so similar that to show them as the divider between tiers i would put one at the bottom of High tier and the other at the top of Mid tier.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Harvey said:

    Ok so I got a question about the black eagle route.


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    I came across two points where I had two choices which changed the story I think. One was whether to go with Edlegard or not and the other was to kill her or not. Being that I chose to go with her and not kill her, I assume I got the crimson flower route because of that choice. So if at all there is another part that requires a different choice to make, which choice would I have to do for the different part to take place? Also, in this part, there were no cutscenes that occured so does the other choice have cutscenes? By cutscenes, I mean't the ones that were semi hand animated like the early ones?


    The Black Eagles route is the only one to have a major decision like that that changes what route you get. The other two routes have some minor changes, in AM for example depending on your choices you may lose a unit to story related reasons. Every route apart from CF has cutscenes. 

    In order to get Silver Snow, simply follow Rhea's orders to try and kill Edelgard.

  11. Dlc is out, makes me wish Jeralt was in the game.


    Starting Class



    Major Crest of Seiros

    Base Stats:

    Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Cha
       17 45 20   8   16 13 10 18  14 12

    Personal Skill: 

    Blade Breaker: Inflicts -6 Strength and Defense on an enemy after combat.

    Starting Combat Arts, Abilities, and Items.

    Combat Arts


    Starting Items

    Sword Arts

    Lance Prowess Lv 4

    Steel Lance

    Wrath Strike

    Sword Prowess Lv 1



    Authority Lv 2


    Lance Arts

    Dexterity +4


    Tempest Lance



    Knight Kneeler

    Keen Intuition








    Growth Rates and Max Stats:

    HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Cha
    50% 45% 20% 45%  40% 25% 35% 35% 35%
    94 64 30 62 54 40 49 48 49

    Skill Proficiencies:

    Sword Lance Axe Bow Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying
         D      B (+)   E    E        E        E      E         C (+)           E       B (+)      E (-)

    Learnt Magic and Skills:

    Skill Levels Sword Lance Authority Riding Reason Faith
    E+ Sword Prowess LV 1 Lance Prowess LV 1 Authority LV 1   Reason Prowess Lv 1 Faith Prowess Lv 1
    D Wrath Strike Tempest Lance     Fire Heal
    D+ Sword Prowess LV 2 Lance Prowess LV 2 Authority LV 2. Rally Charm   Reason Prowess Lv 2 Nosferatu, Faith Prowess Lv 2
    C Grounder Knight Kneeler   Dexterity +4 Sagitae Recover
    C+ Sword Prowess LV 3 Lance Prowess LV 3 Authority LV 3, Rally Dexterity   Reason Prowess Lv 3 Faith Prowess Lv 3
    B Axebreaker Swordbreaker Defensive Tactics      
    B+ Sword Prowess LV 4 Lance Prowess LV 4,  Authority LV 4   Reason Prowess Lv 4 Faith Prowess Lv 4
    A Finesse Blade Vengeance Mercenaries Tutelage      
    A+ Sword Prowess LV 5 Lance Prowess LV 5 Authority LV 5 Movement + 1 Ragnarok, Reason Prowess Lv 5 Faith Prowess Lv 5
    S Sword Crit +10 Lance Crit +10     Black Magic crit +10 White magic range +1 
    S+ Swordfaire Lancefaire Offensive Tactics: Riding effect null Black Tomefaire White Tomefaire

    Mercenaries Tutelage: Rally: Grants +6 Str and +6 Def for one round of combat.


    Joins at the beginning of chapter 8. Will leave at the end of Chapter 9 unless you have a B support with him, in which case he will be saved and will be available for the rest of the game.

    • Full Name: Jeralt Reus Eisner
    • Age: ?? (Revealed as over 100 after Alois B support)
    • Birthday: 17th of Verdant Rain Moon 
    • Height: 188 cm
    • Status: Former Mercenary and Commander of the Knights of Seiros.
    1160 Starts a fire and sneaks out of Garreg Mach, becomes a mercenary.
    1174 Meets and instructs Leonie Pinelli for a short time.
    1180 Reinstated as Captain of the Knights of Seiros by Archbishop Rhea.
    • Hobbies: Fishing, Alcohol, Fighting
    • Likes: Training, Drinking, Byleth, Fishing
    • Dislikes: The Church of Seiros, Drinking


  12. Off the top of my head:


    - All the subpar (or already bad) Laguz which includes, Lyre, Kyza, Lethe, Vika, and Kurthnaga are much worse on Hard mode compared to normal mode. Hell Lyre is nearly unusuable.

    - Tormod

    - All of the Crimean Army apart from maybe Kieran and Geoffery.

    - Edward

    - Aran

    - Leonardo

    - Meg

    - Pelleas

    Those ones are the ones that are impacted the most. A lot of other units are worse on Hard mode to soem degree, but not outstandingly so, Jill  and Nolan are slightly worse since it takes a bit longer for them to double, but they're still great units. Due to exp cuts Titania gains no EXP early on in part 3 but she's still really good, etc.



    - Haar. No WT means more hit vs swords and his stats are so good the increase in enemy stats doesn't matter.

    - The BK. There's almost no reason to use him in normal mode really but in Hard he's very good for doing stuff in the final chapter such as attacking up ledges and taking on one half of the map while Nailah takes the other. In 3-6 he's also the only unit besides Tarvos Nolan and a slightly blessed Aran that can deal with multiple Tigers at once. Still a hard unit to rate otherwise but i find him better on Hard.

    - Ike. Same with Haar pretty much.

    Would't say there are many winners otherwise since most units do perform better on lower difficulties. Haar and Ike do preform a bit better on lower difficulties too since stat benchmarks are lower but they basically aren't affected by the difficulty change at all and get a slight boost.


  13. Depends on the unit, battalion and stage of the game. I would consider using it on someone like Lorenz, since magic battalions don't have a lot of endurance, Lorenz can actually take hits, so he might be taking some damage that lets it be useful, Mages have no competition for ability slots for ages. I might also equip it on someone who takes a lot of EP like Dedue or Dimitri in the mid game when their battalions only have 60 endurance.

    So yeah sometimes.


    For some previous rounds.

    Hero: Yes if LTC/Speedrun, otherwise no.

    Longbow: Never used it, and since it's so heavy i would rather just carry a higher mt bow and use curved shot since i doubt i will not double with it.


  14. 2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I thought I may as well do my own list while things are fresh in my mind. The Rules are Silver Snow Maddening, classic no NG+. Definitely not LTC or Iron Man. Divine Pulse is allowed. No DLC, no online/amiibo bonuses, no save scumming for stat boosters (save scumming for other things is allowed, such as class exams or resetting the game for a better Turn 1, we're only humans), no gratuitous grinding (such as spamming rusted weapons on priests with renewal for 90 turns, but auxilliary battles are not banned in general). While some characters make great adjutants, for this list I only consider a unit for their performance when deployed. Units are ranked within tiers, but I didn't fuss too hard about horizontal placements.

    Tier List


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    Top Tier

    -Byleth: Obviously top tier. Great starting stats, exclusive access to faculty/advanced training. The Crest of Flames is one of the best crests to have. Enlightened One is a decent mid game class. Sword of the Creator seems a lot more great than its stats suggest when the game showers umbral steel on you. And he gains +20% more experience while providing the same buff to adjacent allies. When it comes to gender, I think they’re equally matched. F!Byleth’s access to Pegasus knight gives her a solid edge in the early-mid game where fliers can really subvert some difficult objectives, while M!Byleth’s performance as a Grappler/War Master is about as good as you can get for the mid-late game. 


    High tier

    - Felix: Just another war master with the best crest for the job and makes full use of Aegis Shield for better bulk. Nothing to complain about here other than his lack of personal skill and authority bane. With some moderate instruction he can make B Authority by the end of the game assuming his recruitment wasn’t too late.

    -Ingrid: She only takes five faculty sessions (or four if you’re willing to save scum for Greats) in order to recruit, and joins with far better stats than she’d obtain in Blue Lions. Her Crest is good, her combat arts are worth pushing for, and her relic is received early on and is the golden, easy to repair variety.

    -Alois: Similar to Seteth, great skills ranks and stats. Basically he’s Dedue/Raphael/Caspar with none of the early game investment or frustrations. He will have immediate access to Healing Focus, Batallion Wrath, and Rally Strength. He also picks up One-Two Punch fairly fast which destroys sword wielding enemies. Between that combat art and quick riposte, he won’t ever be doubled again. Alternatively, if you care to stack wraths with retribution and pick up Vantage he can tear through maps on his own with constant 100 crit.

    -Seteth: Good bulk and even better skill ranks. But as a Chapter 12 recruit lagging behind your roster by 3 or 4 levels, you have almost no time to grab class masteries or experience. At base he’ll provide Rally Defense and gambits for Chapter 13, but is unlikely to contribute much else. Stick with him until you can get swift strikes and he scales very well into late game between that and his crest providing a windsweep effect on combat arts 50% of the time.

    -Petra: Great early game compared to other students due to simply avoiding doubles, and RNG is really the only thing that can ruin her scaling into late game. Petra has no crest nor worthwhile combat arts, setting her apart from other would-be fliers, but she’s obviously very good and will be with you from the start.

    -Leonie: Recruit!Leonie trades a lot of speed for strength compared to the GD version, but it’s a great trade in my opinion. Point-Blank Volley on a flying class allows her to be a mobile assassin, but unlike Snipers she could be in trouble if that combat art doesn’t kill which could be often in the late game. At least Seteth’s version of the move has a 50% chance of nulling counterattacks.


    Mid Tier

    -Linhardt: The only unit with access to both Warp and Physic. And restore is game changing when somebody gets clocked by a sudden 30 hit gambit. Once he’s a Bishop with a healing staff, he will have his full build as a dedicated support unit. He has issues, like middling power attacking spells, low speed and charm, and bad proficiencies for picking up armor knight bases, but none of them impact his role. His crest is also excellent, especially for early game.

    -Sylvain: Swift Strikes and a crest that can increase its power by another 10. Lightning Axe is a good pick up too. Probably the best Paladin/Great Knight, but those classes have little going for them beyond lancefaire, especially with the prevalence of stairs in final maps.

    -Ferdinand: Sort of a baby seteth I guess. Same crest, same swift strikes. Seal Speed/Shatter slash is clutch in the Sothis paralogue. I also enjoyed using the Spear of Assal to keep his health up and personal skill activated.

    -Shamir: Snipers are excellent units, and her personal makes her even better with the dancer she is presumably walking around with. Stat growths will make her pretty frail as the game goes on, and her combat art list is bad, but she has the fastest access to Hunter’s Volley where the only stats that will matter long term are Str and Dex.

    -Ignatz: Good stats, and recruitment is pretty free since he only asks for authority. Break shot is nice, and his personal ability is fantastic. Ignatz can stack both Hit +20s, but a unit with that much Dex has no need of both unless he goes bow knight or if you're really afraid of gambits missing. Personally I stick with Sniper, since Hunter's Volley already has +15 hit to help cover the cost of firing at longbow range. Not having to equip Hit +20 frees up a slot for a luxury skill like Rally Speed or Bow Crit +10. 

    -Bernadetta: Very good combat arts in Vengeance, Encloser, and Deadeye to bait enemies safely in early game. Her level 1 stats are pretty atrocious, easily the worst of any physical fighter besides Caspar. And her access to a crest hurts as much as it helps, when relic recoil would help activate her personal and improve her Vengeance nuking. Snipers truly don’t need much to be effective, but as a level 1 unit, Bernie has the highest likelihood of turning out wrong.

    -Flayn: Rescue is easily as helpful as warp when you factor in the higher amount of charges. Seriously, it saves so many repositions or divine pulses when you get a bad roll dodging a gambit. And Fortify can patch up her lack of physic and recover by being both at once. Her crest is excellent. Combat potential is low, but combat mages in general underperform in maddening. Frozen Lance might be worth grinding too since she lacks a nuke spell.

    -Lysithea: As a recruit, she actually gets access to warp the slowest of the three warpers. One shotting enemies is possible in the early to mid game, but it won’t last. She has neither recover, nor physic. With unlimited grinding allowed I might rank her higher, since her personal encourages that, and Hit +20 really addresses accuracy issues. Other physical class bases in strength, HP, and def would certainly help Thyrsus’ pavise/aegis procs to be relevant in keeping her alive.

    -Manuela: No access to recover, physic, or fortify hurts her potential as a dedicated support unit. Reason weakness also hurts her other class options. And she has no access to Dancer which would have been optimal. But Manuela does have warp, and a mean hexblade. Ward is also free experience any turn she can’t be doing something more useful, which will hopefully lead to attaining more Warp range and better gambits to support in that way. Not a great unit, but there's no use getting upset about another source of Warp who is free to recruit.

    -Caspar: awful level 1 stats leading to a very poor early game. But as a puncher he really just needs strength +2, death blow, and bombard to start one rounding enemies and keep doing that into late game provided he doesn’t get strength screwed. His personal also helps not only him but your teammates with accuracy which is a breath of fresh air with the other punchers’ lack of useable personal skill.

    -Raphael benefits a lot from recruitment stats and it’s nice not having to deal with his early game woes. Altogether a decent replacement for an underperforming Caspar, but Alois makes for very stiff competition for his role, having better combat arts, likely better stats across the board, and better skill ranks.


    Low Tier

    -Catherine: In other routes, Catherine can tear up the early-mid game and have enough time to grab skill ranks and class masteries. Not so in Silver Snow. As a Chapter 12 recruit, her stats are great (25 str, 30 speed, that is actually better than my level 40 Ferdinand), but it’ll be 3-4 chapters before she can get into assassin. And that’s assuming you neglect Death Blow, too. Her personal is also real bad.

    -Ashe: Marginally less stats than Ignatz, and his only noteworthy combat art is deadeye which has little application outside of early maps. And unlike every other archer, no cool personal skill. He can work but he’s the worst of the litter. He also won’t return until Chapter 16, and I have no idea how many levels he gets while absent.

    -Mercedes: Fortify, Physic, and Restore is an above average support loadout but in this route Linhardt and Flayn are free while providing those spells alongside warp and rescue. A decent choice if you just have to have another physic user alongside Linhardt, but nothing else worth noting.

    -Lorenz: Recruit!Lorenz is pretty much stuck spamming frozen lances as a cavalier. And that in turn neglects his early access to Ragnarok. If you get him early, he can play a full mage where he stands out from other mages by having frontline ready bulk and being in position with recover for heavy duty healing and thyrsus for linked attack supports. He loses some points due to availability – not rejoining your party until chapter 17. I don’t know how many levels he gains, but my Lorenz rejoined just three levels behind my crew at 30 so it’s not a huge hindrance outside of the instruction sessions he misses. Useable, but this is not his best route.

    -Marianne: Not the best faith loadout, and her reason list is really inaccurate – favoring crits against enemies that all have crit avoid. She’ll also start with E rank in reason with no strength in the skill unlike other magic users. Great magic combat arts though. They tend to address her lack of accuracy and damage.

    -Dorothea: loses points hard for her atrocious early game performance. It is nearly impossible to get a basic healing spell before chapter 3 mission, and her only source of damage is four thunder charges. Assuming you use all four to pick up kills for her (at 70-80 accuracy against those early enemies, with linked attack bonuses), that only barely picks up one level up per battle. She falls behind quickly without access to the free experience that faith magic provides. She’s a heck of a dancer though. I know that’s treated like a non argument, but providing meteor linked attack supports, hexblade nukes, sword avoid dodge tanking, and the occasional physic makes her quite the swiss army knife in the latter half of the game. If you’re playing NG+, make her an adjutant so you don’t have to deal with her early performance.

    -Annette: A combat mage focusing on wind magic, yippee. I think she’s much more useful in BL’s early game than she’d ever be here. And if you prefer Wyvern Annette, her recruited version is stuck with E+ axes so good luck getting there. Seems to require too much investment compared to other units.

    Bottom Tier

    -Hanneman: Great reason loadout but his lacking speed can be a real problem. The only enemy type I count on mages to deal with is armor knights, but Hanneman tends to need speed boosters just to secure the double on them since they actually have AS. Plus if you want meteor linked attack support, Dorothea is already on your roster in this route. Being able to use Thyrsus without recoil is not a good trade off for hexblade when comparing against her.

    -Hilda: Chapter 12 recruitment and an authority bane. Between her lack of authority, flying ranks, and class masteries she just needs way too much tutoring before she can get the essentials – let alone compete with anybody in your roster. And even if you do get her, you’re past the easiest maps in the game so the transition cannot be smooth.

    -Cyril: For all the bad things to say about Cyril, this is his worst route due to his chapter 12 recruitment. Compared to Hilda, he has 11 less strength, no personal skill to help his combat, and doesn’t match other recruitable physical units in any stat. SS!Cyril is the least viable unit in Three Houses. And that’s a shame since this is the route where he has the most to fight for.



    I haven't done SS on maddening, but the placements of the BE students should be very similar to their CF counterparts, and judging by that i pretty much almost completely agree with this, just would move Linhardt (and maybe Lysithea if you support grind to recruit her super early) since warp is so good, especially for the fort merceus map, routing that is so bad, Ferdinand should be A, as you said he's Seteth lite but it's basically a Jill/Haar or Wolf/Sedgar situation where one is worse, but worse is still amazing. If you have female Byleth, Sylvain is basically the same unit as Ferdinand and should be a tier higher with him. SS wyverns or Paladins are great. Obv M-Byleth sylvain is Mid. Hanneman should probably be with the other mages since his doubling issues only exist for 5 levels since the Warlock speed base of 14 lets his speed growth allow him to double, and then he's just a mage with a riding bane so he's above average for mages. Dedue S tier for having 50 prt as a green unit


    17 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Falcon Knight/Wyvern Lords take up the #1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 slots and nothing lower than that. How am I not emphasizing fliers? There isn't a single unit I consider for flier within the bottom two thirds of the roster. Except I guess Hilda and Cyril, but their placements ought to be understandable due to the route.

    Fliers very epic and the best class, but a lot of people seem to sleep on some of the infantry classes for some reason, and ofc Assasin is inferior to WL in every way apart from speed, which FK is equal in, but WM has some actual advantages over those classes that make it stand out as the best (or second best depending on how much you value bishop) Infantry class in the game. Gaunlets are probably the second best weapon type in the game behind bows, and it has the highest str modifier of any class. Crit +20 is unique to it and it has hands down the best mastery skill in the game. Fortress Knight also has some cool niches to it that fliers don't have.

  15. Should be noted that Constance has Rescue, putting her in a niche that she only shares with Flayn since bernie and anna have bad magic, she also has higher base and growth over flayn giving her the highest rescue range. Her best class will probably be DF anyway for those flying rescue shenanigans similar to Elincia in PoR and RD.

    In terms of Hapi's final class DK is better than V in almost every situation since it's just higher damage, and in terms of range it actually has an extra point of movement so the tiles they can reach are the same. Only difference is when you find wasteland/stairs, in which V will have more range when mounted, but you can just dismount as DK to get 6 move compared to V's 4. She might like Gremory as well for double warp.


    For Balthus he's pretty much Raph with a better personal skill in most ways. Seems solid, can't really see him replacing dedue though since if dedue get's going he will usually be better than Raph and by the looks of it Balthus as well. WM/Grappler and FK seem like his best classes, along with WL if you want to get him there, but there are better options for WL's anyway.


    Yuri looks aight. I agree with everything you said. He could make good use of Trickster too, since it gives him supporting abilities.

  16. I've done every route apart from SS on maddening, but i'm up to CH 2 on SS and plan on using the Ashen wolves. not looking forward to the final map since a lot of people say it's hell.

    Monastery is really cool early on but gets tedious late into the timeskip.

    My favourite of the three was easily AM, Dedue was such a fun unit to use and i probably haven't had as much fun using a unit since Nolan in RD. CF comes in second for no reason other than Jeritza made it feel unique. It was cool to use units like Hanneman and Manuela for the first time too so using those 3 new units made it more interesting. Least Favourite was my first one, GD. This was when i thought i needed to completely optomise the game like in Conquest Lunatic and had 7 fliers. I also didn't know about the almighty guard adjutants then as well as some other mechanics. Final map was fun though.

    I don't have the other two SF anymore but here are the stats for the AM guys:


  17. 1 hour ago, EduSubGamer said:

    I'm confused abou what exactly IS Cindered Shadows all about. Is it some missions that change the story in an existing route ? Is it a whole new version of Part 1 ? Is it a reimagining of the game's plot ? I'm so confused.

    From what we currently know, Cindered Shadows seems to be a seperate side story that you can access from the main menu, it will give you a pre generated Byleth along with some other units.


    If you're fine with some spoilers (They're only gameplay spoilers, no story spoilers.) about it there is much clearer information here:




    and here:


  18. I haven’t seen this brought up unless i skipped over it when reading the thread but honestly, all POR really needs is general Fire Emblem QoL changes, specifically the ones introduced in SD.

    The worst part about fe9 is the enemy phase and animations take forever, being able to skip them with enter would be so good. Other things like auto-advance and a fast animation mode similar to 3ds fe and TH would be welcome too.

    Besides skippable phases however i mostly agree with everything else. Damage numbers in combat would be great as well as RD wind edges and abilities. I do prefer the vanilla bases over a monastary like area however.

  19. Most of my thoughts i said before still stand but i want too add a few things.


    There's a video by the Youtuber Chaz Aria LLC that basically goes over the argument for Spd +2 vs Wgt -3 that i almost 100% agree with.


    In terms of the Weight SKill specifically, assuming Speed+2 doesn't exist, or i can't get it due to wanting to master another beginner, since i usually only have the time to master two Beginner classes unless i start grinding. Weight -3 is a skill that all depends on the class and unit, and i want to get gardening stat boosts such as Rocky Burdocks or Ambrosia since i require those stats more than speed.

    I would never seriously consider getting it on a Wyvern Lord for two key reasons.

    A) That 460 Wexp could go towards Flying, giving a sooner Alert Stance (or Alert Stance+) which makes the unit more efficient for a long period of time. Maybe i would consider getting it long after Getting A+ Flying, but by that point, Skill slots will usually be filled for the most part with Alert stance +, 1 or more blow skills, W prowess, Hit +20, Etc.

    B) A maddening only reason. With the exception of speed blessed units, or units that make use of reclassing growths (like Petras 80% speed growth in Assassin for a few levels.) most Wyverns (or even Falcon Knights) Will struggle doubling enemies such as Warriors and Paladins with or without Weight-3, and they will be able to double Mages just fine with a bit of AS loss from Iron Axes, and can Double Armors with some of the heaviest weapons.

    The exception to this would be a Wyvern Edelgard, and a Wyvern Hilda due to their Armor Proficiency, and the reason why i wouldn't consider other potential Wyverns with Armor Proficiency, Ferdinand and Rapheal, is because they either have a brave art, or are slow enough where it won't make a difference. Edelgard starts with D and Hilda probably wants some armor rank to pick up Seal speed for the early game.

    In terms of Mages and Non Armor grounded Physical Classes like War Master or Paladin. No, Warmaster doesn't need to have less weight since Gauntlets weigh nothing anyway, and in terms of characters that would go into Paladin none of them have need to deviate off their skill paths. Most if not all Mages are weak in Armor.

    In terms of Armor Classes themselves,  Armors won't double, however the High Defence is incredibly valuable on a higher difficulty, and the weight - skills can help boost their avoid against their biggest physical threat, Archers. Using it depends on the unit however. For the best Armor Knight Dedue, It;s pretty pointless since Dedue is slow anyway so he won't gain anything meaningful out of it, and his defence is so overkill anyway that him getting chipped by PS isn't as bad since he always takes 0 damage. Same goes for Raph and Gilbert, too slow.

    In terms of Hilda and Ferdinand however, (And Lord Edelgard i guess) It has some merit since they will actually have a decent speed stat, (something around 20 on average i believe?) Of course they will still get mostly doubled, but due to Fortress Knights innate Weight-5, you can get up to weight-10 meaning even heavy axes like Freukugial will make you lose 0 AS, allowing for some decent base avoid, and when combined with a good battalion and an adjutant or other support bonuses, can give good avoid against Archers without sacrificing the damage of your unit, since training weapons are mostly used to double, and FK won't be doubling anyway.

    There was a recent LP i watched with a Fortress Knight Hilda with Weight -10 and it was much more effective than i ever thought it would be, so that definitely changed my view on Weight -5 at least.


    Assuming Speed Carrots and Speed +2 exist however, i would much rather use those on the non FK units then ever consider specking into W-3/5


    tl;dr: Yes and No. Depends on Class and Unit and whats available. Since the title of the thread is 'would you use' and not 'would you recommend using this/do you think this is viable and good in comparison to alternatives' I would say yes since i would generally consider using them with some units, but it isn't a universal thing that you want on everyone like the Blow skills.


    For Alois and Gilbert, I would definitely equip them at first when they have no better alternatives, but keeping it equipped depends on what class and if their are no alternatives. For example a on FK Gilbert i would probably drop it since his slow, and probably the same for every other Gilbert class since he has like 6 personal speed base at level 27. Alois is different since if I speck him in FK or WL i see no harm in him keeping the skill, i might phase it out later if i want another skill, such as when i get a crit skill or faire skill, or perhaps i want Defensive Tactics since he takes lots of hits. A WarMaster Alois has no real point however since Gaunlets weigh nothing in face of his Strength.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Speed +2 is linked whit the worst movement art, so there is the oppurtunity cost of either a better movement art, or not advancing in a better intermediate class, wich also delay the blows.

    That said, Edelgard has an average of 13 def at level 20, and there are many people in a similar boat (pretty much everyone but Dimitri, Dedue, Raphael and Leonie) so if you can qualify right away, it's weight -3 and 4 defense. 12 is what you get for qualifying into any advanced, so on certain units we are looking at a boost of 5 points just by investing a few weeks in a skill. 

    You need 35 str to not be burdened by a fucking iron axe and those are endgame stats. People can fanboy on training weapons all day long but they are only good if you can't afford anything better. 

    Delaying a blow skill vs Delaying 460 exp in a stat is a pretty similar cost all things considered, and getting blow skills isn't the hardest thing ever, same with speed + 2. Late joining units like Seteth and Alois can pretty easily get blow skills. And the improvements of Brigand vs Myrmidon in terms of raw stats isn't that big apart from the movement. So you're basically getting DB a chapter or 2 later, at the cost of having Speed+2 which is a better trade off anyway.

    Training Weapons are pretty useful up until like chapter 15, since they can give the highest possible avoid, and they aren't the only light weapon. In terms of Bows and Axes specifically you have the Mini Bow and Mace, which have higher might than the training weapons whilst still having low weights, and even if you only have 25 strength and lose 2 as from an axe, if 2 as was what you needed to double you should have brought a lighter weapon unless you wearn't hoping to double anyway. Most units outside of Assassins and Warmasters will double most enemies only with brave arts, or very light weapons like the Mini Bow. 

    The defence boost doesn't really matter much anyway for Wyverns since most of their bulk comes from Avoid Tanking. If you want the base defence of FK, you probably want to be a physical tank and actually take hits, in which staying FK would be the best option. Wyverns shouldn't need the defence anyway as if their in range they've probably used Alert Stance or you've planned on them taking hits, or they canto out of range. 

    I won't talk further on W-3 until it's brought up in the Thread.


    I also forgot to talk about Wild Abandon.

    The combat art can be fun to rig some crits with, and it's something i would recommend trying at least once as a NG+ build to reach 100 crit super early on with the units for fun.

    By itself, the combat art is ok. The lack of Hit is pretty terrible but so long as you use an accurate weapon or have support bonuses or Hit+20, you should be able to keep decent hit rates against Paladins and Armors. Of course this means relying on other units to have the support boosts, which can potentially lead to it being a reliability, but it has some use.

    It ends up being redundent in the face of two other Combat Arts however. Smash and Helm Splitter.

    Smash gives only 10 less crit but has a total of 50 hit over WA, This makes it much more reliable, a crit chance of 65 hit and 60 crit for example is much lower than a crit chance of 100 hit and 50 crit. Of course the crit won't do as much damage, but this will only really matter against armors, since you can still easily one shot Paladins (and other enemies since you can hit them with smash)

    In terms of Armors, Helm Splitter is a much better choice for killing them Combat Art wise, as it is much more reliable, and even more reliable is a Mace or Hammer, which just makes both redundant in the armor killing purpose.

    On Normal Mode i would probably seriously consider using Wild Abandon since enemies have like, 30 avoid tops on normal, but on Hard and Maddening i would never seriously use it.

  21. Haven’t said anything for Absorption since i missed it but it seems ok, I’d say yes for the early post timeskip/late pre timeskip but have it phase out when you get better battalions,


    On the topic of Swordmaster Imma say No,

    people have been mentioning how inferior it is when compared to Assassin, and it is, Assassin has everything apart from a 10% boost to strength, Sword crit +10 and an extra point from modifiers, but even the ability to pass through forests unimpeded is better than all of those. So if i ever wanted to make anyone a SM i would go Assassin instead. Even Catherine gets quickly reclassed to Assassin after picking up some blow skills or Hit +20.

    I want to add that I personally think Hero is better, since SM doesn’t really give anything unique and is more difficult overall to certify into considering most physical units want at least D+ Axes anyway for Brigand, so Hero comes more naturally. Hero on the other hand gives innate Vantage, which still isn’t amazing, but can potentially save an ability slot, or more importantly has actual uses in an LTC run, as you won’t have time to get vantage from mercenary. So Hero has a small niche in LTC while SM has basically nothing to it. Hero also has a better mastery skill, and while Defiant Str isn’t that good it looks like Quick Riposte when compared to Astra.

    Assassin is better than both anyway.

    8 hours ago, Flere210 said:

    I am 90% sure that i did it at C armor, eich is something you like anyway for weight-3. 

    Any character that goes WL like also weight-3 if they can afford it, so if they are def screwed they may try the exam as well. 

    Weight -3 isn’t all that great though tbh. Its an ok skill, but only has uses early game on some units. It can be somewhat decent for units going down the armor class line, or units proficient in armor, but otherwise not only is it not worth the investment, but also utterly outclassed by a better skill. Speed+2 is easier to get than Weight -3 since it only requires E+ swords or D if you want to be rng proof, as well as 30-15 rounds of combat depending on if you have Mastermind/Knowledge Gem. Thats about 1 or 2 maps in a 4 move class, but you can do this as soon as you get the saint statues, so you’re locked to 4 move at a time when your other units will either still be at 4 or have just reached 5 for 2 maps. Getting C armor with a base of E and no proficiency takes a minimum of 8 instructional weeks with focus solely in Heavy Armor, which can take away from other skill ranks. Speed+2 also works with every weapon whereas weight-3 only works with heavy weapons.

    I’d actually like to nominate weight-3, along with the non relic/Sacred Shields, so Silver shields, Steel, etc.

  22. 3 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    I'd say Elincia calling Rafiel a reknown fighter is the weirdest support

    Hey, don’t underestimate reaper card Rafiel, he can kill if he needs too.


    Another bizarre support is Nephenee/Devdan. It basically starts with Danved telling her to smile, and she freaks out and goes along with him. It then ends in the exact same way. Nothing was gained for these two characters in this support.


  23. In the context of Hard, Yeah. Not great but it's basically a less bulky Fortress Knight with more Move, and a Less offensive More bulky Paladin, no need for extremes on Hard so an inbetween works fine.

    Maddening is very different. For a unit in offense, Paladin is better in every way apart from baiting, (and against some enemies it's worse since the Paladin may avoid being doubled) and worse it's defensively than Fortress Knight since it has a lower modifier. (It's only by two, but without Quick Riposte that equates to 4 points of extra damage.) So statistically it falls short in comparison to it's most similar classes. The benefit i could see using it over Paladin is maybe you want to sacrifice a tiny bit of offense for a bit more bulk, and  for Knight you want to sacrifice some defense for more mobility. So from here it looks like a middle ground that you might use if your paladin isn't bulky enough or if you can't spare using Reposition on your Fortress Knight it seems decent, but then you have to get into the certifications.

    The Beginner Class/Brigand or Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight and Beginner Class/Brigand or Armor Knight/Fortress Knight/Great Knight are the two class paths most suited to get to Great Knight. Here lies it's biggest issue. Paladins suddenly need to train both Axe and Armor, which they never need to use for any previous classes apart from Brigand. Fortress Knights suddenly need B+ Riding (or at least C to have a good chance of passing) This can end up hampering from their skill experiences in other areas, such as higher Authority, Getting closer to S rank weapons, or Going further in Riding/Armour for Movement +1/Weight -5. The only unit that isn't hurt by this sudden change is Ferdinand, due to his budding talent meaning it won't take him too much longer if he solo focuses Armor. (And of course Gilbert, but that's more because he has Base C riding, But i'll get back to him.) For easily the hardest class to certify into, the reward is less than Steller, when you could easily just stay in your current advanced class for better growths and focus on stats, or for the sudden change in needing Riding/Armor and Axes you could just focus on Solo Brawling/Axes Brawling for War Master, or Flying Axes/ Solo Flying for Wyvern, Two better classes that take the same amount of effort to certify into from Paladin/Fortress Knight.

    Gilbert is the exception, due to starting with C riding, B axes and B armour, he can easily get the Great Knight certification to 100% within two chapters. So the question there is whether to use it over Paladin/Fortress. I personally don't think Mixed Bags work on maddening, and would prefer the extra tankiness or extra offense, but if you want a mix of both i guess Gilbert can fill that role for you, even if i like to use him as a dedicated tank.


    tl;dr No, For what the class does there are generally better options, and even if you do want to use it, it's certification is such a pain with no clear class line going into it.

  24. 4 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Wow; those are very detailed. By the way, how did you make the tables?

    Jagen's pathetic growths do reflect him quite well, though I'm surprised that he has a %60 growth in skill. Considering that that's not including any class growth rates, that seems a bit high. Also, he obtains two abilities/arts when he reaches B rank in lances. No one would notice, since he's already at B+ when recruited, but that still seems odd, especially since he learns nothing new when he reaches A rank in lances. Overall though, that's really good. Interesting personal skill, and it fits him well. 

    Gordin is interesting. I'm surprised that you gave him a sword proficiency, given that he's an archer in Shadow Dragon, and it's the hunter class line that uses bows & swords. His speed growth seems a bit high considering that, in Shadow Dragon, he was a bit of a Jack-of-all-stats. His personal skill is interesting, though a bit weird: if he defeats five enemies in one chapter, he has attack+5 for the rest of the chapter. That seems like something that won't activate much until very late-game chapters, and I'm not sure what aspect of Gordin it's supposed to be reflective of. 

    Anyway, those are my thoughts. What did you think of my other Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood characters?


    This talk of Shadow Dragon has given me some ideas:

    Jagens skill growth is way too high. I confused him with fe6 Marcus who has crap growths but a really high skill growth. I wanted him to learn Swift Strikes earlier than A, similar to how Cyril learns it at C+. I’ve moved it up to B+

    Gordin has a strength in Swords due to him needing more than just Bows, and because all his physical reclass options apart from archer use swords. I actually based a lot of his growths around Ignatz but i can loser his speed growth by 10% and Dex growth by 5%. Five Points is nothing more than a meme. Archanea characters don’t have much personality outside of the ones like Marth, Caeda and Jagen so i needed something unique to Gordin and Five Points was perfect. In terms of it not being useful until late game, a lot of personal skills don’t have big impact in a lot of areas. Hubert, Ingrid and Lorenz’s Prfs are all useless in the very early game without battalions, and Linhardt’s Prf is pretty pointless past Chapter 8 as he starts getting one rounded so he never needs to heal. Also fixed his max stats as they’re the same as Jagen.

    I’ll do Greed or Wrath later when I’m back on my PC as i can’t do a good job on mobile. But first impressions are they’re very good.

    Tables are just made in Google Docs, make the table, fill in the table, Ctrl +C, Ctrl +V.


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