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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Posts posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. 11 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    These are what SRPG Studio uses by default.  A custom Weapon Rank script exists, but it has to be edited from Japanese to English and adjusting your game to use it is a ton of work.

    I figured that was the case, but since OP listed that as a feature, it seemed like he decided to add, rather than it being there already.

  2. On 5/26/2018 at 12:33 AM, Roosterton said:

    Sorry for the late response! I think I know what's causing this, and I think this problem can be fixed by closing the ROM and re-opening it with 'resume game.' I will implement a more permanent fix later tonight.

    oh rip, i already passed the chapter. what was in the village?

  3. the uploader fucked my files up, so here's imgur links

    have bad sprites 2.0

    mQeVuus.png   hWMVf3x.png   t6rv5aI.png   AMOpEAp.png   GFK2tWm.png   E1jxPhG.png   ODXu3ih.png   hpjvnah.png   8kUz6Cf.png   CeQfmhK.png   JWtOKKI.png

    sonic stuff because why not

    H8L86B2.png   IMYQjyK.png

  4. The proper way to do that is to make one end of the lance bigger than normal and the other smaller. That creates the illusion of depth, whereas in your animation, you shrunk both sides, which makes it look far away or small. I recommend referencing some gifs or videos of movement to get a good feel of what it'd look like.

  5. It looks nice, but I think there is too much contrast in your colors. The green's lightest tint is really bright compared to it's mid and dark hues. This is exacerbated by using large amounts of shades right next to tints, namely on her neck cavity.

    Also, your sprite looks flat because it isn't shaded as if it were a three dimensional object. You should look at examples of spheres and use that to give depth to your form. For example, the left side of her bangs should be a bit darker, since her head is round.

    Lastly, it's generally not good to have the outline color used inside the sprite. I'd change the edge of the cloth to either the darkest skin hue or the darkest clothing hue.

    Your art style is very cute and your sprite is very clean, so just work on giving it a more realistic look and it should be golden!

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