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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. Lord of Gabriel Knight


    I think his ear is a little high up and back. You also didn't shade where the cape meets the armor.
  2. The fact that Elincia drops Crimea to go get her man back, it's an AU.
  3. Seems to be even less interesting that FE1, if you can even manage to do that.
  4. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140422200426/ssb/images/3/32/Images_%281%29.jpg Look who made a comeback! I'm really happy that Pichu has returned, he was my favorite character to use.
  5. Game Theories kills my braincells, that Peach video almost made me a vegetable.
  6. you get a marry sue, you get a mary sure, EVERYBODY GETS A MARY SUE
  7. I see a certain person's female mercenary! and rank and item icons
  8. Valkyrie Profile 3: Hrist, please! Sonic Battle 2. Space Channel 5: Part 3 Scurge HIVE 2 Tales of Legendia 2 Shining Force EXA 2 Lost Odyssey 2
  9. Hate to break it to you, Huntress, but Sain and Rebecca get married and have a kid in their ending, so she obviously doesn't mind (despite being disgusted in his acts). It's a testament to how badly written she is.
  10. I agree with Slippy, in the sense that Rebecca seems to be multiple things all at once. I've read her supports, and she's one thing here, one thing there, another there. She's a mess, and it's probably because the writers didn't really work on making her consistent. She's not even consistent in supports with the same person! In Wil's C support, he's like 'Are you Rebecca?' and she's like 'I don't know who you are.' Yet in their B support, she's bitching at him and admits that she lied in their C support for no reason. In Sain's C and B support, she's disgusted at his womanizing ways. And then in the A support, she decides to date him, despite knowing he's just a lecherous fool. And then acts surprised when he flakes. I think Rebecca is a badly written character.
  11. I want Marth's design from Brawl to be an alternate costume. I hated his redesigns for the DS games.
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