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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this edit as a gift.
  2. Lord of Gabriel Knight


    He's awfully small.
  3. I heard Team Ninja only did the gameplay, but even if they did the story, Other M is far from bad and Metroid is not ruined. Other M actually has better characterization than most Metroid games.
  4. The most insignificant characters in the Mario franchise.... It's actually Hayabusa. And why, oh why did you say Hayabusa when Ninja Gaiden and Smash have nothing to do with each other and Tecmo isn't even involved with it. And Zombies Ate My Neighbors? A game that hasn't been relevant since the year I was born?
  5. My god, talk about making a mole hill into a mountain...
  6. Fuck, if you made that into an animation, I'd love you for ever. It looks a little too detailed and the sword isn't sharp, though.
  7. My god. The blonde lady's hair. It's so perfect.
  8. So the weapons that come from lovers conversations will come some other way?
  9. A problem I have with Metroid's story in general is that it's not really changing. The fucking Federation is just being a sneaky bitch in 90% of the games. Other M's story was okay, but I think it's a step in the right direction for some good change in Metroid's story.
  10. I love Other M, Final Fantasy 13, and Tales of Legendia All three are great games and they don't deserve the hate they get! Sonic R is good too And Shadow Dragon
  11. Yoshimitsu is a samurai, ninja, clown, trickster, medieval cyborg, and Robin Hood all rolled into one awesome fighter.
  12. There was this plane being rocked by lava. It's the second season some show that doesn't exist in the real world. There's a boyfriend, girlfriend, and an ex-girlfriend. They're all hanging out in the plane on a lava surface. The ex died in the first season, so the audience is like 'WHOA WHAAAT?!' (also the ex looks like Asami from Avatar) Then a monster attacks!! The ex falls in the lava, and the boyfriend and girlfriend proceed to fight the small, humanoid monster. The ex slowly rises out of the lava and you find out her brains been put in an android, so she joins the fight. After trading some blows, the monster is knocked onto the ground. So the boyfriend throws the girlfriend into the air, then the girlfriend uses a cloth to push the ex into the air (like those chinese martial arts movies), and the exandroid turns her arm into a drill and lands a jumping punch onto the monster, knocking it out. She administers a serum, which corrects a mutation that's occurred. It turns back into a blaziken, but sadly the mutation source killed it before it could be saved. The three people chat sadly about where it's coming from and how it could be stopped. I know the mutation is being released by some group, but I assume that information would be referenced a few episodes later.
  13. Functioning Valkyrie staff. I want your babies.
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