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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. Thanks, I forgot he posted a screenshot of that.
  2. I have a question about the chapter formatting, if you haven't answered already. I noticed the the prologue map is very small. In FE4, each chapter had like 4 things happen. Are you going to split those things into separate chapters, GBA-style?
  3. Characterization was questionable? Tell me what's questionable about giving a character some sort of personality beyond 'no-nonsense' and drably talking to herself about how Adam was a crucial figure in her life. In Other M, Samus is *surprise* human! With human emotions and human reactions! The giant space dragon that destroyed her life, the one she killed, just came back. And what's she supposed to do, say 'Here we go again!'? As cool as Samus is, she's absolutely plain in personality. She doesn't even speak in most of her games! What 'characterization' she had came purely from the fact that she didn't seem to react at all to things. Other M was a good step in the right direction with what to do with her character, though I agree they could tone it down a bit. But Adam clearly left a lot of issues from her youth, and this was hinted at in Fusion. I think Samus listening to his every order was justified in a sense that he was still a father figure for her at the time. Real mental issues don't just go away. They persist until it's handled properly.
  4. My god, this is really happening. *cries tears of joy*
  5. I'd prefer if Lyn was the third FE Rep. Please keep Ike's FE Ranger Design. It's the best looking one for me. I'd still prefer if Chrom replaced Ike but had the same playstyle though. It doesn't matter much to me, however, as I don't really like either, I just want unique FE Reps.
  6. That's what it sounds like to me, especially since as everyone knows, it's impossible to please every single demographic in a market. So blame the perceived majority that the games you like (so they're obviously better) aren't being paid as much attention to! Wahh!
  7. Omfg, it's obviously a Kid Icarus stage. Despite the easily recognizable architectural style, you can clearly notice the limbless women statues that are based on the Greek/Roman/Whatever statue.
  8. Everyone here is too caught up in 'anniversaries' and 'gimmicks.' Stop trying to find ulterior motives in everything! Perhaps these characters are just revealed when they're revealed because they're done!
  9. It's held horizontally, so it looks like a line to us when he's holding it perpendicular to his body.
  10. It's not that his hair is too high up, it's that the face is too small.
  11. I agree with Anacybele that Toon Link should be based more on the Four Swords incarnation. Falco, Wolf, and Ganon need more make them different. I think Peach Bomber should be changed. A common normal attack, with the hearts and then a rare critical, with the explosion from Melee. Ganon could use a sword in some of his specials. Peach's second jump NEEDS to be changed back.
  12. Legendaries based on gods from FF13 series. I tried to match the types with the gods they're based off of.
  13. This is a gimmick team (fal'Cie names), but at that point, it kinda didn't matter what type my team was, because Power-up Punch (whose effect is doubled thanks to Kangaskhan's baby) and Return would have torn almost any team a new one. Yes, Xerneas is sickening, but it can't do double damage in one turn! I don't have Xerneas on my main Ubers team, though. Excellent Fake-out tactic, by the way.
  14. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-101755569 look at this sickening display!
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