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Posts posted by Travelman33

  1. Well, finally found a code that allowed me to enter the sagittarius orb into Marths inventory, did it when I was chapter 14. I had a lot of issues prior to the code working including some pretty funky glitches where I had 100 of every item, the game freezing and random items and weapons appearing in random places or when I tried to change an item from one character it would become something different in the second characters inventory. Oddly enough the orb did not appear in my inventory at first and I thought the code was not working and finally just decided to forge on. Upon talking to the guy in the middle tower he said congrats on getting all 12 orbs and gave me the light and star orbs (what?).... Any way when I checked my inventory the next chapter the sag orb was there where it hadn't been before when I checked in 15. Just turned off the cheat and beat the game today. Part 2 of the final chapter is tough. 


    Hardest chapters 

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 21, part 2

    Chapter 5

    I think it was maybe chapter 15

    Chapter 12 a little. Same with 2. 

    Otherwise an easy game. 

  2. Hi, hello, those codes did not work for me. Playing on the snes9x ex+  for my android. 

    My big issue is that I am at chapter 14 when I am supposed to get the light and dark orb but I only have 11 of the 12 orbs, missing sagittarius because I stupidly killed George in chapter 5.  If anyone knows of a cheat to add in the sagittarius orb please let me know because the codes on gamefaqs screwed up the game big time when I tried them.  OR a cheat to add in the light and dark orb could work too. Hope someone can help. 

  3. Hi, thanks!  

    I am at chapter 14 when I guess I am supposed to get the light and dark orb but I only have 11 of the 12 orbs, missing sagittarius because I stupidly killed George in chapter 5.  If anyone knows of a cheat to add in the sagittarius orb please let me know because the codes on gamefaqs screwed up the game big time and the one thread I found with cheats, those codes did not work either.  OR a cheat to add in the light and dark orb could work too. Maybe asking a lot but that was what I was looking for. 

  4. On 3/11/2010 at 11:59 PM, Kriemhild said:

    Uh, I think Ch 8 George drops his Orb Shard as well. You sure it wasn't Ch 5 George? He doesn't have any shards in Ch 5 so I guess killing him means missing the Sagittarius shard.

    Hi, I am VERY sorry to bump this old, 8 year old topic but I can not make new posts in this forum as far as I can tell.  So, I killed George in chapter 5, I THINK.  There was a long gap between chapter 5 and chapter 6, I took a month break from the game.  Now I have started back again and beat chapters 6 and 7 last night and I am at chapter 8 and no sign of George, so I guess I did kill him.  So if I missed the Sagittarius shard I am not getting the final few chapters, correct?  Is there a code that will allow me to put the orb in my inventory by any chance?   I won't restart the game as I am not a huge fan of Book 2, especially chapters 3 and 5.  Kind of bummed if missing this one orb will cause me to miss part of the end game. Thanks. 

  5. Hi, are new members not allowed to post in every forum?  I don't see the option to post in the NES/SNES subforum for Fire Emblem.  I am looking for help with Fire Emblem 3: Book 2, Chapter 8 for the snes translation.  Thanks

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