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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. The Ginger episode was hilarious (I am a ginger) so it's not very offensive if you can laugh at yourself from time to time. But the Muslim episode was a little offensive to Muslim Middle Easterner people. Also I'm sure we don't find comedians to be offensive, so why would a show about 9-year-olds be too offensive B)
  2. 1st comment! hey -_-

  3. I think people should relax it's not like you can only have one PT <_< There're a lot more you can have
  4. I would cross all. They would all meet eachother and go "O yea you saved the world too, that's funny I coulda swore I did that!" FE 8 comes over "We did too!" FE 6-7 "Shut up bitch you got the easy way out... 20 chapters We had to take on a pshyco and a dragon! I don't care that you fought Bitchmorrtiis!"
  5. (I'm Christian) Judgement Day... it scares the shit outta me
  6. Celice do you have the ROM or the actual game. (point) Do emulators have wi-fi?
  7. OK... but I thought you were already my friend?


  8. ...Are you addicted to violence? (War class seems cool better than a bunch of other stuff I'll take that class when i'm much older) *Is a wannabe renassonce man* (forgot how to spell it lol)
  9. Big countries generally don't care for smaller countries or third world countries so no wwiii CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG governments care a lot about money I guess (more than anything else) BTW: Why is their a sad face next to "No War" isn't that a good thing???
  10. wuboing wombology! the study of wumbo! It's first grade ****ebob
  11. As an ARAB I found Zohan to be offensive (he's obsessed with homas) but funny
  12. How long have you been playing guitar I play too! Finally someone else in the forest I just met does!! welcome to the jungle forest
  13. Pro: Longest story on the handheld, Play as Marth for the first time as english or european people Con: We need better growths for class swap to not suck (magic and resistance I'm talkin' 'bout you).
  14. Everyone state some pros :D and cons <_< that we know of in FE 11 so far. (State one each or just one, whatever you want)
  15. It doesn't matter what class you are the arena will always put you against an enemy your weak against or strong against. Betting less or more money only results you winning faster or dying easier. So you should stick with the amount your spending now
  16. When I noticed archers can counter and hit three spaces away I was really annoyed but since thunder can do that too I'll be alright :)
  17. Hopefully we can buy them in regular shops. NoA needs to realise that not everyone has Wi-Fi. But I could always go to a hotspot, still people shouldn't have to do that just to get a certain class.
  18. He's dying on the first chapter with an archer. I don't suck I just need to get used to training weaker people But I'm gonna take the advice and make him a mage. By the way what level do they promote? Lv.10 like SS?
  19. What is it for then!? I DON'T GET IT! Damn being in your first forum sucks
  20. Playing FE 2 but now I'm taking a break... Cliff keeps dying. I don't know what's wrong certainly not my tactics. :(
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