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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. Yea it is a country. It really did have a historical name too. I'm just not sure if it was called Travis. It was a name though
  2. Do you watch Chappelle Show. He made fun of Jackson by advertising beer it was hilarious "Drink my beer it'll get ya drunk!! You might even fight a ni**a or 2"
  3. I forgot the old historic name for Turkey I think it was Travis but it was a lot better than Turkey
  4. Hopefully Celice will post what I asked tommorow
  5. I when I noticed it was from Snakes on a Plane... THAT movie sucked
  6. He's right. Put someone else's name in there and you'll be laughin' yo ass off
  7. Wow I'm going off topic on my own topic but I don't know anymore similarities between the 2 other than 8 is a sequel but not a sequel of 2. Don't know if that makes sense or not at least I know what I'm talking about
  8. I don't know if I'm supposed to think this but that convo was funny to me
  9. Still no responses on the 300 idea!? Seriously have you guys/gals seen that movie it will give the action that FE needs badly. Not the same thing as 300 but something like it I think would do a good job.
  10. That's where I'm left out :( I don't know who Hika is
  11. I have no idea what this is about please inform me the easiest way possible
  12. Oh Advent Children was for FF7 right?
  13. They have remember it was cancelled after 2 episodes unless you're talking about a new one. I wish I could watch vids but I have no flashplayer and it won't let me download it either it sucks
  14. Except the clarinet. That's the worst instrument I've ever played. Saxophone is a really cool instrument too. (You can post other instruments too but try to stay on the guitar please.)
  15. If you're talking about Square Enix that would be a cool movie since the FF movies are cool to watch. Advent Children is the first FF movie right beacause if it is, it's the best one
  16. Hey! What about the 300 idea! That would make a cool FE movie. They can even place them in a giant grid. If you can't tell I'm joking about the grid idea please develop a sense of humor. ;)
  17. Piano can be a really cool instrument if you learn how to play really good but it's hard to actually be talented on the piano.
  18. Too true for it's own good. They need more stuff or Fire Emblem might be no more :( . But everything they have besides vid. games have failed miserably
  19. No but you make it sound like the movie 300 which was just awsome
  20. Anyone else play the guitar? If so how long. I've been playin' a year! :D
  21. Some people say the the FE anime was popular. How can that be with only 2 episodes!?
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