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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. All my staves do a whoppin 0 damage!!
  2. OFF Topic: The songs that they sing made my ears bleed a lot. :(
  3. But doing the same thing every chapter can make a game really boring. <_< Like Final Fantasy's random battles walk two steps the BAM!
  4. 1.Rath is the best and can use light brand so rebecca and wil don't stand a chance 2.Rebecca is really really good but can't beat Rath 3.Wil sucks But Rebecca can kill a really bad RNG screwed Rath easy
  5. Unlock Marth: Beat the entire game without using Marth but use roy Unlock Roy: Beat the game without using Roy but use Marth Does this confuse you?
  6. thanks for getting back on topic :) but no I don't think Gaiden is super eay
  7. I think you can do it by class swap but I think the Male A Male B limits you to do that
  8. That what I was thinking but the games out and no pics of a falco knight so I don't know if it's in it
  9. I've also seen "I saw roy in FE but not marth where is he is he hector?"
  10. So do you think we're able to use them? On a side note:Is there more than 1 pegasus knight?
  11. Ike for ruler of the world!!... Too far?
  12. SoS Just lost in chapter 1 on hard (I know I suck)
  13. I like 10 better it's longer Ike kills even more and Nephenee has the chance to become the awsome sentinel
  14. Or "Is Hector Marth and who's the guy with red hair" I see those everywhere
  15. NoJ (I think is the abreviation) always wants us to think that a game that is halfway through the entire series is the first one ever... very annoying
  16. The villagers that you can take control of in chpter 1
  17. I don't care about tactics ranking because I know it's bad from arena abuse. (What is the topic) something about generals using bows right? :)
  18. You're right I was thinking of Oswin but you could always arena abuse wendy it doesn't take long to do one person
  19. I'm not talking about being a criminal then acting stupid like I didn't do anything but when I downloaded my first ROM I honestly had no idea they were illegal. "Playing dumb doesn't remove the crime--for anything" I've seen people do it on Cops and it's hilarious but it is wrong
  20. Even though I talked crap about them in some other thread SM are my favorite class that's not a hero or great lord (FE 7 not FE 8)
  21. I admit that they have the coolest arts and personalities in all the games I've played but they would always die in one hit if they didn't have health in the forties to fifties by levels 1 to twenty Also they have the coolest critical besides Lyn when holdin' the Sol Katti (had to say it) Athos' sucks
  22. :o Wendy waas the best general in FE 6 and wallace was too good anyway(started at level 9 just like nolan I thought they would suck but they didn't. Daros with 0% speed= don't do that Then again speed is the most important stat to me besisdes strenghth (offense is the best defence)
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