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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. If he was Mafia Persuader, why do you think he roleclaimed? There's no point in it, as it would reveal that he was the persuader and thus this would generate doubt around him. As the mafia works as a group, I'm pretty sure that he (assuming he's Mafia, which I doubt) would've got better instructions. Remember: The Mafia's objective is to remain unnoticed, they want to avoid the spotlight as much as they want, as much as they can. Kinda reminds me of Nightmare, lol. Also, what the hell are these subs doing?
  2. 38 Largo = Mist 40 Nasir = Boyd I just hope I'm not screwing up. Also, I'll never get used to the IPB 3.0 settings and how I'm supposed to change my font back to normal.
  3. It's not hipocrisy. I had a reason agaisnt you, and you insisted on your bad logic a lot even after you voted on other people. You only accepted that later. Yeah. And let's not forget that 13th may still seem scummy to some eyes, which is why I agree with you.
  4. *stabs with another Rapier* Die monster, you don't belong in this place.
  5. Also, votals: ___________________________________ Voted person - Person who voted him (in order) - The ones who kept their vote [2] Rapier: 13th, Bizz, Sho - [bizz, Sho] [1] 13th: Sho, Rapier (forced) - [Rapier (forced)] [1] Sho: Nightmare, Rapier - [Nightmare]
  6. Do it, but if you do something wrong that doesn't go into the order, I'll vote you. My patience's over and your indecision (does that word exist?) has been bothering me for a while. I'd have voted on you instead of Sho, was it not for my crazy theory/idea. Seriously dude, if you think I'm wasting your time with shit, then come up with something good yourselves. Don't go telling me that what I'm doing is stupid because I don't see it as stupid, rather, it's my way of 'helping'. I'm sorry for not being a good player like... erm, Kaoz, Kay or Clipsey. His post explains what I think of the Blitz lolwagon, even if I explained it before: Only sheeps, people who didn't have anyone better to vote, and people who wanted some info from him attempted the lynch. It was terrible, but is there much to say regarding the ones who lynched him? No. We don't have much info to work on. So he -is- the Persuader after all... Ha, nice job. I'd rather see if he has a good role and clear him out,then let him possibly die with a good role hidden into his sleeve. But I didn't mean to sacrifice him with my rapier... Now, I just wanted to ask the pro-towns to not make the same mistake they made with Blitz again. Where are your motives that point me as scummy? None. You just say that my theory is stupid and what I'm doing is stupid so, yeah, vote him because he might be doing this intentionally. lol at me raging like a sho
  7. Also, votals: ___________________________________ Voted person - Person who voted him (in order) [1] Rapier: 13th. [1] 13th: Sho [2] Sho: Nightmare, Rapier
  8. Give me your logic on why you think I'm antagonizing Sho and how am I using only speculation agaisnt him. The only speculation I made was about you, not Sho. Also, I dare you to prove you're really the Town Persuader. If you think you can prove that, then see if you can send your action when the host is online, tell us beforehand who you're going to persuade, and then send your action.
  9. Ah, sure. Persuader is not valuable to the Mafia either, that's why he knew he'd survive, rather than saying that he's the Cop/Doctor/something-valuable-that-would-get-him-killed. Besides, claiming persuader and explaining his logic to make stuff clear "for now" wouldn't make him a target for the Mafia, and since he justified and roleclaimed -maybe- that would suffice. The problem is, things didn't go down as he planned, and he's been called scum for a long time now. That is, if my case scenario is right. And I want a damn answer before I decide to get past his newbie protector shield. :/
  10. Lilina because I like mages + easy support.
  11. Lolwhat 13th. I'm not saying that Sho is the Mafia Persuader. I'm just saying that stuff is getting pretty tough for you, and I think you might be a Doctor in disguise. If that's the case, know that your mask won't last for long and you may be mislynched soon enough. Besides Sho, no one's stupid enough to make the risky move to lynch a Doctor. >_> Well, you said you didn't know what you were doing, right. So what?
  12. Yeah, he claimed Persuader. But is that really the truth? A possibility indeed, just like my theory. A) I still don't understand. Are you saying that 13th hopped on my loltheory and is using me? B) How's that so? That makes the person really really scummy into everyone's eyes, but maybe that's the truth. If only we had a damn Cop AND he investigated 13th... Meh. C) The same could be said about you? Also, it was because of you that I did this.
  13. A) Lol what B) I didn't say I was going to let it happen. As I said before, I've got something in mind, but I might as well reveal now. What if 13th is Town and claimed Fool so we wouldn't lose a valuable role? After he saw just how Darros failed, I think he'd do something like that to stay alive/avoid a mislynch. C) So everyone who doesn't agree with lynching 13th is his friend (Mafia in that case), I see. D) These reasons also concerned you, Nightmare, Kay and maybe Clipsey. But you haven't paid attention to that apparently.
  14. Rine didn't think that such a plan would work. If they managed to reach the archers without dragging attention, even so they'd waste too much time fighting them. What if the warriors also thought of the same? What if they rushed towards Selina? With that in mind, he decided to stay, Marsali was only one person after all. He couldn't see clearly, but maybe he'd be of some help. He put an arrow in his bow and pointed it at one of the archers, but instead of firing, he decided to hold it until he could see them better. He needed a true strike at this point. Summary: Rine uses Power Shot.
  15. But that would require us to be really lucky, and such ammount of luck hardly ever comes to effect. Really Sho, I'm tired of your bad reasons. If you take a look at Clipsey's summary (although you won't need it, if you paid attention to the game rather than pay attention to me and my claim), 13th's logic changed accordingly to the game. He didn't just change his opinion magically: As we discussed further and further, he came to agree with me, and then agree with others ideas that were presented during the Day/Night. He's more like a newbie without a concrete opinion about the facts rather than someone who's taking orders. Also, I'm tired of your "trying to make us accept shit and put it through out throat" behavior. You make no sense at all, and never made infact. ##Vote: Sho I was thinking about lynching 13th too, but then something came into my mind, something that makes me believe that he might not be a Mafia, something that justifies his Fool claim. But I can't say it now, as it'll reveal my strategy and if I'm right it'll be bad for the Town.
  16. We may as well ask him who's Mafia as soon as we find the mind reader who found the Vig/the one Mafia sent to kill. Do you really think that such a case scenario could exist?: - Vig's roleblocked - Doctor saves someone, or a Bulletproof survives I don't think such an absurd thing could happen, to be honest. Now I really hope we have a Doctor instead of a Bulletproof, and that a Cop of some sort has investigated 13th, because he's making me confused as fuck because of some stuff I'm thinking now. Only time will tell us about what happened this Day. Give me some time to gather my thoughts.
  17. And isn't the story exactly the same? Plus MU, of course, but he/she doesn't matter much. I insist that they'll never release it outside Japan. Meh, I just hope that FE13 won't be like FE8.
  18. From my experience, he's only useful in Part 1 until 1-E, where he's slightly useful. On 3-6 he's a pain to take care of, and won't do anything useful if one had the common sense to spend their time working on other units/drafted other units. 2/10
  19. Alan it is. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
  20. Because it's ilogical. Let's see, you said that you wanted to know more about Nighty and the persuader, right? Let's suppose that Nighty had been lynched with your idea: Case A) Nighty is Town: A1: The persuader is Mafia A2: The persuader is a Town player who was random or newbish. WE DON'T REACH ANY CONCLUSIONS BY FOLLOWING THIS PATH. THIS WILL ONLY MINDFUCK US FURTHER. Case B) Nighty is Mafia: B1: The persuader is Nighty. He voted himself in order to escape from the eyes of the Towns. B2: The persuader took a lucky shot and killed a Mafia player B3: The persuader is a friend of Nighty who voted on him so that he wasn't voted by anyone later. B1 is possible. B2 is just... Meh. B3... I don't agree with it, since the Mafia's objective is to slip by the Towns instead of appearing on the spotlight, but meh people are different. Do I still need to explain how your lolgambit is bad? Besides, we had other targets. Blitz had been acting randomly and strangely since the beginning of the game, Rein used to come laugh at some things and give his opinions briefly, Strawman was silent but whenever he got to post he gave his opinions and thoughts, and then there's Nightmare who's awfuly silent. Except you didn't want to lynch Nightmare because of that. NOW PLEASE DON'T IGNORE THIS PART: This discussion won't bring us anywhere now, we can't discuss opinions and fight because we think differently, which is clearly OUR case. Sho thinks that risky moves like that are normal in D1s and he always acts like a crazy barbarian with a huge axe sooo.... meh, I think that a stupid move is a stupid move regardless of when, 13th... I dunno what he thinks, he's been changing more than the Sun's position on the course of the day. .... KAOZ CAME SOONER THAN ME, BUT HE DID AN AWESOME JOB NEVERTHELESS. Now now, I suggest that we discuss more about the players who we think that might be scum/judge their behaviors. You know, if someone dies without saying anything, it's pointless. There's Clipsey's summary to help, too.
  21. Rine readies his bow again, but instead of firing, he decides to warn his companions of a strategy. The smoke was making it harder to see and breathe, so it required that they had a plan of some sort to back up. "Hold on! Don't attack just yet, concentrate your shots and then fire at a single target! We must cooperate if we're going to survive through this, so listen to me!"
  22. Crazy americans with their schools on JANUARY. >:
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