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Gambling Prince

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Posts posted by Gambling Prince

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am pleased to announce that the Cipher Droid cipher sim is now complete!

    Its features include:

    PC and android compatible.

    Online play.


    Cards up to the latest set, and updates for when the new sets come out, all in englosh thanks to Holsety's and Vanceknight's translations.

    Bellow are some screenshots of gameplay as well as the deckbuilder and tutorial section.

    At the moment it only has an 8 CCU server since I can't yet pay for the 100 CCU one, but that will probably come in the near future.

    Download links:

    PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lp2tDfW9F09cn3n9w8rqgG7OLH_sJ-Nn/view?usp=drivesdk


    If you want to find people to play with, I encourage you to join the main cipher discord, it has really helpful people and a very friendñy community. Hoping to see you there!

    Cipher Discord server: https://discord.gg/VZU9pqe

    Thank you for your support and excitement cipher community!

    Screenshot_20200125-153733_Cipher Droid.jpg

    Screenshot_20200125-153737_Cipher Droid.jpg

    Screenshot_20200125-151802_Cipher Droid.jpg

    Screenshot_20200125-153803_Cipher Droid.jpg

  2. Hello! I just wanted to announce that I'm currently developing a Fire Emblem Cipher app that will allow you to build decks and play agaisnt others online on your phone. I am the only person developing it but progress is going well, I'll post updates as the app develops, don't really have a release date just yet.

    Let me know if you'd like to be a part of a testing team though! I'm currently looking for people to test out the app to find bugs and also for general feedback.

    (I'll do an update post with a discord invite to a tester server so stay tuned)

    Heres some screenshots!(the app is in early stage and is subject to change, feel free to give feedback and suggestions)

    Credits to Reikenan for the current playmat (It's worth mentioning that its not the final playmat, I'm just using it for showcasing the app right now)

    Features that are already done:

    1.Card controls (might require tweaking)--> touch and hold to move, touch for a menu with options to pop up around the card.(options done so fare are card tap, flip, highlight and display information)

    2.Deckbuilder card searcher, including filters, and the ability to do searches by filters alone.

    Tester Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/UJh8XF7






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