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Everything posted by GrandeRampel

  1. Honestly this is old news by now. They are often giving away the most popular character as the free unit insteas of on the banner. It all started with Groom Marth. He was the most popular character rather than Tharja according to CYL 2. And according to CYL Canas was more popular than the units that got put on the banner except debatebly Flying Nino. Hot Spring Camilla is more popular than the other royal siblings but was the free unit, Rutger was more popular than all the units who actually got on the banner except Idunn, Haar was about as popular as Ranulf and definitely more popular than the other beasts and was free, Young Azura was the free unit for Adrift and she was either the most popular or the second most popular after Camilla. The list goes on.
  2. Can I just say that when I see such supports I remember that Zihark was right all along and Laguz and Beorc should be allowed to marry each other? Screw the branded and losing powers bullsh*t!
  3. Honestly, since I see you are a big fan of Jill I need to ask you this. If it was the only other option, would you rather she doesn't get added to the game at all? I mean for all we know Anna and Louise will be the females for the Brave Redux and maybe IS is planning to have the next regular Tellius banner in 2021. Wouldn't you enjoy to see Jill in the game in some form? It would still be Jill. Look at Bride Charlotte, she has the same personality Charlotte always had. Same thing for Valentine Greil, he IS Greil and says what Greil would say. As you can guess I am a huge Tanith fan and I don't mind at all to have the alt version first. It only took one line to prove she is the same Tanith I remember from PoR, just wearing a different outfit. Which gives me faith that all her other lines will also be in line with her character. Of course there is the BIG downside that being a limited unit may mean you lose the chance to get her for the year, but I still think it's better than ZERO chance of getting her because she isn't in the game.
  4. Excuse me, I need to make a little change to my list. A-Ashnard B-Bantu C-Cath D-Dorothy E-Ena F-Fiona G-Gerik H-Heather I-Igrene J-Jeanne K-Kellam L-Lilith M-Mozu N-Nuibaba O-Orson P-Patty Q-Nobody R-Reina S-Sophie T-Tanith Tethys U-Uther V-Vika W-Wolf X-Xane Y-Yumina Z-Zola
  5. Maybe it increases the chances of another FE7 banner, but certainly not one with Pent and Louise. They need to give their fans some time to recover after going bankrupt pulling for groom Pent.
  6. Oh my Goooooood!!!! Are you kidding me? Are you actually sh*tting me right now? This can't be real, I'm still in my bed... But please do not wake me up! Tanith... I have no words for how much I love this. One of my favorite characters EVER, who I thought would never make it in because she is criminally underrated... and yet she is here! And she is dressed for our wedding too! How... Why... I can't... Wait... is this a reward? Did she see how I bravely defended the apostle's honor when she just wanted to dress up and partecipate in the festival and fell in love with me for my courage? Yep that's the only explanation. This alt was made for ME specifically and no one else. But I admit I was wrong. I repeated time and again that there was no wedding going on in Askr. That it was just a silly festival. Turns out they were actually preparing for a wedding. The one between the summoner and the beautiful Pegasus General of Begnion. :D Sorry guys, I was wrong about that. I admit it when I'm wrong. But seriously now, WTF? What kind of choices are those? I was saying yesterday that sometimes IS makes irrational and random decisions. This is one of them. And it was certainly a very random decision to make a unit just to make my day and the day of the like 3 others who fantasize about marrying Tanith. LOL I just noticed that she provides the powercrept version of " HARSH" command. That's mean! Tanith isn't harsh, she's an angel! She is just very serious about her duty and has a tendency of getting misunderstood because she is blunt. One last thing, my dear man Pent. You know what will happen to your wife if you dare pitybreak me... You seem to understand... good.
  7. Yeah, that is the egregious example, but to be honest she looks a bit bustier than in her original art even in her base version in Heroes.
  8. You are forgetting the biggest offender: Camilla. Just try to compare how she looks in Fates with how she looks in Heroes and Warriors. It bothers me a lot. I wouldn't have minded it if she always looked like that, since I don't mind or find unrealistic Loki's curves for example. And I hate the opposite kind of adjustments either. Like how in Mortal Kombat 11 every single woman got a breast reduction. I already know that I won't be happy with how Tifa will look in Final Fantasy 7 Remake too... Why do they feel the need to arbitrarly change things up. Is it so hard to stick with the original design?
  9. I get what you are saying and I agree. However as long as something is remotely plausible I always stick to what the original author says. And a 15 years old Lyn with that body is plausible, if a bit of a rarity. In junior high I met a girl born in Russia who was 14 and veery tall and busty. Sometimes people get growth spurts sooner rather than later and they often aren't very happy about it, because it sucks when all of a sudden you need to buy clothes designed for adults. EDIT: One thing worth mentioning is that if they continue to make Lyn's boobs bigger and bigger, it will become harder and harder to believe she is 15, but if we stick to the art from FE7 it's all reasonable. As I already said there are 15 old girls like that in the real world. If you pick a sample of 100 girls of age 15, there will always be a couple that will make you go "wait, she is actually 18 right?"
  10. I find this funny because we never had any "technically legal" characters in Bride Banners. The very illegal, and always stated to be a regular beorc girl of age 10, Sanaki doesn't count because they never told us she is actually 3000 year olds. And if Ylgr is indeed in the new banner she doesn't count either because they told us she is a normal human child too. Your sanity is safe for now. :) Except now that I think about it the 15 years old Bride Lyn might belong in a bit of a gray zone. It really just depends on which country you are in and how old you are as a player. If you are 15 like there's no problem.
  11. To be fair even if we think we understand how things work, IS has made some pretty irrational and random moves with this game, sometimes to great success. Which means that they could still add a best man or flower girl to the banner. It's just very unlikely but if it happens I will look like a fool.
  12. I don't think I insulted Ana, or Xeno or anyone I replied to. If I did, it was an accident, you can show me the part that was offensive and I will immediately edit that out. I admit that sometimes I can be a bit of a know-it-all and sound condescending when I think I'm right. But I make an effort to never insult anyone directly. If I disagree with an opinion or a decision, I will attack it, and argue my case, but I don't even dream of attacking the person directly. For all I know aside from the single thing we happen to disagree on, they are fine people who don't deserve insults from strangers. Wait, was it the part were I called the Heroes community "crazy"? Well crazy is a strong word, but I used it because a was referring to a multitude. I wouldn't call someone crazy to their face. If it was that I'm sorry, it's my bad. EDIT: And yes, I can't let go of it even a yeat later. That's how bad the controversy angered me. Sanaki is one of my favorite characters from Tellius and her alt has some of the cutest artworks in the game, but always goes unappreciated because people are too busy calling it disgusting because of a misunderstanding. And now I'm mad again, not at you but at the situation.
  13. That's true, I didn't even think of that. To be honest it baffles me that people still expect stuff like a priest, a best man or a bridesmaid to appear. After 2 years you would think people understood how this banner works.
  14. Exactly. You said it better than me. We don't know for certain why they did it. Maybe to pander to lolicons. Maybe they have done it simply because before the death of the game they want to do a child-sized dress/costume for every single special event they created (we are currently missing new year's yukatas, picnic's modern clothes and the valentine's dresses if you are curious) and the wedding dress was simply next on the list. It could be as innocent as that. If you say that we don't know for certain, then it works both ways. You can't be certain it's good and you can't be certain it's bad. And yet a lot of people seem to be certain it's bad. About your second point, yes there were a lot of options who fit more as brides, but that was probably why they didn't pick them. They already had Ninian and Marth who were perfect for the theme. They didn't need another perfect match, they needed the random choice, like Catria and Marisa in the spring banners, someone who looks like she doesn't know what she's doing. And to be honest I don't really see a seasonal banner in which Sanaki really fits. She lived a sheltered life and is almost always serious and concerned. She would have probably robbed a more fitting character of a place no matter which seasonal they squeezed her in.
  15. Sorry if I assumed stuff about you Xeno. I just saw the magic words "learning fron the backlash" and got triggered. Personally I don't find the idea of a Bride Nyx problematic at all. She is mentally an adult, and not in the Nowi way. You don't need to dig in her supports to find the maturity, it's in every bit of dialogue clear as day. Kana on the other hand... it would be hypocritical of me to find a problem with her since I used the example of the parents liking the cute dress of their daughter. I AM the parent in this case. But yeah, for the people who had a problem with Sanaki, she would be the worst possible choice.
  16. And then there's me, who hopes it actually is Ylgr on the left. Because she deserves her alt too for once. But mostly because there was nothing to learn from the backlash last year, except that the community is very picky about certain things and will jump to conclusions. The rules of the Brides Festival in Heroes are the same as all the other festivals. The partecipants dress up to win a prize, or celebrate something. And that's why Sanaki was dressed the way she was. I'm fairly sure she was meant to have a similar role to Catria in the Spring banner of that year. Catria was a fish-out-of-water kind of choice because she never would dress in a silly way, it's completely akward for her, and that made the alt amusing and charming. Similarly Sanaki never has time to think about love, because of her title and responsabilities. The very childlike and common dream of a Prince Charming is completely new to her, which leads to her being akward about the subject, while at the same time she pretends she knows everything about it, because that's Sanaki for you. But instead of being amused seeing Sanaki in a situation completely out of her comfort zone, the community decided IS was somehow supporting child brides, which is like WHAT? I think we all agree that the few countries who still let children be forced in arranged marriages are disgusting, stuck in the dark age and I don't want to visit them. But from there to say any child in a wedding dress is "supporting" the practice it's a big leap of logic. People often say that fictional characters can't give consent. So any in-universe reason is automatically unvalid. If that's true, than the same is true for every seasonal banner. Veronica didn't choose to wear a bunny outfit, the developers decided for her. Elise didn't decide to wear a swimsuit on the beach banner, Fae didn't choose her reindeer costume for herself. Dressing up as a bride is probably one of the most "normal" and "basic" alt they can give to a child character, because real little girls do like the dress and have fun wearing it. And I think the actual outfit itself that Sanaki wears is one that many parents would find cute on their daughters, since it's not revealing or inappropriate in any way. This is probably the part that makes me mad the most about the controversy. Not only we decided to apply real life logic to Fire Emblem all of a sudden, but we also decided to apply THAT specific real life logic, instead of the other, more common, one of girls loving to dress up. Because assuming the worst is the way to go, I guess. Also, I saw people actively wanting Groom!Nils for this banner. So I guess it's fine if a boy does it... And speaking of being consistent with your core values. If it's really Selkie and people are magically fine with her being a bride I WILL laugh my heart out. Selkie still is VERY underage, and mentally she is way more of a child compared to Sanaki. If people see a problem with Sanaki but not with Selkie, than that's the definitive proof that people only care about appearence, not substance.
  17. I'm predicting a Tellius banner simply because that Jill theory has convinced me, with how there was no Eyvel mention in the Mareeta "Meet the Heroes" section. And I'm hoping for a Thracia banner simply because I wad once again reminded how many awesome character from that game they could pick having pretty much the entire cast still available.
  18. A-Ashnard B-Bantu C-Cath D-Dorothy E-Ena F-Fiona G-Gerik H-Heather I-Igrene J-Jeanne K-Kellam L-Lilith M-Mozu N-Nuibaba O-Orson P-Patty Q-Nobody R-Reina S-Sophie T-Tanith U-Uther V-Vika W-Wolf X-Xane Y-Yumina Z-Zola
  19. The "need" for a character to win CYL diminishes the moment they win CYL. Or at least the moment they get a legendary version, since they are kind of similar to CYL winners with their unique skill and epic clothing+weapons. And since Camilla will never get a legendary alt before her brother Xander (which with how long he has been waiting for it may as well mean NEVER) her fans are not unreasonable to ask for a Brave one. I will never agree with calling the Camilla voters "selfish".
  20. To all the people wondering why exactly people voted for Camilla in CYL3, I think you are failing to consider two important elements. 1. She was pretty much robbed by Veronica in CYL 2. Her fans didn't take that well and salt for a loss can last an entire year. It was a given that they would double their efforts next time. Plus people like me who like both Veronica and Camilla and felt guilty for defeating a favorite (imagine how fans of both Eliwood and Marth must feel after CYL 3). 2. CYL 3 felt very "now or never" as a contest. Because we knew that 3 Houses would take up to 3 spots in CYL 4, if not the entire podium. We Camilla fans aren't stupid. We know that about a third of her voters only like her because of her looks, and they WILL jump boat to the next good looking woman in the new game. We knew that in CYL 4 we couldn't capitalize on the casual fans anymore, and with only the true fans backing her up she would have gotten like fifth place or something. Same thing for CYL 5 and onward. You can say "Camilla shouldn't have won", but that's pretty much all you can say. You can't say "she didn't win" or that only the developers like her, not the actual fans of the series. A victory is a victory and can't become a loss. I can't speak for anyone but myself on that front but in the middle of the fight I forgot there was a prize at the end. It wasn't about the alt at that point. It was about the challenge, about the glory. I simply wanted my faction to win against a fearsome opponent (and I must thank the angry mob for being a tough opponent who was worthy of all the efforts) because... I simply wanted to win. It amazes me how emotional CYL 3 made me. It really felt like I was fighting for myself, to prove something, not for a silly popularity contest. The game could have died a month later and I still would have felt as good about Camilla's victory as I feel now.
  21. The more I think avout it, the more I'm certain Faye will be one of the brides. Giving her fans not one, but TWO occasions to snipe for her and +10 her in a short time, just to release a seasonal variant the next banner, forcing them to open their wallets to get her is a move they would absolutely do. They did something similar when they featured Alm in a banner after a long absence, just to release Legendary Alm out of nowhere. But if she is on the banner, I don't think Rinea will be since Brides never had units from the same game in the same banner.
  22. Wooah, wait a moment. It's a bit soon to say the writing will suck. I don't know if you two read the dialogues of the first-year fallen heroes, but all four of them could actually be reasoned with a bit. Male Grima was so reasonable in fact, that he gained a lot of fans thanks to Heroes. We finally learned a bit more about him and why he hates humanity. He was betrayed and used in the past. Fallen Celica was mostly a "Duma is great! Duma is just!" puppet, but she had some memories who haunted her and in some occasions the real Celica came out. Fallen Hardin was a bad guy obsessed with strenght and being a powerful ruler for the sake of his empire, but he could be reasoned with. I don't think it would be difficult to put him in a FB, or not more diffcult than with other villains like Ashnard, Garon or Zephiel. Fallen Takumi is probably the worst of them, and would probably make for a pretty bad friend to talk with, but he still has moments of nostalgic grief when he recalls his family. So you can talk about that. If the new fallen heroes are like the originals, it would be possible to give them a forging bond, perhaps based entirely on trying to restore their soul/sanity, like the one with Idunn. The characters in the banner all came back to their senses in canon after all. Except Berkut. I don't know what they will do with him. Still, pretty nice banner. I noticed a pattern with the "Possessed Heroes" (seriously, all the heroes of this category except Corrin are possessed by something or someone). We have Tiki, the possesed good guy from FE1, Delthea the one from FE2, Hardin the one from from FE3, and Mareeta, the possessed one from FE5. If we get Julia from FE4 in Fallen Heroes 3, that's a really nice combo. And this pattern also work if we count backwards from the most recent game. We have Berkut from FE15, Takumi from FE14 and Robin from FE13. If the much desired FH 3 gives us Eremiah from FE12 and whoever gets possessed in Three Houses, the pattern completes itself amazingly well. And you all say the devs don't balance stuff from newer and old games xD Althought if this pattern holds true, it will suck for fans of the games that are in the middle. RIP Greil and Lyon. They will have to wait for FH 4.
  23. And this tells me people probably voted for the wrong thing. It shouldn't be about which seasonals gave you the most faves, but if you made the ideal alt of your favorite character, which theme would that alt have. When ranking themes it should be all about potential. And the success of Valentines and Performing Arts is probably due to the people who dislike seasonals and can only accept something the characters would actually wear in their day and age. Which puts them at the opposite end of my view on seasonals. Dresses that the characters would actually wear make me fall asleep. BORING! This is a crazy crossover game, give me bunny pajamas, witch/werewolf/vampire costumes, modern clothes like bikinis and picnic outfits, thank you very much.
  24. For once I agree with you. I get what it means to see the wrong version of your child get attention, and the other get nothing. People say "what's the difference, they are the same character" but as someone who always played as male Corrin or gay female Corrin, I will NEVER support male Kana. I don't know him, he is no child of mine. When I saw the word Kana in the voting option I said "Alright, I know who to support", but then I took a glance at the image, understood what was up and I changed my vote immediatly, now I support my boy Lugh. I feel a little differently for male Morgan because there was no gay marriage in Awakening so I had to meet him sooner or later, and I'm fine with him. But with Kana, it's serious business and I will never falter. Speaking of which, remember when the Morgans and Kanas first came out and people complained they were wasted slots, that they could have just added one of them, the more popular one and blah blah blah? Imagine if that happened. People don't even understand the Civil War that would have been born from that. Imagine the Camilla salt multiplied times 1.000.
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