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Jotaro Kujo

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Posts posted by Jotaro Kujo

  1. Honestly you need to pick something you're interested in and comfortable with. I knew since I was 9 years old I wanted to be a web designer and I stuck with it this entire time, I'm 22 now with a Bachelor's in Web Design I got when I was 20 and let me tell you, if I wasn't comfortable or confident with what I wanted to do I would have stopped and picked a different major. I get it, you don't really know what you're most comfortable in but you said in your post that you're interested in business so run with it! "Business" is a very broad term and there are some areas that don't deal with math as much as others. "Business" does not automatically mean "Finances" even though you will find finances in business.

    I'm gonna let you in on something that's not much of a secret--I suck at math. I am legitimately terrible at math and logic and you know what you have to do as a web designer and developer? Use math and logic for your programming languages. Was it tough for me, taking programming classes? Absolutely. But I was willing to take the plunge cause I was interested and it paid off, even though using programming languages is my weakest point. Fact is, for people who suck at math like us, we're gonna have to use math to get by. My dad also sucks at math (gee I wonder where I got that from) and he's a casino dealer! He deals poker, blackjack, and other games where he ha to calculate obscene payouts multiple times a day. It seems hard now but with enough practice and experience you will get it and you will be able to handle the numbers fine. Don't let it stop you if you're interested, grit your teeth, go forth, and conquer.

    And don't worry about being an introvert, you probably will have less interaction than you think you will depending on your position. Like I said, "Business" is a broad term; there are things for everyone. Do your research, and look for specialized positions in business that you'll think you'd like. The rest will fall in to place.

  2. Maybe, but googling images of Hawaii brought up no pics of buildings that look like Japanese ones. They all look like either round little huts or typical US city buildings...

    I get it, but Alola isn't Hawaii, it's just based on Hawaii. There's no reason for them to make it strictly Hawaii, nor have they made strong efforts to make other regions strictly like the real-world locations they're based on. If the region was actually Hawaii it'd be strange but it's perfectly fine for a fictional place.

  3. I have no idea what's going on with my Amazon order right now. Yesterday the money was deducted from my account, and I checked today and it's saying "preparing to ship, ok....

    So then I find out there's a Best Buy fiasco, I sweat a little but hey, Amazon isn't BB and maybe I'm being paranoid. Time passes, someone says all Amazon orders are delayed to April, wtf??? I call Amazon to confirm and they told me they have no idea when it's coming???? But why did they take my money, they said they don't accept payment until the order is ready???? I have stuff to do today so I won't be able to call back for a few hours or have any internet to check my order but I'm at a loss for what I should do. If it's delayed it's delayed, I just want to know what's going on with my order.

  4. Whew! I finally got caught up watching all of the matches. Good job everyone, this has been a really fun tourney! My match against Friction was tough! Well, I'm going to be moving so I'm going to be a bit slower with my matches. I'm still going to have time to play as I'm only moving up the road but yeah. I'll try to not hold this tourney up too much though. Good luck to everyone going forward!

  5. Guys, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the moment and forget, but can you guys please remember to save all of your replays? I mean, I'm guilty of forgetting to snag a replay multiple times, but a small number of sets are missing at least one match. Set a reminder on your phone, put a sticky note on your controller-do something to remember so we can have as much of the tournament as possible recorded please!

  6. Chill dude, go outside and breathe some fresh air. No need to go to the ends of the earth to defend something that's fictional. Being a huge fan of something is great, personally I've spent hundreds of dollars on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure merchandise, but there's life outside Jojo and there's life outside KiU and Xenoblade.

  7. So, this is a thing. From what I can gather (sorry, I wasn't vested in PM at all until the news that it got killed so I'm slow to figure this stuff out) someone was going to make Evolution, a brawl mod but someone released the ninja-lawyers and the project is over for good. The post also comes with a very strongly worded caution to people who are modding, even for personal stuff that won't be released-to stop modding until this all blows over or possibly for good. Whatever's going on is pretty steep.

    Some people are blaming Konami, others are blaming Nintendo, the guy who issued the apology said it was "close enough" to Nintendo. Nobody really knows what's going on except for the people directly involved. There is also this, but honestly this still doesn't answer every question and makes more questions, so take it with a grain of salt. It may be true, it may not. We may never know. TL;DR: A "reliable source" told people that Nintendo was looking closely at them and was going to circumvent the C&D and go straight to a lawsuit. The team thought the source was too reliable and disbanded to not face the steep penalties.

    Sorry if I got any of the information wrong! Really, I'm just a messenger. Personally I didn't care about PM but I know a lot of people loved it, so sorry all of this is happening to your game. I would urge everyone who is currently modding Brawl to stop though, just to cover your tracks for a while.

    Personally I don't think it was Nintendo just cause it would be a mess for them if they did it, but who knows? Certainly not me. I hope you guys can find some better use for this information than me.

  8. Yeah, didn't Mewtwo take forever and a half to make?

    Speaking of Smash, why does Lucas get an Amiibo but not Roy?

    Yeah, and presumably Lucas, Roy, and Ryu were being worked on at the same time, so it would be way too little time for Cloud to have a fully working model.

    Roy is getting an amiibo, all characters in smash are getting amiibos. They're just spacing them out so that's why we're getting Lucas first.

  9. If Cloud was the Smash ballot character I will eat my hat. My nice Jotaro Kujo hat. Given how much time has passed between the ballot closing and today, I don't think it's possible that they would have him as far along in production as they have. I think Cloud was just the appetizer for the main course, that being the smash broadcast in December.

  10. Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

    Some of the textures are more crisp (or maybe I just got so used to playing it at potato quality anything looks sharper) but it's largely the same. It's kinda disappointing but hey. Maybe they'll add something new or something. Not getting my hopes up but you never know.

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