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Everything posted by Esme

  1. sorry guys I got mugged outside the store some nerd named Refa stole all my stuff I hope he gets what's coming to him
  2. I don't have to buy that at the store ;;;;;))))) meet me in the back alley at 10pm tonight nothing's too expensive if it makes you happy I'll see if I can find it you get your ass in the back alley, too gross, but okay we can use it as extra storage jesus christ write that shit down or I'll forget omggggg I love those I'll buy extra gotcha alright, but you better play with them outside two LITTERS of soda?! that's a lot of soda fess up the Green or you're only getting one haha y-yeah I'll try not to will do
  3. I know right? Not even one (ONE) essential. I don't even know how we survive.
  4. I ain't touching that shit sounds good but we have so many fine here's what we've got so far: - Fudge - Mentos - Slowpoke Tail - a cat Anything else?
  5. do I look rich to you? god fine yeah sure okay
  6. going to the market the fuck do you want from there
  7. but I'd only go there if I had a heck I reach into my pockets (now what did I expect) there was nothin' but lint not even a heck
  8. It's wonderful. Can't be bothered to type out everything, but Reddit's got a thread detailing everything that was changed. I'm actually surprised that they completely changed Farron Hail. It's actually legitimately useful now. Warmth is also so goddamn GOOD. I hope Pestilent Mercury gets the Warmth/Hail treatment in the future.
  9. BB PvP had the potential to be excellent, but the gem system, the grind for top tier gems and the gems themselves, and the bell maiden system kinda squandered its potential. It's still pretty fun despite all that, though. It's also (imo) the most balanced game as far as PvP is concerned. Everything was perfectly viable and nothing was really shitty or redundant.
  10. So is this just a Refa compilation thread Because everything he says is golden
  11. one more thing to add to my bucket list
  12. There was also a spear you could get from the soul of the first boss in World 1 (Boletarian Palace) that reduced weapon and armor durability on each hit, effectively allowing you to completely break everything that your opponent had if they didn't just jump off a cliff or something. It was hilarious to use, but I can imagine being on the receiving end of the spear would be very frustrating.
  13. You have to remember that DaSII got a TON of patches, three DLCs, and a re-release, so there were many opportunities for FROM to change things. DaSIII has barely been out for two months. (And even then, DaSII still wasn't perfect as far as PvP is concerned.) I'm certain that things will be way more balanced as time goes on, especially once the DLCs come out.
  14. uh I think you need to give us more details obviously I'm still alive considering I can hear the sirens I guess I'd try and see if I can move my body or if there are any bad wounds, then I'd check on my friend if I am able to hopefully they aren't dead
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