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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Also, why is Meg in E tier? I've never, in my entire life, heard anyone say "Meg is best waifu!"
  2. "To protect the world from devastation To unite all peoples within our nation To denounce the evils of truth and love To extend our reach to the stars above"
  3. I know this is based on his opinion and all but.. I don't get it...
  4. And puts Lyn in F tier.. WHAT SORT OF TREACHERY IS THIS?!
  5. Has brown hair, brown eyes and nerdy glasses. Just like my gf. You guys have alot in common.
  6. Personally, I like the USS Lexington, the USS Wasp and the Musashi! @The DanManAlready took my joke before I could say it! Darn it Dan! But seriously Ike x Elincia Robin x Inigo Hector x Lyn That's all
  7. You've played Truth or Dare before, no? I'm guessing you know the rules so let's cut to the chase. Truth or Dare? I'll be back for your response. I put a lot of thought into this..hopefully they'll actually play it..
  8. 31,041 Well, it's already bad enough if no one else knows.. Well, let's continue.
  9. 31,039 Why is this thread a thing tho?
  10. Oh my god that's so cute can't wait to stuff it into my purse! I gotta feeling that I'll strike somebody's nerves with these "jokes"
  11. Come on dude I'm already partially deaf no need to make it worse! >.<
  12. Oh just wait, there will be 1 more by the end of the year, I just know it.
  13. Banned for having really big bewbs..flat chests for the win.
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