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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Heh Heh, I'm indeed old enough to understand these obscure references!
  2. Severa x Robin Mark x Lyn Lon'qu x Lissa Silas x F!Corrin (Don't have many ships personally)
  3. Human Reaper - Mass Effect 2 God what a disappointment, the thing looks cool, but it was too easy to take down. Literally shoot the canisters holding him up..that's it. Even the second phase of the fight sucked. You needed to shoot the gigantic eyes...it was easy as pie. Disappointing..
  4. Happy birthday homie, Is this what you're referencing? Happy B-Day btw!
  5. I know this is is unimportant and nick-picky but it's mice... On the other hand...I'm hoping that this movie will be good, even though the Sonic is nightmare fuel. But I guess it's excusable.
  6. Banned for banning me over a strange reason. But he is indeed a hilarious cartoon character.
  7. Banned for having a original waifu sarcasm is the best language
  8. Banned for banning him for thinking that the person above him should be banned because that person wanted somebody banned due to that person also wanted somebody banned that wanted somebody else banned for the exact same reason. Sorry I'm bored
  9. Could we just...not? Why live action? Why not have Sonic in his cartoon form? I don't wanna see this nightmare fueled excuse of Sonic on the cinema screen. I mean, I love Sonic as much as the next Genesis dweeb but I just don't see the point in this. Either make an ANIMATED movie, or a half decent video game.
  10. This game will forever live on as one of my favorites of all time, I miss the Normandy crew!
  11. So, I haven't seen this topic around recently and I'm surprised, it's a pretty generic topic..whatever it's here now. What's your favorite Boss Fight in all of gaming? My personal favorite is Skorge from Gears of War 2. Purely because of the chainsaw battles, riding on a reaver and the room you fight in during the first stage of the Skorge fight, it looks amazing. Another reason I adore Gears 2.
  12. Yeah sorry, haven't played the Tellius games in a while. I'll fix that in a moment. EDIT: I fixed the problem, thanks for the heads up.
  13. Lord- Hector Avatar- Robin Villager- Donnel Cavalier- Sain Knight- Oswin Myrmidon/Samurai- Joshua Mercenary- Dieck Fighter/Oni Savage- Dorcas..or Dorkass Pirate/Bandit- Dart (He's the only one that's coming to mind) Soldier/Spear Fighter-NONE (Nothing comes to mind) Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary)- Louise Nomad/Bow Knight- Rath Mage/Diviner- Soren Dark Mage/Shaman- Canas Monk- Lucius Priest/Cleric- Lissa Troubador- L'arachel (However you spell it..) Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids)- Gaius Pegasus Knight- Palla Wyvern Rider- Gerome Manakete (also includes Xane)- Tiki Beast/Laguz (Royal)- NONE (Nothing comes to mind) Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal) Panne Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons)- Olivia
  14. No and Yes, it's hard to explain really. If you had to go on a date with a FE villain, who would it be?
  15. I'm seriously fuming..why would people kill others? It doesn't do any good, the family and friends of the victims end up depressed, and you'll probably end up dead in the end. The murderers need a nice, long look in the mirror and think to themselves, "what's the point?". These people need medical assistance, they can still save themselves and many other lives.
  16. I know I'll sound like a broken record saying this but I'm with @EricaofRenais on this one. I really don't see the problem with F!Byleth's design, it fits the setting and it looks aesthetically pleasing. But on the other hand, the news we received thus far looks good, this is going well so far. Hopefully TH will end up being a good game.
  17. It is indeed an amazing game so far! I got the game yesterday and I already spent a considerable amount of time in it! Definitely one of the year's best.
  18. @Von IthipathachaiAh, you beat me to the punch. Welcome! Hope you enjoy Blazing Blade! It is truly an amazing game!
  19. Certainly an interesting character..but I haven't beaten the game yet, so this rating might change 8.5/10 My boy Makalov
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