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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Oh christ..I didn't know you already made a topic of this..Is there a way to delete this topic? My apologies
  2. Lon'qu and Lissa. That support line was great.
  3. We had a entire month to play Ultimate. What are your thoughts? Do you like it?
  4. I've been on YouTube for as long as I can remember and in that time I've watched and subscribed to tons of channels...but I haven't had any luck finding new people to watch..any suggestions? I gotta feeling that this topic shouldn't be in Entertainment...
  5. Today, we will be rating the lords on a scale, here's the options! WORST: Bubsy 3D levels of terrible BAD: Soggy Bread MEH: Warheads that aren't sour DECENT: Papa John's Pizza GREAT: Green Apples Here's an example [INSERT LORD'S NAME HERE]= Soggy Bread Here's the list of all the lords! Marth Alm Celica Sigurd Seliph Leif Roy Eliwood Hector Lyn Eirika Ike Micaiah Kris Chrom Corrin
  6. Whats your least favorite child from Awakening and Fates? My answer is Laurent..he's just bland. Yes..even IN his supports.. But its just my opinion, I can see why people would like him.
  7. * Fire Emblem Awakening: Man, I can play Awakening for years...I absolutely love the game! * Fallout 1&2: I prefer these boys over the 3D games..they’re darker and more challenging. Actually... I might replay F2 later.... * Left 4 Dead 1&2: I used to play it alone, now I have tons of friends to play it with..and I love it just the same as I did years ago.. * Saints Row Series: Always fun to play...and I just love smacking people with dildos.. * Final Fantasy 1: I always get a strange feeling when I play the game...what is it called? Oh yeah, Nostalgia.
  8. Yeah, shocking I know! *slams head against wall*
  9. Yes I know its December! But, like I always am, I'm curious. From Dracula to Jason who is your favorite horror icon?
  10. Fire Emblem: New Mystery I adore this game, but I played through it so many times. It needs to rest. Gears Of War 4 I'm a big fan of gears but good LORD THE CHARACTERS SUCK! The campaign is one of the worst of the series. I'm never playing Gears 4's campaign ever again. I'm not even gonna try with Gears 5, I already know the story will suck. Kane & Lynch 1 & 2 The games suck ass.....that's it. Skyrim I'm one of the unlucky sops who played Skyrim on PS3, and it was a slow, glitchy mess. This ruined my chances with trying it on the Xbox One. Army Of Two The games were alright but the story didn't really make it worth playing. All of the Persona games The games were...alright? The games weren't masterpieces. I was always bored during the mid to late game.The characters were average at best and the stories were meh.
  11. What class gives you the most trouble? Myrmidons? Generals? Cavaliers?
  12. I believe Conquest from Awakening would be a good choice. A nice, calm song for a nice calm place. (Sometimes) Good choice of music btw!
  13. Hello! Yeah, you're not alone with having a short attention span...It took me over 2 years to complete FE4, I wandered where it was but I eventually found it in some folder away from sight.
  14. *sigh* Yeah I hate this category bullshit. But yeah, he's gonna get a crap ton of lawsuits.
  15. In one of the hillbilly states (not really but....whatever) Kentucky. I'm planning to move to New Jersey when I can, I hate it here.
  16. Yes, He actually made a game console, which seems to be an emulator. Ridiculous..but what are your thoughts?
  17. Ohh...Eliwood..I thought you meant the woman on your profile pic....wow I'm a dumbass
  19. I think Ultimate's remix of Id Purpose is pretty nice. I thought Id Purpose was good enough. But clearly it could be better.
  20. Wait..People call Rebecca bad? I used her alot in my multiple playthroughs..She's pretty decent if you're willing to baby her a little.
  21. Lets get the player supports out of the way. Robin x Cynthia Robin x Severa Robin x Nowi F!Robin x Stahl F!Robin x Inigo Corrin x Scarlett F!Corrin x Odin F!Corrin x Laslow (Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates) Now everyone else F!Morgan x Inigo F!Morgan x Owain Gregor x Nowi Donnel x Nowi (Fire Emblem Awakening) I have alot more but I'm too tired to type a whole Harry Potter books worth of S-Supports. I might add more later.
  22. Now I'm generally curious. Who is she? My brain is confused...
  23. Its a good tie between the GBA and 3DS games..GBA had cool ass battle animations and good stories (for the most part). The 3DS era of games had too many good characters. I mean, I don't usually care about videogame characters but god damn the characters in this era were fantastic.
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