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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Dorkass? That guy failed miserably...
  2. I'm sorry if this topic was done to death, I ran out of ideas..
  3. What's your thoughts? Are you excited? I certainly am.
  4. Yes! Finally! A game I'm actually hyped for!
  5. I would say Persona 4 Golden as well. Game's great.
  6. My parents aren't doing anything special. I guess were just opening gifts.
  7. Sub Zero

    Hey all

    You like Hector? Sorry, I had too. Welcome to the forum btw! Hope you enjoy it!
  8. Damn..what a read...That was a great cutscene in SoV..and you made it way better. I don't think I can give you any feedback, you did it really well. Am I giving you too much praise? Is this annoying? Sorry if it is. Good Job FP. :3
  9. You dont need to know what happened in the previous games to enjoy this one.
  10. Who would win? Corrin or Robin? Take the weapons they have into consideration.. They are maxed out in stats
  11. Of course they need good stats, but they need a good backstory and personality to be good.
  12. What FE chapter made you suffer the longest? Personally, it was the chapter when they introduced the ballista in FE7. I dont know why I was stuck on it though... OH WAIT I KNOW WHY!!! ITS BECAUSE THE BALLISTA IS BULLLLLSSSSSHHHIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!! but seriously...the ballista is annoying af. It took me to my wit's end but after 1 hour of pure torture I realized that I just have to wait for the enemies to rush me than I can just demolish them...I was able to kill the Ballista Douche shortly after.
  13. With other series. For example..Elder Scrolls and FE.
  14. Try to give me the worst POTENTIAL crossovers. Sorry for not specifying. My example...Gears Of War x Fire Emblem.
  15. I know you guys will despise me for this but... I don't like the Tellius games. GASP! Ok, I dont..I don't MIND the Tellius games but I just couldn't get into the story and characters. I played PoR and RD multiple times and I just couldn't get into it. I do like some of the mechanics but that's really it. Ike is not the worst MC in the series but he's just kinda boring, even in the late portion of the two games. The other characters are...alright? They certainly aren't garbage tier but they aren't good enough to be considered the "best characters of all of Fire Emblem". Hopefully I didn't make any enemies typing this. I didn't mean to type this to make anyone pissy, I just want to get my opinion out there. I can see why people love the Tellius games and I can say that it has its positives but it just ain't good enough in my eyes.
  16. My moneys on Awakening. Mystery's cast haven't fought for...like...around 2000 years? They would definitely be at a disadvantage. Blazing Sword. Because they have Lyn...Lyn crits everything. Sacred Stones and SoV are about equally matched. I think Binding Blade. Binding Blade has better weapons and overall better characters in terms of stats ( if I remember correctly ) The 2nd gen would beat Birthright's ass..in terms of everything.
  17. So...Whos the Sol in SolPhelia? I haven't played Fates in ages. The ship name sounds awful too... @X-Naut *Pukes in garbage can* @BrightBow hahaha....I knew this was coming
  18. Heritors of Arcadia - Fire Emblem Echoes Jesus 2008?! I just realized that
  19. Can you at least share the cookies? UwU
  20. I guess you can put your own personal review here..
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