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Posts posted by Burklight

  1. 7 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    I mean, tbf, I think Rhea, Sothis, and Arval shouldn't have a tier at all due to that, which they currently don't. You can't use them, so there's no decision to be made, no need to rank them. I may be examining this tier list from a different perspective, thinking of it as a guide for which units to use. As a result, I feel like assuming you have access to the unit is kinda necessary to rank them. Because if you don't have access to them, obviously they're F tier, they're completely useless. If you do have access to them, how long that took doesn't really matter at this point.

    I left off the bonus units entirely for that reason.

    For Byleth, I'm not really worried about catching up or anything like that. Byleth is fantastic from the moment you get him. I also don't think Byleth should be hurt for the runs you decide to not recruit them. I do think that contributing zero for 10-12 chapters should bar you from being S rank. Even when you get Byleth, Byleth isn't obviously better than Claude/Edelgard/Ferdinand, so the idea that Byleth would be so much better to make up for being absent that long doesn't make sense to me.

    1 minute ago, Sire said:

    I think the issue is we may need to define what exactly this Maddening Tier list is supposed to be.
    -- We know it's NG+ Maddening, and it leans towards being a general baseline for the entire game.
    -- The criteria listed focuses on S-Ranks and assumes the characters are fully built for their role.
    == In Three Hopes, anyone can be good, its just some characters outright outclass others due to their preferred equipment, personals, and skills. I don't think there's anyone in Three Hopes who are straight up unusable, but they may be weaker than the majority of the cast.

    A part of me wonders if we should make separate lists, like one for each route, so things like availability and potential "deployment conflicts" can be more easily addressed.
    -- A separate list that tiers units based off of their usage like Archeleon suggested can also be useful, such as listing those who tend to spam Combat Arts/Magic, those who focus on Warrior Specials/Awakenings, those who just focus on raw damage output, and so on. Also, this one can focus more on end-game potentials in Records, so it also allows the three bonus characters to be ranked.

    I'm not oppose to making it route specific, but I don't think that would actually solve that issue. The units that I ding for availability issues have the same issue regardless of what route they're on. The only outlier I can think of is Jeritza who is significantly better on SB and AG. But even on SB he's competing with Ferdinand as a lance user. If anything I might have him too high.

  2. 3 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    Hmm... see, availability similarly feels like an odd thing to factor into a tier list. You're absolutely correct, Byleth joins late on every route, and thus they aren't an option for most of the game. But a tier list exists to help make choices on which characters to use. The tier of a character you can't use doesn't matter, that'd be like making units that are route specific lower tier because you don't get to use them on the other two routes. And once you can use them, the fact that you couldn't for a long time also no longer matters in terms of deciding whether or not to use them now. So while I get what you mean, I think factoring that information into what tier they fall into is an odd choice.

    I don't think I've ever seen a tier list that didn't take availability into account. If we removed all context, he'd probably be mid/low S. I'm not convinced removing all context is correct.

  3. 4 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    I do think ignoring deployment restraints is probably a better way to handle a tier list. Making a character lower tier because there's a higher tier unit that fills a similar role seems like putting the cart before the horse. The tier list itself factoring into what tier a character belongs to gets a little confusing because it makes the tier list self-referential. The existence of a better unit for a given build does not inherently make a character worse. For example, Byleth is definitely an S rank unit imo. The fact that you have to use Shez for main missions and thus Byleth is likely to see slightly less use outside of side missions or record keeper battles if you keep them both as sword users (which is hardly necessary, they're both excellent in essentially any class) does not make Byleth any less insanely powerful.

    I'll give the deployment restraints some thought.

    Imo, Byleth shouldn't be S rank because he/she is absent for 2/3rds of the game. Sharing sword preference with Shaz doesn't help, but I'd have placed Byleth in S rank without a second thought if that was the only issue.

  4. 16 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    Damage isn't everything. Sometimes a slightly more durable unit that doesn't do quite as much damage is a fine tradeoff. And it's not like he's completely without damage abilities, he gets Underdog, and on Maddening, that applies to basically everyone, most of the enemies after the first handful of chapters exceed the level cap, at which point Underdog is just a free damage boost. And while his base magic stat is low, Dual Onslaught is still quite powerful late game.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think all units in this game are equal, that's virtually impossible without them all being essentially the same. And I concede that for most builds on most characters, there's probably at least one character who could do roughly the same build 'better' (albeit probably with some differences). But in my experience, even those that are 'objectively better' for a given build aren't better by much, you have to be really paying attention and number crunching to notice a significant difference. The worst unit in Three Hopes, whoever that may be, is still 100% viable, and could easily be the star of the show for a run without any significant difficulties if you take the time to find a good build for them. I guess I don't object to the idea of C tier, it just feels to me like it implies a larger difference in effectiveness than what actually exists in the game.

    So maybe I wasn't clear about what my issue was a few posts ago, so let me try again. I'll take a fairly extreme example. I don't think anyone would argue that Catherine is a better sword user than Felix. Felix is clearly superior in almost every measurable category. However, if you decide for whatever reason that you're going to use Catherine instead, and you're already using Shaz because you have to, you're either going to class Felix into something else, or more likely, not use him. In the scenario where Felix goes unused, Felix is going to be contributing literally zero to your run. That would make him a C tier unit for that run in my current thinking.

    So I'm sort of skipping the step where they're ranked low because they probably aren't getting used. Do you think it would make more sense to ignore deployment restraints and any context and just look at them in a vacuum? That seems less helpful to me, but that seems to be where most of the criticism is coming from. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    I think the trap you're falling in is one I myself fell prey to in my first few runs: thanks to the class system, two units who do the same thing is a simple matter to fix, just change the class of one of them. People put too much stock into preferred classes, preferred class doesn't amount to much other than more expediently gaining class exp, which, by the time you're doing maddening runs, shouldn't be an issue, you should have plenty of classes mastered. As far as I can tell, there really aren't any units in this game who are only good at one thing. To give an example, in one run, I was using Great Knight Crusher Annette, which was a super fun build. This led to Dedue feeling a bit redundant. This was how I discovered that Dedue is a startlingly good Bow Knight who gets Armsthrift, Essence of Fire boosted Flame Volley, Deadeye, and just like everyone else, he can equip The Inexhaustible. This resulted in a tremendously powerful, surprisingly durable archer. There really are no bad units in this game as far as I can tell. You just have to learn to ignore what the game seems to suggest you should be doing with each unit, and experiment. You'll find a build you love with just about any unit given just a little bit of time and curiosity.

    I promise I'm not falling into that trap, I've already tried a bunch of non recommended things that usually worked out fairly well. I just thought as a first pass it would be too complicated to rank every unit as their "best" class instead of their preferred class, as that seems like a whole other can of worms. I'm open to moving people around based on non recommended builds tho, have a few times already.

    Dedue I'm more suspicious of, however. Wouldn't he need an A rank invert attack/defense bow with Absorb Def to have damage numbers even comparable to other units with actual damage skills? For that matter, has anyone figured out if Dual Onslaught does anything weird if you use an invert weapon ability?

    Finding a build you like playing is great, but that doesn't mean it's as good as others that are blatantly better.

  6. 16 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    I admit, I haven't used Yuri a lot, so I can't really compare Petra to him very well. I imagine the two are fairly similar, both being Essence of Wind Tricksters. But Petra, much like Lindhart, seems to me to be very stun gauge focused. Her unique support ability is basically just Burst of Resolve but better, so she fills up her Awakening gauge real fast, she can juggle enemies with wind magic, she has access to a bunch of abilities like Heavy Hitter and Patience that increase stun gauge damage, and her personal ability makes her very hard to hit and highly mobile in combat. This all comes together to make her very reliable.

    Updated Lindhardt and Petra to B. 

    The issue I'm currently having is how to address the large number of units who fall into the category of "If you decide to play this unit, it will be fine, but they are objectively worse than 2-3 other units who do the same thing, and if you use the 2-3 other, it will see zero combat for the entire run." I think those units should go into C, because the random support you're using is doing more for you than the unit on the bench, despite the fact that they are usable if you decide to. There seems to be disagreement on that.

  7. 1 hour ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    I think people sleep on Lindhart (appropriate though that is given his love of naps). I know I did. I wouldn't say he's A tier material, and I was fairly disappointed in his performance as a Dark Bishop, and mainly just used him as a healer. But then I made him a Holy Knight for extra healing and discovered that between Excalibur, his basic combos, his personal skill, Gather, and his ability to rapidly build up Awakening with Burst of Resolve, he can just chew through stun gauges, and critical rush everyone. It certainly caught me off guard, I had been fairly unimpressed with him prior to that point, but if you haven't tried this build, I highly recommend it, I was very surprised by how powerful he was. Again, I wouldn't call him A or S tier material, but I object to his placement in C Tier (of course, I kinda object to the existence of C tier. None of the units you placed there are actually weak, hell, Petra's practically unstoppable, she's one of the better Tricksters in the game imo).

    I think I'm starting to see a theme here with HKs. You're probably correct about Lindhardt needing to be somewhere in B. As for Petra, I'll admit I don't have very much first hand experience using her. Other than availability, what sets her apart from Yuri? And to a lesser extent, what sets her apart from all the semi weak mages who would rather be a Trickster than a HK?

  8. 50 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    It's pretty consistent with how Warriors games usually handle difficult modes. They're less optional forms of self-imposed challenge, and more of an expected steady curve from A to B, with the rewards increasing the same. Comparing it to 3 Houses' approach to difficulties is a non-starter.


    I'd also say NG+++ maddening is a more enjoyable experience than a clean Hard. Your gameplay isn't being slowed by facility upgrades, supports, ongoing min-maxing, constantly swapping loadouts, etc. Characters have their builds available to them at this point, and that actually makes them feel more distinct and fully realized. You get to enjoy playstyles like combat art machine gun Bernie and Blutgang Dancer Marianne that aren't really a thing in a fresh playthrough.

    Agreed. Also, the way I framed B tier is "does their job, but can't really do other people's jobs too." If you take 4 units who can all do their jobs fine and switch between them, you could for sure clear maddening without too much issue. But you could do it significantly faster with fewer headaches if you used S and A characters.

    Also, there's probably some more instances like @Sire pointed out with Flayn where when used in the correct class, they probably don't belong in C or B.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I'm a bit surprised this tier list is for NG+. Is NG+ not just a faceroll curbstomp for a skilled player regardless of units? Haven't done it yet, so correct me if I'm wrong.


    I'm also a bit surprised at Ferdinand in S, since his speedup gimmick evaporates every time you switch. I used him a lot and I didn't really feel like he stood out. I guess he's better for soloing than average, but I don't really care about that, and I don't think a tier list should either. Switching to maintain constant advantage (not to mention get four characters' worth of combat arts/spells, more warrior specials, etc.) is incredibly powerful.

    Surprised Petra is in C. Her dodge is nice for getting out of trouble. Maybe better players than me don't need to dodge, though.

    Agreed that Lorenz is busted and belongs in the highest tier, he makes the damage rank a non-issue to achieve. There's no way his offence is poor enough to offset that advantage.

    NG+ is a faceroll curbstomp for hard mode. Less so for maddening. 

    Ferdinand has a lot going for him aside from his speedup. Name Drop is one of the better passives, and on top of that he has access to Luna, Lifeforce, IF, WA, OT. His relics also offset any self damage he might have. He'd probably still be a contender for S rank even without his speedup.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Ingrid... also doesn't have Luna or Impossible Feat so you aren't applying the standard evenly. And doesn't have Big Game Hunter or Dual Onslaught. She certainly has some good skills with Lifeforce, Forethought, Essence of Ice, and Offensive Tactics. But you are weighing those a whole two tiers over Sylvain's Big Game Hunter, Dual Onslaught, Offensive Tactics, and Essence of Fire. He has ample skills to make a build every bit as viable as hers, and has a much better Unique Action to boot. I'd also argue he has the better relic by a fair margin.

    Ingrid does have Flare, which is potentially better than Luna on a DK. She also has the option of being 100% stagger immune, which lets her braindead steamroll things more easily than pretty much any lance user in AG other than maybe Dimitri. I'm not totally convinced she belongs in S tier, but I'm fairly sure she's the best AG lance user. I think comparing Ingrid and Sylvain's relics is kind of a wash, because each would prefer to use their own, probably.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Sire said:

    Glancing at the list, the only two I immediately disagree with are Sylvain and Flayn.

    While I may be a bit biased towards Sylvain due to his personal (using his Merc Whistle Accessory, Warm Cloak, on Shez is the best thing ever), Sylvain has plenty of great qualities.
    -- Offensive Skills: Big Game Hunter, Dual Onslaught, Wild Abandon, and Offensive Tactics. (Sure, he doesn't have Impossible Feat or Luna, but I say his personal more than makes up for that.)
    -- Also, Sylvain has a Crest and also has a Relic Weapon, so I assume he's likely using that and Ruined Sky as one of the Combat Arts.
    == Now, I know Sylvain directly competes with Dimitri since Sylvain is also Blue Lions exclusive, and both characters use Lances, but I think you may be factoring in "repeating weapons" a bit too much. While I agree deployment slots are important (Shez + 3 for the main, then 4 more for the main chapter maps), having characters using the same weapon type is not that big of a deal in my opinion. Battalions, Weapon Breakers, and Different Movesets offer enough variety to break up the monotony. Also, Dimitri and Sylvain use different movesets despite using Lances, so they play differently.
    == As Fabulously Oliver has stated, Sylvain is easily S-Rank. 

    Now for Flayn, I dare say she may be better than she initially appears. Sure, her crest is meant for support and her personals suck, but a looking at her skills tells a different story...
    -- Offensive Skills: Big Game Hunter, Dual Onslaught, Wild Abandon, Undaunted, Offensive Tactics, Luna
    -- Now, while Flayn is normally built for magic, if she shifts gears and focuses on physical instead (to take advantage of Luna), I'm sure she can work surprising well. Granted, other units likely still outclass her due to better Crests/Personals, but at least Flayn's skill set allows her to perform rather well as a Holy Knight (instead of the standard Bishop/Gremory). The downside is that Flayn may require extra investment if going the Luna route, which may be undesirable.
    == That said, I benched Flayn during my initial Blue Lions playthrough and will likely keep her benched on my Maddening run, mostly because I prefer the other characters and they may outperform her.

    * * * * *

    As a quick aside, here's my initial plans for my Maddening teams, but I'll place it in the spoiler to not detract too much from the main topic.
    -- This was made after quickly glancing at their learned skills and my personal preference.

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    Mains: The main 4 that can be swapped to at any time, under player control.
    Reserves: Those who can be swapped with the mains, or otherwise deployed as AI allies.
    Bench: Characters that are weaker or that I personally do not care much for.
    Honorable Mentions: I love Petra (and she has received stat boosters) and would like to use Monica more, even though their abilities are not the best around.

    Golden Deer Mains: Shez, Claude, Hilda, Lorenz
    -- Reserves: Lysithea, Marianne
    -- Bench: Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, Holst

    Blue Lion Mains: Shez, Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain
    -- Reserves: Ashe, Ingrid, Flayn, Catherine
    -- Bench: Dedue, Mercedes, Annette, Seteth

    Black Eagle Mains: Shez, Edelgard, Hubert, Ferdinand
    -- Reserves: Caspar, Jeritza
    -- Honorable Mentions: Petra, Monica
    -- Bench: Linhardt, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Manuela

    Silver Extras
    -- Jeralt's Mercenaries: Byleth, Jeralt
    -- Ashen Wolf: Yuri
    -- Golden Boy: Balthus
    -- Monster Slayer: Hapi
    -- Spectacular Shady Spell Spammer Sorceress: Constance
    -- Gate Guy: Gatekeeper
    -- Monastery Bench: Shamir


    I may have slightly underrated Sylvain. I can see him moving to below to just below Lorenz. He's probably better than Jeritza at least. I don't care about resources, so I agree that Flayn (HK) shouldn't be in C, but I'm not sure how much higher for the same reasons as Sylvain and Rodrigue being AG locked. Throwing her in the middle of B for the time being.

    The problem with AG is that they give a bunch of lance users who in isolation probably all belong somewhere in A tier, but because they're all competing for spots probably shouldn't all go into A tier.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I think given the general balance of the game that S and A tiers could afford to be bigger.


    I don't agree with "competing with too many units" as a criteria. Lance units are probably the best in the game. DK, HK, Paladin, and FK are all phenomenal movesets, and the characters that use them tend to also be exceptional units. Speaking of which, people sleep on Rodrigue, when he's one of the best natural Holy Knights - the only natural one to have Essence of Light, and his unique is really strong when used properly. Then you've got units like Sylvain and Ferdinand who are just flat out S tier. Like no, I'm sorry. These two are objectively S tier.


    I don't feel that Linhardt is a bench-warmer. While his class synergy isn't great, he is rocking a good crest with two relics, and that healing is put to good use with Lifeforce. Wind and Excalibur really rocks. He's not like A tier or anything, but he's not bottom tier.


    Ranking units based on Assists is also weird when it isn't done consistently. Monica is likely one of the best pair ups in the game due to Warrior Assist, Harmonious Specials, One Heart One Mind, and Rally Res. Plus, her Unique Support is a pretty good share for anyone who excels at status effects.

    So the reason I used "competing with too many units" a few times is because I can't think of hardly any instances where you'd want multiple units of the same weapon type deployed as playable characters. When you do, it's usually because they're so much better than alternatives that weapon triangle disadvantage would be less bad than having to use someone under leveled or with a bad skillset. 

    Rodrigue and Sylvain are both missing Luna, IF, and Lifeforce. Sylvain at least has Dual Onslaught. That makes their damage output significantly worse than every lance user I placed higher. Sylvain is probably better than Lorenz due to his personal, but there's almost never a time you'd rather use Sylvain than Dimitri or Ingrid. Lorenz doesn't have that problem.

    I have Ferdinand in S.

  13. Attempting to get something close to a baseline unit tier list.

    Maddening Mode, S ranking everything, do all side objectives, playing quickly. It's assumed all units have access to all passive skills they can learn. Assumed all units are over level 100 with at least 90 in all offensive stats they would want.


    Relic/Sacred weapons are assumed to be the best weapons you can have. This isn't true, but it would make this way too complicated for the time being.
    For now, lets not worry about Merc Whistle items.
    Every unit has access to all Artes/Spells they either learn naturally, or can learn easily (A rank support with someone who has it). For example, we can assume Hapi has Dark Spikes (A rank with Shaz) but we cant assume she has Luna.
    I'm for the most part going to assume that everyone is in their recommended class unless there is a clear reason why they're better in a different one. I haven't tried every unit in every class, so if I missed one, kindly point it out.

    For availability, I didn't penalize anyone for only being usable in one route (Claude, Edelgard). I did penalize units for joining late (Byleth, Yuri, Catherine).

    As a final note, I heavily factored in deployment slots because it's unlikely you would ever want to deploy 4 units of the same weapon type. Because of this, I'm somewhat biased against sword users because they're competing with Shaz who is force deployed.

    Shaz Tier - Force deployed, able to do anything, can teleport

    S - units in S can easily solo entire maps regardless of weapon triangle. These are the units you want to be player controlled.
    Claude (BK or Barbarossa)- Best skill list, great weapon type, Wind God is broken
    Edelgard (Fetters or Dromi or WL) - excellent skill list, excellent personal
    Ferdinand - excellent skill list, great personal ability
    Hilda - Edelgard but with a worse personal skill
    Felix - Excellent skill list, great personal ability, but users swords
    Ingrid (DK) - maybe should be at the top of A, but feels significantly stronger than everyone in A

    A - units in A are very good at what they're suppose to be good at an don't have too much trouble at things they're suppose to be bad at, or have excellent utility. These units may not always be player controlled.
    Byleth - Availability issues and sword user or would be higher
    Dimitri - Maybe should be S tier? Feels weaker than everyone currently in S
    Hubert - Probably the best player controlled mage
    Balthus - Very good WM, money making utility
    Lysithea - Dark Assist, probably the best Gremory
    Annette - Rally Deluxe, Wind Assist
    Seteth - Competing with Annette for best AG Axe user, and she wants to be a support unit
    Lorenz - Probably best GW Lance user
    Sylvain - Competing with too many lance users
    Marianne (Trickster)- Ice Assist, good personal ability, decent combat
    Raphael - Rally Str
    Caspar - Would be higher if not Competing with Edelgard
    Jeritza - Too much competition with lance users where he is available or would be higher

    B - units in B do their job or have passable utility, and not much else. These are typically AI controlled.
    Dorothea - Lightning Assist
    Bernadetta - Ice Assist
    Mercedes - Light Assist
    Constance - Light Assist
    Flayn (HK)
    Petra - Yuri, but better availability
    Leonie - Could potentially see moving to around where Lorenz is
    Linhardt (HK) 
    Catherine - Availability issues, sword user, missing key damage skills
    Holst - Sword user and missing key damage skills
    Hapi - Solid Gremory, but Gremory isn't very good
    Yuri - Late recruit, uses swords
    Shamir - Missing key damage skills
    Jeralt - Missing key damage skills
    Rodrigue - Competing with too many lance users

    C - units in C struggle to do their job or have bad utility. These are either AI controlled or benchwarmers.

    Feedback is welcome. If my criteria doesn't make sense or you think it should be changed, I'm open to that feedback as well.

  14. 2 hours ago, Sire said:

    I would say there would be backups of other units to pick up the slack, unless one was relying on the single unit to carry the entire map.
    -- There's also the part of restarting the battle, so a death on Classic can waste some minutes depending on the battle while on Casual one can keep playing.
    -- I suppose one can start to get into the details on how much one invests into a unit, so a unit that is "maxed out" can easily use the more risky skills versus a unit who is still just mastering all the classes and has no stat boosts.

    Also, since Death/resets are no longer much of a concern on Casual, it allows for more experimentation with the HP Threshold skills that regular/cautious play would typically avoid.
    -- Whether these builds are good or not are up for debate, but at least the option is there.

    Death is less likely of a problem than just losing an S rank. If you don't care about getting S ranks then WA should move up the tier list quite a bit.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Archeleon said:

    Depends on what you mean by min/maxed. Are we talking about a situation in which all your units are at every stat cap and have access to every skill? Would you not consider opportunity cost/time consumption into the ratings? For example, most units can easily get to 60 Lck without having to spend too many resources on it and for the most part that works. That lets you spend resources elsewhere. Ease of use can be a factor in the ratings.

    The criteria is based on how likely it is that the ability will fit into a build. Boost Critical is S tier because anyone can make use of more crit even when they don't have high Dex simply because of how Crit works. Wild Abandon is great on most units but might not work on builds that make you less mobile as you risk taking damage. Essence skills are good on units that have access to a lot of elemental skills that match their element but is lackluster otherwise. Panache is a skill that can shine in a build that already favors Awakening but is not great on its own; it compliments a build. Defensive tactics is just not something I would use in any build.

    Regarding unit tiering. I encourage you to do so. I don't want to do one myself because I don't personally care how good one unit is over the other as I want to play all of them. I have thought about opening up a Combat Art/Spell tiering discussion though.

    Well, if we're assuming this is for maddening difficulty, it's probably a safe assumption that you're on your 3rd-4th NG+ clear. By that time you should have access to most/all skills, and probably have the resources to get 100-120 in all offensive stats for units you're using. If your assumptions are different I could see how you would come to different conclusions. Luna is probably somewhere in B tier and not A if the unit unsure what skill to use only has 60 luck. It's clearly near the top of A if you have 120 luck.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Archeleon said:

    This is important to keep in mind. It is for all intents and purposes a multiplicative modifier. However, the reliance on Lck and its variance against enemies may not make it the ironclad S tier we initially thought.

    Maybe it would be a decent idea to lay out the criteria you're using for the tier list. Are you not assuming min maxed scenarios? Or just the average of all possible scenarios? Is it super generalized? I almost feel like a tier list would be more useful if it was for units and not for skills. I may make a first pass at that later today, actually. There's too many edge cases where such and such niche skill happens to be good on X unit. At least half the units in the game have some edge case

    There are probably some situations where you wouldn't want to. Like on Lysithesa. I'm struggling to come up with a physical damage unit who doesn't learn Luna who doesn't really wish they had it. Dimitri would be significantly better if he had Luna, for example.

  17. 14 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    Then that isn’t something I would call S rank.

    It's S ran for sure in a min maxed scenario. At 120 luck, it's closer to a 20% damage increase. But it's actually 20% and doesn't fall into the diminishing returns category. If you're comparing it to other skills that will give you diminishing returns that are also S rank, it should be looked at as having 50-70% increase damage depending on how many other damage skills you're using.

  18. 2 hours ago, MagicCanonBalls said:

    About recruiting certain characters and support conversation

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    1. I played Claude's route first. Lindhart and Constance 1st support convo talked about how they both betrayed Empire. Hapi talked about how they got take into Alliance/Federation wings. Now that I am starting Edelgard's route, those support still maxed out and no conversations are available but obviously their dialogues won't be the same. Is there anyway to view those in-game or on youtube?

    2. Edel's route. Is there any major decision that occurs during conversation, because so far I am at chapter 7 and I really disagree with her methods and the way she do things, so I am just skipping it really quickly, but I am scared that I might press too fast and make the wrong decisions.

    3. About recruiting Gatekeeper. Articles said just have to beat Maddening once, but the game let you switch the difficulties around. Does this means doing every single battle in Maddening mode or only the final story battle?


    1. Yes. The extras section after the title screen lets you view all support conversations.

    2. No.

    3. Whatever article you read is wrong. You get Gatekeeper near the start of your third route. Difficulty doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I did my third route on hard.

  19. 44 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    Jeez, hadn't even considered that. Honestly, with how generous the game can be with stat boosting items, especially if you buy them with renown each playthrough, that feels like overkill to me. But the overall point still stands, you can never have too much money in this game.

    They are quite generous with stat boosting items. But you can still farm money more easily than stat boosters. Plus, a lot of times the class you want to actually use someone in isn't the same as the one they want to level in. Hilda, for example, really wants dex and lck, neither of which WL helps with. I waited for a +str growth month, classed her as a sniper and went from 1-120. Saved quite a few stat boosters.

  20. 32 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

    Once you've maxed out all the facilities, all the resources used to upgrade said facilities become useless, so you can just trade them in at the supply master for Smithing Stones, which you can then trade in for whatever forging materials you want. Meanwhile, the more you upgrade a weapon, the more expensive each upgrade becomes, but they cost the same amount in materials forever. As a result, by that point, you're gonna run out of money way faster than materials. But yeah, prior to that, materials are more of the rate limiting resource.

    I'll second this. In addition to this, one thing I've found myself doing is waiting until the month where "slightly increase the chance of gaining ____ when leveling up," resetting someone's level to 1, putting them in a class that compliments their growths, and then going from 1-120.  While totally worth the money if you're trying to min/max stats, this costs about 450k. Adds up very quickly.

  21. 1 minute ago, Archeleon said:

    This is easily tested. I used a unit with Counterbreak against our favorite punching bag Myrmidon with 7 Def.

    Before debuff = 62 (7 Def)

    With debuff = 448 (0 Def/-3 Def?)

    62 * 7 = 434

    62 * 10 = 620.

    So no, doesn't seem to go into negatives.

    Counterbreak may not make it go into negatives, but Luna may. I went back and looked over my data collection from when I attempted to solve this back on the first page and OF COURSE I stopped at ~70 luck which would have put it at 0. If it doesn't go lower than 0,  you would expect 90-100 luck to have identical damage numbers as 70 luck vs a 7 defense enemy, right? 

  22. 23 minutes ago, Archeleon said:

    That's because Def/Res divide damage by its coefficient, it doesn't reduce damage by its coefficient.

    2 Def doesn't sound like much but here is what happens:

    1000 / 2 = 500

    2000 / 2 = 1000

    This doesn't happen

    1000 - 2% = 980

    2000 - 2% = 960

    That makes more sense. Still doesn't explain what happens with negative numbers tho. You think instead of diving it just starts to multiply instead? That would be pretty funny.

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