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Posts posted by Binty12

  1. 2 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Let's Go may have already had it, but the thread is about whether or not it should appear in the next main series game. So the thread makes sense. 

    The repel thing was me just giving my quick thoughts; my thought (since I haven't played Let's Go) was that, if you can see a wild pokemon, you can try to avoid them, and this would make repel less useful overall. If that's incorrect, then thanks for letting me know (and could you please explain why repels are still useful). 

    Oh ok i get it now.

    To answer your question in Let's Go repels stop pokemon from spawning at all so you don't have deal with encounters when you don't want to like in a block pushing puzzle.

    It also added lures which are basically reverse repels, pokemon will spawn a lot more.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Wow, people already going on about roster.

    I'd expect nothing less. (I wonder how many people set Lianna as there menu voice)

    30 minutes ago, Florete said:

    But if it does it will probably be Elibe, Tellius, and Fodlan (Three Houses).

    I can't see both Elibe and Tellius in the game. They like Fates and Genealogy our big multi game sized rosters, I think one of the two is basically a lock taking Fates slot from the first game, split between either FE6 and FE7 for Elibe or FE9 and FE10 for Tellius the way Fates part of the roster was split between birthright and conquest, but I can't see both.

  3. Lyre is meant to be a growth rate unit unlike most Laguz. In theory if you give her the time and exp she will exceed her fellow cats.

    In praxis this is undermined by how Laguz get exp, since they get a lot less if they are transformed but Lyre starts so weak that she dies if she gets attacked untransformed which means that she can't get the exp she needs to get stronger. I'm pretty sure Ranulf usually ends up stronger anyway (which is fine since he's forced for a lot of maps) but it means that she only competes for secondary cat with her sister, and most people would rather pick Lethe since she is better in the short term and you likely don't need a second cat in the long term.

    I'm not sure whether Lyre lives up to her intended potential if you do successfully train her.

    I personally like her and would like her to get in Heroes at some point (and before her sister) but i'm not sure she should be on the first beast banner.

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