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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. Almost perfect, but he'd like some defense or Ambush. 9 - 0.5 bias = 8.5/10
  2. She's still a better candidate for the Master Lance than Dalshin.
  3. Basically, use everyone, and give to get as many kills as you can to lower-levelled units. Arena abuse with promoted units in the latter half of the game helps as well.
  4. You've changed, Crash. You used to be cool.
  5. His performance in Manster is useful, but not critical. And once you get outside, he's more of a liability than anything. (Luckily he won't have capped Build yet; once he does, he cannot be rescued, which kills what little use he has on outside maps.) He gains four weapon usage at promotion, but E ranks in anything not axes sucks. He's not as terminal as Marty base-wise, but he also lacks potential, especially with no notable skills. Chapter 14 might have been his time to shine, but it's Hammerland, so he can't do much there. He's not terrible, but there are many better options. 4/10
  6. Well, I have to admire your flagrancy, if nothing else.
  7. Nope, not dead yet. Chapter 9: 16/86 Artur's healing turns out to be very useful. He also serves as a tank, having more HP than Eirika and not doubled by mercs like Garcia. The aim is to get to Amelia ASAP. After that, Colm soloes the fighters that arrive in the north and the pirates coming over the sea, Neimi and Amelia stay out of range until most of them are gone, then help with the shopping. Garcia, Eirika and the mages assault the boss. Lute leads in order to get as much exp as possible before chapter 11. Amelia is now a 10/1 Knight. Ugh. Chapter 10: 9/95 Throne charge as a group. Amelia gets some kills, while Innes uses up my Silver Bow. Chapter 11: 10/105 Artur soloes the western side, while the rest head east. Eirika and Neimi attack the monsters in the northeast, and the others go south to meet up with Artur. Chapter 12: 10/115 The army was split into two groups. Team Supreme (Artur, Lute, Colm and Garcia) go north. Team Extreme (Eirika, Innes, Amelia and Neimi) combat the reinforcements in the south. Chapter 13: 4/119 If only my units were stronger... when the underage mage girl is equal first in durability, you know you have a problem. Eventually Halberd Garcia, Rapier Eirika, and Fire Lute (so badass, she doesn't need an effective weapon) kill bossman. Chapter 14: 9/128 Garcia was clutch against Carlyle. I know, I'm as surprised as you are. But he does good damage against Carlyle with a Reaver... when he hits. WHEN YOU HAVE TROUBLE HITTING WITH REAVER WTA WE HAVE A PROBLEM GARCIA. Meanwhile, Amelia clears the treasure room by herself. She is actually not so bad now. Chapter 15: 7/136 NAME LEVEL HP SM SK SP LK DF RS SUPPORTS Eirika 15.83 24 8 13 16 11 8 5 Garcia 15/4.10 43 15 10 10 7 10 6 Neimi 13/1.00 24 8 16 12 9 6 7 C Colm Colm 15/5.29 35 10 12 22 20 7 5 C Neimi Artur 14/7.16 31 17 17 16 5 8 18 C Lute Lute 17/5.94 28 18 15 17 23 10 16 C Artur Amelia 15/1.00 37 16 18 16 14 13 11 Innes 3.36 33 14 13 16 15 10 10 Tethys 4.17 20 1 2 13 13 7 5
  8. You'll want to use Oswin. He's an expert at not dying (which should be your number one priority in your first HHM run). Use everyone at first, and drop the units who aren't faring well. Most of the prepromotes make good filler, at least. You don't need to go at full speed (indeed, you shouldn't, as your exp and funds rank will be shot to hell), but don't dawdle. Every turn you burn means one turn less you can spend Arena Abusing.
  9. Maybe so, but I don't see why low move should be a dealbreaker unless you're going for LTC (in which the best promotion path for Amelia is Trainee -> Freshly squeezed bench juice).
  10. As the only flier on your team for about 10 chapters, she's the only one Karin about your turncounts. Rubbish strength and durability, but a double support with Fergus mitigates this somewhat. She's another head at least in Manster, and her contribution in visiting villages, carrying people over the wall, and sniping from the mountains in chapters 6 and 7 is unmatched. Afterwards, she becomes merely a useful outdoor unit, as ballistae start to pop up. Lategame, she's still helpful because Dean can't be everywhere. I'll throw in a bias point for getting me a Sety scroll. 8+1/10
  11. Axereavers exist, and why does everyone here have a move fetish.
  12. If you really want to play the stats game: General wins HP by 3, Str by 2, Skl by 1, Def by 4, Con by 2 Paladin wins Spd by 1, Res by 1, Mov by 3
  13. Cav -> Pal gets a 14.2% MOV increase. AK -> Gen gets a 25% MOV increase. The choice should be clear.
  14. Lara's number of possible class changes are high, in fact the highest in the game. There's nobody who can compare with her in refreshing terms. As such, she's an invaluable member of any team. 10/10 9.5/10 actually, for not being a Dancer the whole game. Some people took issue with his speed. I don't see why; 6 isn't exactly shabby, and he has all of Manster to work on it further.
  15. I would normally say Armour Knights, but right now I'm still mildly amused by the concept of a Bride class.
  16. Hm, that... makes no sense storyline-wise. Isn't he meant to be her bodyguard? The developers really dropped the ball there, considering she needs the boost much more than he does.
  17. How far you'll get in the arena mostly depends on how strong your characters are. Characters like Azel probably won't be able to clear the arena. But the arena is more of a bonus than a necessity; you only miss out on experience and money, nothing drastic. Losing in the arena is a good way to get experience for your healers. ;) There aren't any strategies that I'm aware of, apart from RNG manipulation/abuse, and if you're rich enough, buying up the best weapons/stat rings to make fights less luck-based.
  18. In the Manster chapters, he's practically required. Afterwards, he's a well-rounded unit with decent weapon ranks to work with. His durability is good for this game, and Wrath helps fortify his offense. His good start and poor, but balanced growths make him a prime candidate for scrolls (especially the generalist scrolls that don't help anyone with a major stat deficiency). 7.5
  19. Bad wording. I meant if PCC activated with the same conditions as Ambush, (which I thought it did when I first heard about it) instead of on the Pursuit hit.
  20. Didn't the Cap'n already take Amelia?
  21. Her performance in the hardest part of the game is exemplary; for that alone, she's getting a lot of credit. After Manster, though... she's kind of mediocre. Her physical parameters are subpar, and her skills don't really make up for it. If PCC activated when using Ambush, she'd suddenly be a lot better. She's an alright reserve unit, though. 6/10
  22. Incorrect. Kyle's speed is atrocious, he can't double anything. Forde makes up for his strength by wielding Silver Swords (though he doesn't need to, he doubles so much that his damage output is multiplied by two). And Forde is a level closer to promoting, so his stats are even better. The problem with Armour Knights is that they're almost always underbalanced. They come in three types; 1. No defense lead, mediocre bases: Wendy, Amelia, Meg 2. Small defense lead, crippling weaknesses make it irrelevant: Dalshin, Xavier, Bors, Douglas, Wallace, Gilliam, Tauroneo, Brom 3. Decent defense lead, but mid-tier at best due to wimpy enemies and focus on LTC: Barth, Oswin, Gatrie -- TC, if you're looking for interesting ideas, I have one that I've always wanted to try; an Armour Knight good for LTC. He'd need overwhelming defense (at least 5 more than anyone else would have at that point, and good growth so that lead grows as enemies become faster) and enemies tough enough to justify that defense.
  23. They can talk any time after you conquer Phinora if they're lovers. That means they start with 490 lover points, and lose 5 LP every turn that they're both in your army. Since they gain 5 LP for standing next to each other, it's supposed to stop them falling in love, since (There are a couple of tricks to make them fall in love, but if you're at chapter 9, you wouldn't be able to do them until the next playthrough) That's why I hate Ethlin storywise. (Gameplaywise, healer on a horse is awesome). It's difficult to recruit her, but your dancer can make it easy for Leaf to approach her. EDIT: Doubly slow!
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