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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. That is a horrible idea. Play the English ones first, the order isn't too important, except for FE7 first (Lumi's reasoning). If you're still interested, play the Japanese ones then. But be aware the first three games haven't aged well, and FE4 and FE5 can be frustrating if you don't know what you're doing (i.e. first playthrough).
  2. ^^ And prepromote is a noun (As in, don't use prepromotes like Seth because they steal your EXP). Prepromote is a problem, because like inflammable, it can be interpreted in two opposing ways. The simplest solution is for everyone to use "Tier 0-3" instead.
  3. Cut him some slack? It's not a crime to use ambiguous terminology wrong. And Amelia should be a knight; if you're going to do anything as inefficient as using Amelia, you might as well do it properly.
  4. Lyre and Kyza in 2-P? That would surely end well.
  5. You know, it defeats the purpose of a blind run if you give advice and spoilers to the participant. Don't read them, OP!
  6. In FE3 Book 2, Chainey gives the history of the dragons. He could be mistaken, but in fiction, if history is revisionist, it tends to come to light in the end, or at least be relevant in the end. This is neither, so there's no reason to assume Chainey is wrong apart from justifying a WMG. In Elibe, it was the Ending Winter. In Akaneia, we're not given any details beyond "a day of ruin", though it could be related to the Ending Winter.
  7. I believe that's only after they promote into 1st class SOLDIER. Even then, I'd rather give my Materia to someone like Anna who could make good use of it.
  8. Even if he could become a SOLDIER, it wouldn't help his case, since he can already become a Mercenary.
  9. Use Doga to choke the point Garcia is perfectly built for the job. Put him on the stairs, and one of the mages behind him to snipe the knights without being in danger. As long as you keep healing him, nobody should die. And even if he dies, you can easily continue without him, since you're past the point where he's most useful.
  10. Update 4: Setting back the cause of feminism 50 years. NICKNAME SPECIES SL LV NOTABLE SKILLS STATUS chikorita BAYLEEF 05 22 Razor Leaf Party AERITH GASTLY 04 22 Night Shade Party ZIGLUDO GEODUDE 02 19 Magnitude Party ASIMOV FLAAFFY 06 21 Thundershock Party MARISA SCYTHER 14 17 1st prize in BCC Party LUC SUDOWOOD 20 20 Rock Throw Party EGG EGG NO Taking up a slot PC ROLOUTBAIT RATTATA 06 06 Being forgotten PC ARUCARD ZUBAT 06 06 Nothing much PC PERCENTAGE RATTATA 04 14 Hyper Fang Dead GIRLPOWER NIDORINA 12 20 Double Kick Dead
  11. You don't really have much choice with Briggid. You're either forced to use her or not allowed to use her. It's too bad we can't send Ronan in her place. 4/10
  12. Sorry about that. I mistook you for one of those fools unfamiliar with the concept of YOGOWYPI
  13. Hit res. You can function well enough without a mage since high def low res units aren't particularly common or threatening, but it's a good option to have.
  14. Farina in EM? (Dunno how the hell it'd work, though) Lyn could do with some more HP; 18/4 is still pretty bad. One single promotion item seems a bit unnecessary (I guess if you want to promote Matthew early or something you can) Put Bolting and status staves everywhere, they're great fun Other than that, changes look good!
  15. He's an awesome unit outdoors. Brave Lance and a leadership star helps him stand out of the pack, his stats are good, and he's available the whole game. He's notably less impressive indoors, though. Stats, weapon ranks, and his special weapon all desert him. O: 9/10 I: 2/10 5.5/10
  16. Really? Even ignoring that the game's really easy to break open, even with the restrictions, there doesn't seem to be any "game over" condition. So the game's only chance is that all four participating ragequit.
  17. Baldrick


    Do you race the monkeys against each other, or do you race them yourself? Welcome to the community, be sure to leave your previous beliefs about FE at the door.
  18. It's basically the same thing, not trying to put words in your mouth, I just chose that wording since a unit that hits hard once is less efficient than a unit who doubles and 2HKO's everything forever. OK, I concede. But I still want to go Inigo Montoya on people who use the word in that way. Fancy Grunt was the former, and I'm the latter (though I only fanboy over Lilina the unit, not Lilina the character. Bland is an understatement.) You're a citizen concerned about semantics. Should've gone with hitherto. It's one of my favourite words :D Since I've been off-topic this whole time: 5. Oswin. Never would've survived the first playthrough without him (since I ditched Marcus the moment he gained piddling exp for a kill) 4. Mia. Mia cute Mia strong Mia sex. 3. Miledy HM. Redhead on a dragon? Comes to help me out when I'm inevitably getting my ass kicked? YES. 2. Levn. Who doesn't like Holsety, and significant character development in about three scenes? 1. Farina. I don't care that you cost, like, a hundred million gold, when everything about you is so awesome?
  19. A challenge: Find me one example, in the whole of SF, where anyone has used "potent" to refer to "high-tier on an efficiency tier list" (I assume that was your connotation; correct me if I'm wrong). Even if you can, I am 99% sure the connotation of the original poster was "Lilina has a high MAG stat" rather than "Lilina is strictly better than Pent/Saleh/Niime/Erk etc." We are having this discussion because Lilina's haters/fanboys will jump at any excuse to attack/defend her.
  20. [dictionary] po·tent (ptnt) adj. 1. Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful. [/dictionary] Now, I'm the last person to argue Lilina's speed or durability is any good*. But, credit where credit's due.
  21. Name Base Growth Ellen 1 50 Lugh 4 40 Clarine 2 30 Saul 4 40 Lilina 5 75 Ray 12 45 Cecilia 11 35 Sophia 6 55 Hugh 13 30 Niime 21 15 Yodel 19 30 Serra 2 50 Erk 5 40 Prissy 6 40 Lucius 7 60 Canas 10 45 Pent 18 30 Nino 7 50 Renault 12 40 Athos 30 0 Moulder 4 40 Artur 6 50 Lute 6 65 Natasha 2 60 L'Ara 6 50 Saleh 16 30 Ewan 3 45 Knoll 13 50 Looks pretty clear to me. :/
  22. But it's not like you need a lot of speed to double enemies in this game. Personally, I'd sit out Vanessa or Joshua. There's nowhere for her to fly, and IIRC, there are a lot of lances/magic in this chapter, so swordlock is going to hurt.
  23. Both of them are pretty mag-blessed, so you could easily make the case for using both of them. There should be room both of them for a while. As for who to promote, at this stage I'd lean towards Lugh, because mag-blessing benefits him more than her, he's higher levelled, and unpromoted Lilina is more useful than unpromoted Lugh. But keep Lilina around Roy, because she hits very hard.
  24. What was it called? Overpowered Jeigan Academy? Anyway, this looks promising.
  25. Best: Ambush/Being Olwen in FE5 Worst: Ambush/Wrath in FE5
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