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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. Another FE8 Infantry Draft #30926 finished drafting a little while ago. Blazing_Soul: Gerik, Gilliam, Moulder, Dozla, Ewan, Marisa Baldrick: Artur, Colm, Lute, Innes, Neimi, Amelia Terrador: Saleh, Natasha, Ross, Joshua, Knoll, Rennac
  2. Without him, inventory management would be an absolute nightmare. He can visit out-of-the-way villages and shops, like the Armorslayer one in chapter 2, without disrupting yout strategy. He can perform his primary purpose without being deployed, effectively giving you an extra deployment slot. He requires no training and consumes no resources, either money or exp, as he has already reached the peak of his powers. He never gets stat screwed, or misses a high-percentage chance of inflicting a fatal blow. He is invincible and immortal; he is the only unit in FE history who can die and be deployed on the next chapter. HE CAN TAKE AN EXACCUS CRIT TO THE FACE AND SHRUG IT OFF LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG. You do not need to be careful with him, like you have to be with mere mortals. He is the only unit to survive the events of FE7 without either becoming a terrible prepromote, contracting an incurable cough of death, or dying. His con is so massive he cannot be rescued; for he knows a real man does not hide behind others, but faces the enemy, and charges to glory. But I think he's a bit of a snob, so he gets a bias point off. 9/10
  3. You're confusing Assassin the class with assassin the job. You don't need the Silencer skill to be capable of murder. Anyway: Leila: The Black Fang is a guild of assassins founded about ten years ago by Brendan Reed. They're based in Bern. Their arms reached quickly in several other countries. Originally, they targeted only nobles who abused their positions. The masses saw them as chivalrous, defenders of the common man. Their activities found wide support. Then about a year ago, Brendan got married again. Black Fang's operations have slowly changed since then. Now, they'll take on any target, no matter how difficult, as long as they're paid. And they're no longer killing only criminals; anyone is a fair target. It sounds like a viligante turned mercenary group. Possibly they chose the word assassin because it's more thematically appropriate to a generic European medieval fantasy world, or vigilante brings up different connotations. I actually thought FE7's scale was done well. It was not dissimilar in size to other non-FE4 games, but while they are a lot smaller than what the story suggests, FE7's seems closer to parity. There was less large battles between two armies as opposed two guilds brawling with each other. The only two chapters against Blank Fang that were more epic was the last stands of Lloyd/Linus' squad and the morphs respectively. Only Battle Before Dawn didn't really make sense from the story's presceptive.
  4. He is so terrible his forced period counts against him. At least Wolt is good at not dying. 0.5
  5. Chapter 9 – 18/103 I cut deep into my supply of Vulneraries for this one. Ross went south, and cleared the east side. Garcia, Neimi and Eirika moved forward slowly, and Tana rushed to the Dragonshield village. Then, she flew back, picked up Eirika, and flew over the sea while Garcia and Neimi tried their best to stay alive. Luckily the pirates went for the village rather than attacking her. She dropped Eirika within range of Amelia just before she retreats, and Ross cut off the pirates and got the village. Garcia and Neimi had just finished by then, and trailed behind Eirika. Tana went to help Ross kill the boss. Amelia is now a Cavalier. She has plenty of speed but not enough strength, so she can tink enemies twice! Chapter 10 – 16/119 Last chapter before I get a healer. Ross is the only person with double-digit defense, so this takes a while. Eventually Tana breaks through to talk to Innes, and Innes recruits everyone else and gets the hell out of there before Marisa’s squad comes up. Tana and Garcia kill them off, and Marisa managed to survive long enough for Gerik to recruit her. It was a nasty surprise when reinforcements showed up, probably the first time I’ve seen them ever; THIS IS HOW SLOWLY I’M GOING (But it’s probably also due to the fact I almost always go Ephraim’s route). Ross finally promoted, and Amelia and Neimi finished the boss. NAME LEVEL HP ST SK SP LK DF RS LG Eirika 15.35 22 9 16 19 13 7 2 14 Ross 20/1.49 43 21 10 12 21 14 11 28 Garcia 15.99 37 15 13 9 10 7 3 11 Neimi 16.00 23 10 13 15 14 5 4 15 Tana 12.29 25 10 15 17 14 7 9 8 Amelia 11.61 29 9 14 15 14 8 6 19 Tethys 2.02 1
  6. I'll make my case for Aira. We first see her working as a mercenary for Verdane, a country both at war with the player's army (like Aless and Rutgar), and comprised of earlygame bandit exp fodder (like Navarre and Shiva). As with Rutgar, her employer notes that she's not very pleasant, but a renowned swordmaster. (Incidentally, she is the first ever unit to have the Myrmidon -> Swordmaster class typically used by Navarres; FE1 and FE3 Navarre was a Mercenary -> Hero). She's seeking revenge against Grandbell rather than redemption, but she does have a clear purpose in protecting her nephew, Prince Shanan, until he's old enough to fend for himself. In her recruitment conversation, she says she'll trust Sigurd because he trusts her, showing she is an honourable warrior.
  7. Why not? He's biased towards archers, but that doesn't mean he can't spot a stinker. Wolt is aboslutely lousy, I don't get how he gets such high scores. Is this H5 or something, where you're taking such devastating amounts of damage that you need to weaken enemies from a safe distance first? At least Wil has the potential to outshine Louise if you put effort into him. A trained Wolt at 20/1 is WORSE than base Klein and Igrene. 0.5 because he can be of some use in chapter 7.
  8. Even if we assume you're promoting Forde at level 10, Kyle still promotes, and still receives the speed bonus.
  9. Team analysis: Usual free dudes: Hello again Garcia: Don't suck this time please Artur: I wish all priests were as cool as you. Colm: Get me swag, and I might make you an Assassin for lulz later on. Lute: Honestly, you're kind of redundant with Artur there, but magic men are always welcome. Innes: Looks like I'm going Eirika route again, but it's less of an asshole, so it's cool. Neimi: Innes is already here, I guess you can support Colm and chip at things. Amelia: You're not too bad as a cav OH WAIT I MUST PROMOTE YOU TO KNIGHT gah
  10. I'm stuck between two different units... But, I'll choose Neimi since I've had her in my two previous drafts. I've got to go, but my preference for my last pick is, in order: Rennac Amelia Marisa Knoll I fully expect the top pick to go, at least.
  11. I'd like to justify 4/10 for both of them, but I don't think I could make it work. I'll bump them down to 7/10 using my bias point instead.
  12. I'd point out that this is unfair on the str/def cav, but skill is actually important in this game, so... These guys are pretty solid for the whole game. They have two weapons, are above-average at combat, and can move far. They're best used as a team. But, they're pretty bland character wise, and don't really do anything spectacular, so they have trouble standing out enough to get a shot at a legendary weapon. 8/10 sounds about right. So: 4 for Alan 4 for Lance
  13. Obviously, Treck/Gonzales explores the impersonal brutality of war and the futility of maintaining one's humanity in way. Each level depicts two different soldiers, the previous two having died uncerimoniously after their conversation. Both have trouble remembering each other's name; this is indicative of how it is impossible to form friendships and view your comrades as fellow human beings in a warzone. In the end, the A-Treck characters forgets his own name, symbolising in you survive long enough, you will be changed by the experience, to the extent that you are a different person and no longer know who you are. On-topic: I think the link between Navarre and Lena is tenuous at best. If you want a woman who redeems or provides a humanising aspect to the Navarre, try Feena. Aira (FE4) and Marisa (FE8) would also be Navarres. I consider Pahn (FE5) kinda sorta a Navarre, but it's a stretch, since he doesn't have the personality for it. Joshua would be a Levin archetype, if anything. Also, in general I wouldn't worry too much about whether characters fit all the characteristics of an archetype, just most of them or the important ones. If every game had characters with the exact same personality, FE wouldn't be a very interesting series for characterisation.
  14. Lute. The other choices are, quite simply, no match for her.
  15. I'm not making the same mistake twice. Colm.
  16. Exactly. And only one could be mistaken for a man. Derp, you're right. EDIT: I also forgot about generic enemies. I'll say they're not manly enough to join the winning team. And it's your pick Terrador.
  17. I'll take the manliest monk in the series, Artur.
  18. Massacres Armies Rapidly. Cause? Unrivaled Stats! Midgame: Average. Reduced Clout; Ultimately, Supplanted. 8/10
  19. Too much FE8 is not enough. I'm in.
  20. Lord of mediocrity for 21 chapters plus gaiden. He gets 3/10 for having three good points; making horses his bitch with Rapier, Sword of Seals, and fast, plentiful supports.
  21. Chapter 5x: 8/55 Orson got a level. I forgot about the Chest Keys, which will cause me some strife in chapter 8. Actual chapter 6: 8/63 Ross and Garcia stood in front and took most of the punishment. Eirika and Neimi scooted forward to take out the boss when the coast was clear. Chapter 7: 8/71 Eirika and Ross walked over water the cleared the top half of the map. Garcia and Neimi cleared the bottom half of the map. Chapter 8: 14/85 Ephraim went on an epic solo up the western side, taking on the cav reinforcements along the way. The rest went north, and then to the throne room. Extra attention was given to Neimi. While Ross beat up the general, the others broke the wall and got the Elysian Whip, because I don’t want to have to rely on Cormag not being an asshole or using up the Master Seal. NAME LEVEL HP ST SK SP LK DF RS LG Eirika 13.62 21 8 15 17 11 6 2 12 Ross 16.66 35 20 8 11 18 11 6 24 Garcia 14.16 36 14 12 9 10 7 3 10 Neimi 13.18 23 10 10 13 11 5 4 12
  22. @Cam: Orson is free Knoll. Thanks for leaving me with all tier 1 units (even if I have two of the three worst t1 units in the game)
  23. How I am supposed to choose only one? I guess I have no choice. Farina
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