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Posts posted by BlackSoulou

  1. I played for a few hours with the EA trying to fix that black screen problem. Arch's video and written tutorial didn't give me a solution, neither did Krad's earlier suggestion #1658250 . Here's what I have:


    //Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube

    //Modified by Nintenlord


    #include EAstdlib.event


    org 0xD80000


    POIN Turn_events

    POIN Character_events

    POIN Location_events

    POIN Misc_events

    POIN BallistaData BallistaData

    POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad

    POIN Good Good Good Good

    POIN Opening_event Ending_event


    UNIT Empty


    UNIT 0x63 Myrmidon 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [6,2] [6,3] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

    UNIT 0x64 Mercenary 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [6,2] [5,4] [ironSword] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

    UNIT Empty


    TURN 0x00 Opening_event [01,00] 0x0 0x00// problem is probably around here




    //also loads NPCs












    LOU1 Good




    //MNCH 0x??

    //STAL 1





    MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

    //The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

  2. Strangely enough, when I tried to insert the map this morning I got the best result so far, without changing the procedure at all, with only the palette being really ugly. I still had only one try. But after the last try, IT WORKED!!


    What I did right:

    -correct offset

    -correct map pointers

    -correct (after realization) tileset

    -correct insertion

    What I did wrong:

    -Mess with this:


    The problem was right there. I'd uncheck the first 3 and clicked ok, thus messing up the original tileset.

    Many thanks for your help guys.

  3. Okay here's what I'm doing:

    I've inserted my map with the MAR Array Inserter, using map size+1 to x and y. Offset used is DA0000, as arch recommended for his tutorial.

    After that, I open my rom with the 2 required modules in Nightmare : FE7 Chapter Data Editor and FE7 Event References.

    In Event References, I grab 0x03 - 0x04 Prologue map and set the pointer as such:


    Save and continue. I load my rom with VBA to see how things are going, nothing's changed. But when I change the object set or tile config...I get only one try (which ends up horribly bad) after what the image won't change, no matter what setup I'll use. It seemed much simpler at first, or is it and I missed the obvious?

  4. Welcome aboard! I am pretty sure you'll find the community around here *very* helpful. It has its lots of eccentrics too biggrin.gif.

    *looks at join date* Or perhaps you were already there and just came back from the dead?

    Anyways, stick around and have fun!



  5. I think I just realized the *true* meaning behind what you said Feaw. By:

    My custom tilesets aren't meant for romhacking.

    Did you mean any tileset of the collection even those in the folders labelled ''FE6/FE7/FE8 Tilesets'', not only those in the custom tilesets folder? I'm talking about all those assembled tilesets that are so convenient to play with, and if they're actually usable, instead of using those long 8-digits stretches. Because using the FE7 tilesets result in the same problem as before.

  6. Yeah uh, you can't use custom tiles. Just custom palettes.

    Well, technically you CAN sue custom tiles, but so far almost no one is able to do those.

    My custom tilesets aren't meant for romhacking.

    Ah...Well I guess that clear things up. I'll reskin my map with a FE7 palette and be more careful in the future. I'll give you an update on that tonight, if possible.

    Thanks a bunch.

  7. After trying various setups in nightmare, I figured it would be a good thing to check if I'm missing something obvious (or not so).

    Following Arch's steps to map insertion to boot, I try to change the palette to match, and end up with this result, no matter which palette or tileset I use in the Chapter Data editor module:


    Any ideas?

    I use the same offset Arch suggested in his video, but I think the problem I'm facing is concerning the tilset I used for the map, which was Village 1Mountains from Feaw's custom tileset collection, if that can help.

    Thank you for your time.

  8. I find both of them pretty cool but MarioKirby got my vote for the perspective and multi-level siege hell. tongue.gif But...from a tactical point of view, if even one attacker spots the backdoor entrance, you're done for MK (that is, assuming Ostian NPC knights are guarding the fort). I might get into one of those competitions sooner or later, sounds much interesting...and tough, with all the bigshots around here. *Not intimidated the least!*

  9. So I am turning to the community for a simple question, well...2 actually. First one is: Can you set preferences in Mappy? I find it much annoying to expand and play with my open window so I can see all the tiles to the right and the map to the left (please leave out the obvious -->maximize window. I don't want that) And 2, which could have answered number 1: The content, that sounds much like a help file to me, is apparently broken, or missing. Is that supposed to be so? Not that its a big deal. Problem solving is the way to go! biggrin.gif




    Thank you,


  10. Hello there, sir Prime! I got into mapmaking about 2 days ago and all I can say is that I'm always keeping the things you wrote in mind while working. Thank you very much!

    Also, I've stumbled upon a post made originally by Astelaine here: http://serenesforest...dpost&p=1495221

    A very interesting read if I may say so. It summarizes the more advanced but less technical aspects of a map which I realize are just as important. Maybe it can help other people too.

    Take care!

  11. And yet another one: Black Fang's throne room.

    Comments: I think I've got the hang of Mappy now. Really like this one. I expanded from the lower right corner which was originally used in the meeting of the Four Fangs in canon FE7.

    Note that this isn't an actual battle map. It's used in the opening scene (prologue)

    EDIT: Third map coming your way! This is my attempt at a castle/indoor map. It's a fort on the Lycia-Bern border, with an unknown purpose so far.



  12. Alright, here goes the near-final version. No more 3+versions per map. The next ones will be close to this stage of completion before I post them. I do realize it could get tiresome in the long run.


    Comments: I can't seem to get the wall height right, due to a lack of blending tiles. It would be a shame to remove the stairs, they add personality to the map. Any ideas? Other than that, mountains are tricky to do...laugh.gif. I believe shading's okay for the most part. Yes, my main worry's still the wall.

    Your input is much appreciated,


  13. you're gonna need to account for the stairs that split the map into two levels and make the walls around those stairs two tall so the wall can still be above the ground of the village.

    Hate to be blunt, but I'd make ever aspect of the map look as nice as you can by yourself before asking for help, people are gonna get tired of CnCing.

    You are right. The next update will be the final one. I'll try to take everything said into account and deliver a satisfying product.

    I'm not much of a mapper, but those two forest tiles near the path look odd. I can't say why, though.

    Because they don't blend in sadly, I'm playing with this at the moment.

  14. You are using the wrong grass tiles on the lower part of the map. They are used to line a wall. You need to use the grass tiles with out the shadow line on the top part.Also, remove the extra wall parts you have by the lake side. The mountain is riddled with errors as well.

    Thanks for pointing out the shading on grass tiles. As for the wall, I can't seem to find the right tiles to make a 2-tile high wall. If I can't find said tiles, I'm going to remove stairs altogether. I am also pretty aware of the current state of the mountain.

  15. Here's version 2:


    Putting aside the weird looking mountains and wall, I'm not quite sure about the cliff arrangement and I'll probably change the grass under the left house.

    EDIT: I also added 1 to the map height, to have some space to work that 2-tile wall

  16. damn, I was hoping you were trying some new stile of mapping that was more rectangular to troll people and pass it off as "it's a style choice".

    I'd end up self-trolling eventually with that "style" you're talking about. dry.gif

    You could, but that would be really weird to have a in a prologue.

    You don't need a prologue, anyway, really; typically these are supposed to have some tutorial value, and hacks are generally not played by people who need a tutorial.

    By getting the forest tiles closer to the paths that an efficient player would want to actually take, and putting them in places that help vs. important non-moving enemies. The best examples I can think of are Chapters 2 (except imagine you didn't have the big U-bend to deal with) and 7 (except ignore the right half of the map) in FE6.

    But you don't need to do that; forest tiles serve an important role as decoration as well.

    -Prologue: It would feel empty without a prologue, like it was rushed to chapter 1. Opening and closing scenes are also part of the prologue, and they fit perfectly for the prologue.

    -Forest tiles: I'm working on that, as well as struggling with the subtleties of mountains and roads, which I plan to be a bit more refined than they currently are.

    There's nothing saying that a Prologue/first chapter can't have a decidedly different objective, though. Just because it hasn't appeared in any other FE title or hack (well, it's possible that it might have and I'm just not aware of it) doesn't mean that it's forbidden. Plus, as you say, this is for a hack, so players should already be accustomed to the various types of objectives found in Fire Emblem. With that in mind, a Defend chapter doesn't seem too outrageous as the first chapter in a project (despite the fact that it has been said that it will be Rout anyway).

    (And, to be nitpicky, the word "prologue" does not necessarily imply a "tutorial"; it just means that it is an introduction of some sorts. Hypothetically, this chapter could be a scene set years/months/etc. before the actual main events of the project and it serves as an introduction by giving the details that precipitated those events.)


    As for the actual map...

    Since there's a height change with the stairs, the lower wall segment will need to be taller to compensate. Aside from that, the only thing that jumps out at me at the moment is the stairs outside of the Inn. I'm assuming that they're there as a cellar entrance or something, but they do kind of jump out a tad, being near outside tiles. Depending on its purpose, you might consider building a very small "room" or something around it (using some of the castle tiles). Also, though it's still a WIP, I would think that a village wouldn't be completely barren in places when it comes to landscaping, so maybe add a Forest tile in a couple of places in the lower-left quarter of the map?

    EDIT - Since this appears as though it will mainly be sprite-related, I'll move this into the subforum. If you plan on posting art (character designs, etc.) or some type of written work (plot outlines, script drafts, and so on), please let a staff member know, and we can move it back up to Creative for you.

    Prologue: That's how I see it personally. And maybe I'll have this map for chapter one and another for the prologue. The question is what will this prologue map be about. I already have up to chapter 4 planned, but everything is subject to change I guess.

    Wall: I can't seem to find the fitting wall segment to make it look natural...sad.gif

    Cellar Room: Added! It does feel more complete than before, thank you.


    Expect an updated version today. There will still be some adjustments to be done, mainly the wall height, the mountains and cliffs, and probably roads too.

    Thank you all for your input, it's much appreciated! biggrin.gif

  17. I kinda like the concept. It doesn't really look like a prologue map to me, though (although it could be an early chapter for sure). I mean, an extra path off to the side (where it looks like reinforcements might come in)? Red (item-offering, conventionally) houses?

    It's also kind of unfortunate that the terrain placement, while it looks natural enough, will probably have little to no tactical value.

    You could say the prologue is a defense chapter, and the ally units start just outside the inn, with the boss past the stairs. The objective is still to defeat the enemy though. I'm not really going for tactical value with this one but I'd like to hear more nonetheless. How could I add *some* tactical value to it?

    EDIT: By defense I mean that enemies are more coming after you than the opposite. There's nothing to defend really. Hope that clear things up.

  18. Hello SF and welcome to my gallery! It is currently overloaded with empty space, and I will try really hard to fill in the holes with quality content, hopefully. I'll mainly post custom maps, at different stages of completion, all for the sake of godsend feedback. And when I get over my fear of spriting, there'll be some portraits too. This is also a showcase for my hack, meaning contributions made by other people may find their place here, provided that they allowed me to in the first place.


    Fire Emblem: Unsung Heroes Chapter maps

    Updated! My first map, probably going to serve in the prologue chapter:

    Completion: 100%


    Event Maps

    Black Fang HQ

    Completion: 95% -->I didn't have comebacks on that one yet. But it's mostly complete.



    Lycia-Bern Border Fort

    Completion: 95% --> No feedback yet. I might revise some things.


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