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Posts posted by The_Purple_Knight

  1. Now you insult my intelligence . I've have never had my comprehension insulted in my entire life until for some reason I signed up for this stupid board filled with pretentious dicks .I'm not even exaggerating the only times in my entire life once recently in an fe4 debate where I admit I was wrong and this topic. Oh and elison maybe you don't remember but I read pretty far back in the forum. you have been told on a few occasions that your spelling sucked . Auto corrects a bitch it can really morph what yourre trying to say .Obviously you've gotten better but im still not use to the cramp keyboard . And you're one to talk about spelling errors and reading skills R1you still dont seem to understand the main idea of my first post , and I counted a few spelling/ grammar errors in you're own post . You hypocrite. Also generally my opinion is shared by most casuals look through the gamefaqs and that will become pretty clear .

  2. That was only part of my post the rest of my post went completely ignored . I know see how these arguments go 1. a casual fag like me argues for the sake of unit who takes alot of time or is a growth unit .2. Some smart ass replies with the comment nice straw man asshole ironically a strawman argument in itself 3. Casual fag responds 4. Tourney fag responds completely missing the point 5. Another casual fag points this out 6. Multiple tourney fags come to other tourney fags deffense 7.casual minority argues back and forth with tourney fag's and tourney fag supporters. logical fallacies are hurled by both sides 8. Everyone gives up and another battle of the great sernes forest ltc vs casual war of 2012 scars the forum .Oh and R-1 I'm typing on cellphone I'm sorry my post are filled with spelling errors . However, I don't see how that's relevant .

  3. First of all est is not fucking will , will growths suck and his an archer . Est sby deffention kickass when trained up I assume that they're really est . Tiki and est are great after they're trained up I suggest from the casual perspective that Is really the only reccuriment for a unit to be conceded good . Im not gonna say Bantu is good Bantu just sucks .you yourself just used a logical fallacy . You missed the complete point of my post focused on one detail oje argunent and morphed my idea to ridiculous portions to make it sound more idiotic .

  4. Hmm it seems this community can't understand what a casual describes as a good unit :(.. you guys just don't seem to understand we really don't care how much effort it takes as long as the unit turns out good at the end. I wasted 60,000 gold, 4 seraph robes and a growth potion training up est and tiki in hardmode in fe12 and i don't regret at all. I dont care if they didn't really contirbute to the team until about chapter 20 it was fun to train them up . You guys obviuosly ether can't comprehend or don't accept the casual playstyle and that's fine.It's just all of you are kinda kinda beating a dead horse youll have as much sucess convincing a "casual" like myself to stop screwing around with est as a casual has trying to conivnce one of you efficency junkies to stop wrecking house with seth or titania . Its not gonna happen .why can't we all agree to disagree because i'm sick of seeing the same disscusion happen in practically any topic thats longer then two pages.

  5. Can anyone with anris blood use the falchion or is it locked to whoever inherits the major blood like genealogy of the holy war ?The mark on krona arm and the fact that he not the the queen is welding falchion might suggest this . If so then I might imagine he/she might be alms decedent who inherited his ability to use the Valencia falchion . But im probably wrong they seemed to imply in shadow dragon anyone who was defended for Anir could use it .

  6. A unit gaining only a few stats per level is normal. It may not look like progress is being made but it is. If you're worried a unit is underperfoming, go check their "Average Stats" on the SF pages. Chances are they're actually right where they're supposed to be. A lot of people see eight stats and "random growths" and think gaining 1-3 stats at a level-up is bad. Actually, that's usually a pretty normal level.

    That use to screw me up alot I was so pissed with how little my characters would gain turns out almost all if them were actually blessed not screwed .

    Also the est think really is a game by game basis niƱo is a bitch in any mode, Miranda in fe5 also sucks outside of elite mode. Est , Sara and zeiss are quite easy to train up . I think alot of the est hate comes from hardmode players which is quite understandable . I can admit I love est with passion but I didn't have the cash or the resources to train her in manic mode of fe12 so difficulty is a huge factor in whether or not an est is worth it . On easy mode go nuts it doesn't really matter.

  7. When ever I see the number 120 I think of titlyu in fe4 just because the love growth base she has with most characters is 120. I also imagine most historical battles in terms of fire emblem style maps . For example I always think of the battle of long island in the revolutionary war is having an escape objective and being a fog of war map . I also imagine the idiotic commander who let Washington get away is a typically fire emblem boss . You know ugly and of the general class.

  8. I'm pretty sure Big bang metor understood exactly what he was saying . He just offered a counter argument .he clearly got dondons point and simply disagreed . I think its extremely rude and pretentious to insult someone's comprehension skills . Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're an idiot who can't understand the point you're trying to make .

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